Read the text of the speech here.

President Barack Obama’s speech from the Oval Office Tuesday night was a strange muddle—a televised prime-time address that lacked a bottom line, a consistent theme, a clear road to the future.

He announced the end of combat operations in Iraq, right on schedule. But he equivocated on what comes next in that much-improved but still war-torn land.

On the one hand: “There should be no doubt the Iraqi people will have a strong partner in the United States; our combat mission is ending, but our commitment to Iraq’s future is not.” On the other hand: “Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility. Now, it is time to turn the page.”
On the one hand: “No challenge is more essential to our security than our fight against al-Qaida.” On the other hand: “Our most urgent task is to restore our economy and put the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs back to work. … [This] must be our central mission as a people and my central responsibility as president.”

At least there was no “Mission Accomplished” equivalent. Here’s what one ex-Bush defense official thought about it.

What did you think of Obama’s Iraq speech?

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  1. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    I agree: meaningless doublespeak and blather. Not the change I wanted, but even in failure, head and shoulders better than any Repuke in the field then or today.


  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    Combat ended in the Korean peninsula over 50 years ago, but we still have an entire army over there to this day. Considering we still have 10s of thousands of troops in Iraq as “advisors,” can we expect Iraq to be our Middle Eastern Korea?

  3. Improbus says:

    There was a speech? Meh. I will catch the important parts of it on the Daily Show tonight.

  4. jman says:

    who? what?

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Despite being immeasurably more competent than his predecessor, he has not defined any overall goals for the country. Whereas Bush wanted to make the country into his well-defined christian image, and thank god he failed, Obama’s got nuthin. He needs to start playing hardball politics asap.

  6. Hmeyers2 says:

    Nothing changed. We are still in Iraq. Mission accomplished and all that.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    This is a good time to be reminded how we got into Iraq in the first place.

  8. Dallas says:

    I was at filming grand opening party and missed it but I’m sure it was either OK or Perfect.

    All I need to know is Bush’s trillion dollar revenge war is over and Pres Obama is focused on the other Cheney administration hairballs left over.

  9. Improbus says:

    Obama, while a smart guy, has no vision. He also needs to fire most of his staff and start over with people that aren’t shills for corporations and the elites. That won’t happen of course and as a result he will probably be a one term president like Herbert Hoover.

  10. MikeN says:

    Obama promised to be bipartisan, even transcend partisanship, and transform politics. By not crediting his Republican predecessor’s role in implementing the surge, he has shown himself to be a liar.

  11. Counterweight says:

    There didn’t really seem to be any point to the ramble he presented. His intonation varies between two extremes: just reading, folks and freshman lecture series. Does anyone believe the combat is over? I just wish he’d find himself some Monica stand-in and go into hiding until the elections are over. I’m sure Michell doesn’t give him any access. She’s far too busy being queen. You know, at this point, I’m beginning to believe BHO doesn’t even care if he’s a one termer. I don’t think he likes being president. He’s not used to working so much.

  12. Counterweight says:

    I’m sorry. Please strike “too much” from my last sentence.

  13. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #14–Pedro==what distinction are you making between MY calling the situation “Sad” and your review of my post as the evalation being “pitiful.”

    What IS pitiful and sad is your one trick donkey doing nothing but rebuking individual posters.

    When was the last time you actually posted “on topic?” I think I did notice one a few weeks ago, actually not bad and I almost posted a compliment==but thats the very problem with ad hominem ad naseum.

    When you got nothing, why post?

  14. Nobody Special says:

    @Sea Lawyer
    Combat operations ended in Ireland in about 1690 – we still have troops being killed there.
    Enjoy the next 4centuries.

  15. chuck says:

    Not bad. He only referred to himself 9 times. That’s an improvement.

    He said “As I have said, there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it.”

    Until this speech, I don’t think Obama has ever said that, so the “As I have said” isn’t applicable.

    So the remaining 50,000 troops, still in Iraq, if they aren’t combat troops – does that mean they don’t have any bullets?

    Side note: there are currently have more troops stationed in Germany than in Iraq.

    Also: the troops pulled out of Iraq are now in Kuwait (and Saudi) – so are the bases in Kuwait and Saudi now permanent? If so, won’t this “provoke” Al-Qaida ?

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    MikeN….the press created all the “transcend partisanship” crap, not Obama.

  17. Dallas says:

    #14 Pedrito, unlike you I replied to the post with a factual or conclusive response.
    – Given his excellence in delivering a speech, I surmised it is was quite good.
    – The other point goes without saying – we are out of the war and that’s all I need to know.

