An 18-year-old Claire City man arrested and accused of having weapons and the makings for explosives wrote that he wanted to “cause as much chaos, death and destruction as possible and become the world’s most infamous sociopath for the rest of mankind,” according to court documents.

Joseph Thomas Hansen would have been a senior at Sisseton High School in northeastern South Dakota. […] Hansen allegedly told co-workers at a day care in Sisseton that he had enough fireworks to blow up Sisseton, and the first day of school would be a short one, according to the court affidavit. The comments were relayed to Casey Metz, the school resource officer. He said in the affidavit that officers have observed Hansen’s behaviors through the past two years. Last year, a computer teacher notified Metz that Hansen was caught looking up articles on the school computers regarding the Columbine massacre before the anniversary date.
Also included in Hansen’s writings were notes regarding which law enforcement agencies would respond to a shooter and descriptions of the body armor, weapons and equipment of officers. Hansen noted the areas not covered in body armor.

Other writings talked about killing family members and included a list of people he wished to torture and kill, including 30 females he would kidnap, torture and rape. He wrote he would like to use a bowie knife and “gut them like a pig.”

“When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you’re insane? Maybe you’re just sitting around, reading “Guns and Ammo”, masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, “Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!”? Yeah. Do you guys do that?”
— David Mills (played by Brad Pitt) in the movie, Se7en

  1. The_Tick says:

    If only he’d have had a bucket of puppies to relieve the stress…..haha Too soon?

  2. chuck says:

    “Hansen allegedly told co-workers at a day care in Sisseton that he had enough fireworks to blow up Sisseton”

    – Well there’s the problem: he broke the first rule of being a sociopath — don’t talk to people about stuff. Or, if you do, remember to kill them asap.

  3. dcphill says:

    sounds like typical teenager delusions of grandure.Gotta nip it in the butt now before it grows into a reality.

  4. ctlaurin says:

    At least he has goals.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: “…nip it in the butt…”

    I think you mean ‘nip it in the bud’ because your phrase has a whole different connotation.

  6. Dave says:

    No, where he going he will be nippin’ it in the butt.

  7. EnoughSaid says:

    He’s well set up for a public speaking career when he’s released on a suspended sentence.

  8. Rich says:

    This is Open Mike Night, eh? I’m loving it!

  9. Zybch says:

    Hmmm. He seems like a nice well adjusted young chappie to me. You know, the kind you’d happily leave in charge of your young kids and stuff like that.

  10. interglacial says:

    Being followed by the police pre-crime unit for 2 years is bound to turn anyone mad. If he was really guilty of anything, surely it wouldn’t have taken this much police time to build a case.
    This is the kind of effort I would hope to go into finding a drugs king-pin or solving a multi-million dollar fraud. Guess it’s easier to pick a few weirdos and just follow them around until they crack.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    “become the world’s most infamous sociopath for the rest of mankind,”

    So when will he be entering a political office?


  12. And to think my biggest goals were to get a dog or perhaps a car
    Perhaps the dog was smarter overall than this guy – certainly more moral

  13. bobbo, the event horizon before psychosis is says:

    I ask for all DU readers and posters to answer the question posed: “When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you’re insane?” //// Well Faxon??

    Heh, heh. In a society that offers jail instead of earlier intervention, counseling, monitoring, this kind of thing is going to happen more and more often as civilization squeezes out the wild spaces for the crazies to run free. Think “Utah.”

    I see on Nightline tonight “Death at Discovery” where an eco nut ((with a gun)) tries to take out the entire Discovery Channel for being too anti-environment. Ha, ha. Yes, only people kill with guns. Followed by correcting an aneurism, then Carmen Diaz’s daughter gets Super Head Lice. Its all about technology vaunting forward while Darwin plays with us.


  14. clancys_daddy says:

    I am not nuts I am unique, just like every body else. “18 Yr Old’s Career Goals: ‘World’s Most Infamous Sociopath’”Quick off of the top of your head name 5 sociopaths (politicians,lawyers and DU posters excluded). No you cannot use the web that defeats the purpose.

  15. jerry says:

    people are getting sicker all the time.

  16. msbpodcast says:

    Well he’d set his goals unattainably high.

