An 18-year-old Claire City man arrested and accused of having weapons and the makings for explosives wrote that he wanted to “cause as much chaos, death and destruction as possible and become the world’s most infamous sociopath for the rest of mankind,” according to court documents.

Joseph Thomas Hansen would have been a senior at Sisseton High School in northeastern South Dakota. […] Hansen allegedly told co-workers at a day care in Sisseton that he had enough fireworks to blow up Sisseton, and the first day of school would be a short one, according to the court affidavit. The comments were relayed to Casey Metz, the school resource officer. He said in the affidavit that officers have observed Hansen’s behaviors through the past two years. Last year, a computer teacher notified Metz that Hansen was caught looking up articles on the school computers regarding the Columbine massacre before the anniversary date.
Also included in Hansen’s writings were notes regarding which law enforcement agencies would respond to a shooter and descriptions of the body armor, weapons and equipment of officers. Hansen noted the areas not covered in body armor.

Other writings talked about killing family members and included a list of people he wished to torture and kill, including 30 females he would kidnap, torture and rape. He wrote he would like to use a bowie knife and “gut them like a pig.”

“When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you’re insane? Maybe you’re just sitting around, reading “Guns and Ammo”, masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, “Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!”? Yeah. Do you guys do that?”
— David Mills (played by Brad Pitt) in the movie, Se7en

  1. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 28 bobbo, “Bargain for your surgery by offering chickens”

    I do not accept chickens. Or MasterCard. I do have an appraiser on call so feel free to bring jewelry or old gold.

  2. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #31–Animby, sitting there with two cans and a string==whats “old Gold?” You witch doctors do have your ways. I’d think you could get what you would be worth by scavenging (gold) from the teeth of your suboptimal results?

    #27–Party all night, sleep all day==I DO make all my comments fact based from the philosophical center of all that is good and just. That puts me far left on social issues and far right on fiscal issues. It results in postings that find both political parties fundamentally flawed and worthless. If those posting here formed a crew, the boat would have sunk a long time ago.

  3. Animby & Sons ; Surgical Clinic and Funeral Home says:

    #32 Bobbo : “Suboptimal”???

  4. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Suboptimal–What? You haven’t been to advanced charting? How to write pages and pages and not say anything? What have you spent your continuing education on? That remark was probably over the line but it fit so well. I’m just a cheap shot artist unfamiliar with the truth.

  5. Animby & Sons ; Surgical Clinic and Funeral Home says:

    I guess I was just too subtle.
    With the expanded name I posted under, I meant there could be NO suboptimal results. Just different income lines on the corporate balance sheet.

    Apparently, I am capable of suboptimal humor.

  6. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Animby, Two Cans and No String==well, I did take it as “Cradle to Grave” services but never thought you would charge for your suboptimal results, so yes I did miss that aspect of the revenue stream. It does make sense what with not charging for every aspect of care being seen as an admission of negligence. Do you charge separately for glucose as a meal like the Veterans Hospitals?

  7. Animby says:

    Bobbo – only for diabetics.


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