    I need to invite you to one of my liberal elitist meetings or perhaps when I host a gay agenda review. You clearly need guidance on respect for leadership.

  18. madtruckman says:

    well, i guess ill tell my nephew who is in baghdad that he doesnt need his guns and ammo and armor protected humvee anymore when crusing the town, since obama said so…

  19. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Pedro==either you are spinning away from having to admit you’ve got nothing -or- you don’t appreciate some of the subtleties of the English language.

    To resolve: at #20 you are claiming it is a “pitiful situation” to mark some distinction from my own post saying it is a “sad” situation?

    Thats very different from your statement at #14 calling my solace in Obama being not as bad as the republicans as being pitiful. I take no solace which is why I called it SAD.

    Too subtle for you or completely understood and simply not taking responsibility for it or==any of 5 other explanations, less likely, that I can think of.

    Does your Donkey have more than one trick? If so, you might start pulling a few of those tricks out before you, like Obama, become a total fail.

    Sad, and yes, pitiful too.

  20. Steve S says:

    I thought the pull-out method was unreliable.

  21. MikeN says:

    >It’s the kind of partisanship where you’re not even allowed to say that a Republican had an idea, even if it’s one you never agreed with.

    That’s the kind of politics that is bad for our party, it is bad for our country, and this is our chance to end it once and for all.

    Barack Obama in South Carolina, and that was still primary season.

  22. jerry says:

    Anyone for some snake oil?

  23. chris says:

    At least he didn’t wave a big sign saying “WE WON”.

    This is a very shortsighted political move. When things start to heat up there Obama will be blamed for messing up W’s shining success. Hoping to soften a bad performance in the coming election while setting up an easy counter-narrative that the right will exploit for years to come.

    Think about Iraq from a Shia perspective. A new area to build power structures in, with a friendly local population and weak central authority. Iran isn’t so cohesive, but they just won a very big poker chip.

    Great job, W!

  24. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #24–Mike==I hesitate to ask but what are you babbling about? Are you quoting some other poster or just repeating yourself or what?

    I guess, just for fun you can call “No New Taxes” an “idea” if you want to be completely disingenuous.

    For grins: what “ideas” do you think the Pukes have had in the last 2 years that are worthy of the mention?

    PS–“Everything is on the table” is NOT an idea. “Our Details Budget Proposal” without a single number in it is NOT an idea.


  25. Greg Allen says:

    I didn’t see the speech.

    But here’s my question: why doesn’t Obama have a 97% approval rating for this issue alone?

    So far, this war has cost every American man, woman and child $10,000 each. (

    Do any American really want it to go on longer?

  26. Maricopa says:

    # 17 chuck -Side note: there are currently have more troops stationed in Germany than in Iraq.-

    Chuck, any idea how many of them get hazardous duty pay? Or have to carry a sidearm when they go to the latrine? Or need 500 pound Kevlar blankets in their cars? Or … well, you get the idea. It’s called Apples and Oranges.

  27. jbenson2 says:

    He is truly a magnificent speaker. I invited my neighbors to drop by to watch the presentation with my family. We sat in the living room mesmerized at his skills to speak in a passionate, thoughtful, and convincing manner.

    There was only one thing more that could have improved his speech. The oval office is rather bland. I would have preferred to have a beam of morning light show through the stained-glass windows of the oval office and illuminate the president’s face. Beside him could be several of the clergy and a choir who could see the light and marvel afterwards about the presence of the Divine.

    Then it would have been just perfect.

  28. Greg Allen says:


    OK, we get it. Conservatives like their speakers to talk like redneck goofballs. Makes you want to have a beer with them.

  29. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #32: Makes you want to have a beer with them.

    Made me want to find a time machine and disable Nader a little better.

  30. Greg Allen says:

    >> MikeN said, on September 1st, 2010 at 7:00 am
    >> Obama promised to be bipartisan, even transcend partisanship, and transform politics. By not crediting his Republican predecessor’s role in implementing the surge, he has shown himself to be a liar.

    Obama has extended his hand to the Republicans MORE than he has served his own base.

    You can’t say that about Bush.

    Obama complimented and credited Bush in his speech last night.

    Can you give me some examples of Bush complimenting and crediting Clinton for anything?

    Lastly, the surge didn’t get us out of Iraq. Pulling troops OUT, not putting more IN is what got us out of there.

    You conservatives have this weird reversa-math. You think cutting taxes increases revenues. You think doubling-down with the troops is getting out. It’s a bizarre detachment from reality.


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