    Thank [insert name of deity] that this was caught in time by our eternally vigilant police, (those same people who shoot the ass off of puma [aim for the heart stupid!])

    The thought criminals are now on notice! You’re better off living in a wooden shack in the wilderness like Ted Kazinski and staying there.

    If they’re going to go around having these violent thoughts, they’re going to discover the fact that nobody’s interested in their “Columbine” fantasies of playing “Doom at the mall.”

  17. bobbo, the event horizon before psychosis is says:

    #16–podcast==Doesn’t Casey Metz, the school resource officer deserve 99% of the credit here? Maybe 90%, with 9% to the day care person who reported off premises concerns, and 1% to the police who “knew nothing” and just did their jobs as specifically requested?

    Metz is the “hero” who was able to remember a student and his issues from one year to the next.

    Not that cops aren’t capable of supreme sleuthing themselves.

  18. Jetfire says:

    “Last year, a computer teacher notified Metz that Hansen was caught looking up articles on the school computers regarding the Columbine massacre before the anniversary date”

    So don’t look up 9-11 around September 11, or Pearl Harbor around December 7.

  19. jbenson2 says:

    #3 Bobbo asks
    “When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you’re insane?”

    Bobbo morphs into some tripe about early counseling,
    and then jumps to some rant about wild spaces for the crazies,
    followed by a segway into people don’t kill people, guns kill people,
    and with neck-breaking speed, snaps the discussion to technology causing head lice

    amd a final commentary about his wonderful sardonic wit.

    Whoa! Sounds like someone with a few loose screws.

    Perhaps Bobbo should direct his initial question back to his own psychoanalyst for the answer.

  20. bobbo, the event horizon before psychosis is says:

    JB==I ALWAYS ask myself the same questions I pose here. If I can make sense of the question, and answer it myself, then I go ahead and post. If I can’t, then I post under your name. Ha, Ha. Its a little joke I play.

    but seriously folk: thank you for following my point. With such demonstrated skills, I don’t “really get” how you are so emblematically conservative. Is the liberal impulse, the drive to be rational, actually in you and you reject it because of some childhood trauma–whats going on JB?

    You are a puzzle.

    The answer of course is that if you can ask the question then you are not so schizoid as to not even be able to ask the question. Tautology. All things fall on a continuum.

    I’d say the telling note is how often/if one ever apologizes, or if one has a few humorous exchanges with someone else.

    I don’t recall you ever apologizing for anything you have posted JB. Did I miss that telling post? Humor you have already demonstrated unless its a total lack of humor which by its very nature, makes your humor in the same vein as the “irony” used by our DU editors.

    JB—so close.

  21. Dallas says:

    I’m not terribly concerned about this one in a million lunatic that usually gets caught anyway.

    What I am concerned about is the thousands of the mentally “unhinged” conservatives and teabaggers that are waiting to get pushed over the edge by Beck and Palin.

  22. bobbo, the event horizon before psychosis is says:

    Dallas==that is the heart and soul of this issue isn’t it.

    Yes, who knew when Raygun closed all the psychiatric hospitals he was actually forming a political party?

    Silly Hoomans.

  23. Counterweight says:

    Whatthe hell is a school resource officer and why would they have reported it to him?

  24. Party is Irrelevant says:

    Bobbo, Dallas:

    I find myself once again amazed at both the dichotomy of insight and occasional narrow-mindedness in some of your comments-

    You essentially blame this young man’s psychosis on Beck and Palin?(or at least link it to them) I think you give them far too much credit. How about shitty parenting? How about a public school system that fails in so many ways to encourage, empower, provide (positive)discipline and God Forbid *educate* our kids?

    Bobbo, you are absolutely right about who the heroes are here-unfortunately it seems to be the exception rather than the rule in our schools.

    So many DUers are flaming the teabaggers (they are easy targets to be sure)
    Funny, they haven’t been burning cars, or looting, or smearing re-fried beans on public buildings. Look at the last 20 years and I think you will find those sorts acts have been committed by completely different demographics…

    When peaceful assembly is looked on with suspicion-when wanting the government to stay out of our homes, sacred places and retirement accounts is seen as “mentally unhinged” and when reading “Guns and Ammo” is likened to porn I would say you define reality with a paradigm so far from mine I wonder if we even could be the same species.

