On Monday afternoon, this video was posted to a thread on /b/—the unruly, lawless “Random” board on the popular imageboard site 4chan—along with a characteristically sweet message: “Find this dumb little bitch and throw her into a river.”

The LiveLeak video page to which the /b/ thread linked listed what little information the video’s poster could glean from the short clip:

We can determine from the picture so few things.

One, based on assumption, she probably has a facebook account, no matter what country they’re in.

Two, she is 5ft 6in-5ft 8in, blond, eye color unknown, Caucasian

She has something written upside-down on her red sweater, barely legible, might be of assistance if it’s the product of a local store.

Let’s work together on exposing this sicko! Use the comments.

4channers quickly got to work. If there’s one thing /b/ is really good at (besides calling each other “fags”), it’s finding people—something we all learned the other week, when the board rapidly found a woman who dumped a cat in a garbage bin, and harassed her into confessing and apologizing.

They didn’t disappoint: The 4chan miscreants quickly identified the owner of the YouTube account that had uploaded the video, his hometown, and, possibly, his Facebook account. And not just that: /b/tards picked out two Facebook profiles they thought were most likely the girl in the video, as well as profiles of friends and the camera man.

  1. kb3myham says:

    If ever there was a need to use the “C” word it is NOW..Karma, your work is set out for you!!

  2. soundwash says:

    /Clue #138.
    Subsection: Distractions, -in a series.

    The daily metaphor..

    People like this are a dime dozen.

    How about we change the visuals?

    The puppies are now humans. The girl is now your government.

    1..2..3: Wake Up. See, nothing has changed. Maybe you should do something about that.


  3. Benjamin says:

    #29 said “Anyone that would do that is a sociopath. And while doing it with puppies today will probably end up doing pretty much the same with humans as they get older.”

    Or they could get a job performing late term abortions at Planned Parenthood. Just as defenseless.

  4. GF says:

    Still not as brutal as 23,000 Mexicans killed and 10% of Mexico’s police force being fired for corruption in Mexico’s 3 year old Narco Civil War. Now that’s what’s shocking to me. Last week the Zetas killed 72 migrants in Tamaulipas. That’s true evil.

  5. jescott418 says:

    Makes me sick to watch it. What is wrong with some of these kids today?
    Even people in general? Its like the Devil is in control of them already.
    If they treat puppies like this I think we all know they are capable of worse acts with humans too.

  6. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    #29–Gig==you say: “Anyone that would do that is a sociopath.” /// And you and your fellow knee jerks are simply WRONG. or maybe not. Fact is we don’t know this girl and the times and place and who with she grew up.

    Bosnia/War/Genocide/Diaspora/Shattered Economy/Street Crime/Organized Crime/Fascist (for real) running the Government.

    Kiddies==this isn’t the USA on Elm Street on a Sunny day.

    If you care for the innocent puppies, I don’t see how you can logically flip and not care for the innocent girl. So, in fact, you “all” don’t care about the puppy other than the situation gives you a chance to connect with your grandiose unthinking animus towards anyone who is vulnerable.

    The mob speaks.

    Silly Hoomans.

  7. deowll says:

    That is somebody’s drinking water.

    Yeah, I know that wasn’t humane. What happens to unwanted animals and sometimes people is not normally humane.

    The people who filmed and posted this have a death wish. They remind me of the phrase, “Stuck on stupid.”

    More likely they are just young and not all that sharp.

  8. 4channer says:

    We resent being called “miscreants.” There is strength in numbers out there and a force to be reckoned with.

  9. The_Tick says:

    Seems like the obvious solution would have been to give the mother of the pups an abortion nyuk nyuk. Seriously though, when I see this kind of outrage aimed at the killing of innocent civilians then I will take you seriously, until then your just a bunch of meme jumping nancies.

  10. Esquilo says:

    Back in the olden days, people used to drown litters of kittens and puppies on rivers or buckets like there was no tommorrow.

    Life is cyclical.

  11. clancys_daddy says:

    Ahh soundwash, how I have missed you, your medication wore off.

  12. scadragon says:

    “I can remember when I was a child and my father took me to the river to throw in a bag of puppies. I just cried my little eyes out…. I couldn’t get mine to SKIP.”

    —-Emo Phillips

  13. Bytowner says:

    When the time comes for her to face the real world, it’ll be HER time to sink or swim. Hopefully, she’ll sink, too.

  14. Mike says:

    #17 Lassie

    You’ve got a point. But I didn’t mean to say that they weren’t enjoying what they were doing, I was just saying that they might not know any better and may see things like this happening often where they are from and therefore didn’t think it would be upsetting to other people and cultures around the world, and maybe even thought everyone else would enjoy it as well.

  15. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #44 Mike My thought was it might (I say again might) be someone’s idea of performance art, maybe commenting on the throwaway society we all have built.

    Or maybe they just got a new camera and didn’t know what else to film.

  16. Skeptic says:

    God could have saved those puppies.

  17. Sea Lawyer says:

    It’s so shocking when other people don’t share my own values. Think I’ll just call them names to feel more highly about myself.

  18. DaveO says:

    Thats the problem with earth , not enough dogs.
    And Bobbo posting so much.

  19. oplama says:

    i BLAME Obama.
    With all of the economic chaos in the US it is bound to kill a few puppies over seas.

  20. Dee says:

    I don’t have any idea what abortions have to do with this video. Oh, and btw…leave that decision to the women and not politicians and lawmakers…
    I hear excuses here for the girl doing this. Maybe she doesn’t know any better? Maybe it’s in Bosnia? Maybe she has a bad childhood? Come on folks…they have a freaking camera and have the ability to post it online…they are sooo far behind the times??? Yeah, right. Look at the clothes she wears. That is what they wear in the boonies in Bosnia? Have any of you ever been to Bosnia? The people do not live in huts and have an outhouse there. They are not behind the moon. And they damn sure know better than filming something like this and putting it on the web. Wake up. That girl needs her ass beat so bad…and the one who filmed it, too.

  21. Karma Korn says:

    “Nobody slides my friend, It’s the truth upon which you can depend. If You’re living a lie, it will eat you alive. Nobody slides my friend”

  22. scadragon says:

    re: #49
    Yeah, well I blame BUSH. We shouldnt have done anything to agitate the global terrorists.

  23. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten.

  24. yikes says:

    My theory. You can be stupid and people will understand or let it slide.

    But evil AND stupid?

    “Let’s do something despicable and video tape it!”


    That being said outside the good old USofA stray
    dogs aren’t always seen in the same light.

    In the US annually one or 2 people die of rabies.

    Other countries = 55,000 deaths. And 97% of those are from dog bites.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    4chan never gets the wrong person….those fat unemployed kids in mom’s basement do their reasearch well.

  26. soundwash says:

    #41 clancys_daddy said,

    Ahh soundwash, how I have missed you, your medication wore off.

    /me takes a bow



  27. ZZman says:

    In the good ol’ days puppies were put in sack with a rock and thrown in a river for a while. What the girl is doing seems more fun for the puppy, kind of like blind folded bungee jump where you actually hit the ground and die. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…. smack. 🙂

    How many million unwanted dogs and cats are euthanized in USA every year, 30 million??

  28. Newsense////say nothing says:

    Maybe the pups deserved it haha! Let the woman feel what it’s like. Like another comment I read, what happens when you get the wrong woman?? It’s not like it was your dog. Haha. Psycho Kids live.


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