    At least Bobbo’s jokes are funny…sometimes 🙂

  25. Dallas says:

    #24 “…You essentially blame this young man’s psychosis on Beck and Palin?..”

    Nope. How you came to this conclusion is very concerning. How did you do on the verbal portion on the SAT’s? The opposite. This guy is a lunatic and there is little explanation as to how he got that way.

    OTOH, the important point (which you missed), is there are thousands of unhinged out there (left and right) that simply need a little “encouragement” from public figures to justify irrational acts. THAT is is the point. Teabagger leaders calling on the death of the president comes to mind. No?

    “..many DUers are flaming the teabaggers..”

    Yes. Add me to that list. See above last sentence.

    “At least Bobbo’s jokes are funny…s..

    Maybe my awesome jokes are over your head?

  26. Dallas says:

    #22 Yes. that is the real issue and threat in front of us.

    The simple minded sheeple will merely look at this news and say “Oh my, how awful! Where was his mommy? Did he get raped or molested? We need to hire more cops to catch these monsters!”

  27. Party is Irrelevant says:

    Dallas: my bad-I thought you were implying that this nutter was pushed over the edge by some rhetoric by a talking head. 700ish but that was in 1989. And yes, that one was funny. Modestly.

    btw-I’m pretty sure if any individual was caught on tape threatening the life of the POTUS, it would be on every major news service, regardless of their political bent. And that individual would wake up later that day with a knee in their back and a 9mm stuffed in their ear. Teabaggers, ignorant or not, have been decidedly non-violent. So many folks hate them if there was any evidence of large scale violence or violent rhetoric, it would be on tape and a matter of public record. If they were “hate rally’s” as the left would love to have us all believe, that too would be on tape. *Everywhere*

  28. bobbo, the event horizon before psychosis is says:

    #27–Party (you really should get it started)== you should look into yourself to find out why you give the TeaParty so much leeway. “Usually” we see too much of ourselves in the reviewed group to stand apart objectively. I’ll reread what Dallas and You are differing on but in my view the TeaParty “IS” dangerous not because they START WITH a few good ideas like “We are Taxed Enough Already” (debatable!), and move thru “Allow Healthplans to compete cross State Lines” (again debatable) but wind up with: “Bargain for your surgery by offering chickens” (NOT DEBATABLE–AND A TRULY CRACKPOT NOTION THAT HAS TOO MUCH CREDIBILITY/APPEAL IN OUR POLITICS.

    I could go on with many more examples, of course, as I am sure you could as well, if you would apply your critical faculties.

    That said, I have to wonder if you think half my humor falls to an issue I am totally serious about and you think I’m joking??? Ha. Ha. Could be??? Most of my intentional humor isn’t available to people who can’t see their own failings and thats a small group, and too much of that gets wrapped up in my own caustic aggressiveness.

    What?? Times up. Get off the couch–Oprah is on.

    Fer Instance: I am totally serious that too much of our “crime problem” is lack of social services and wouldn’t society be much better off with happier better adjusted people and fewer whacked out criminals? (The subject of this thread.) — and —- I’m totally serious that JB (the house of dyslexic sexual pleasures) is resisting his better nature.

    In your defense, I don’t think Dallas’ humor is above your head, I think it is below your belts. A place most of us choose not to go?


  29. deowll says:

    #21 Based on behavior they seem to be vastly saner and much nicer than than you or your buddies are. When they left the mall it was clean. Nobody got arrested. A very diverse group got together and prayed for the nation and its leaders then they quietly went home to work for a better future. One in which people are judged based on their character and work ethic, not their race or gender.

    A world in which everyone has a chance to be all they can be and grab the brass ring of success rather than being changed to a life on the doll waiting in line for the politicians to give out handouts.

  30. Dallas says:

    #27 Party .. Agreed. I try to make my comments fact based and/or provide for a rational opinion from the left of center.

    Warning! Comments are regularly focused on posts that highlight right wingnutt hypocrisy and delivered often “below the belt”!

    Are you new? We have quite the motley crew here.


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