On Monday afternoon, this video was posted to a thread on /b/—the unruly, lawless “Random” board on the popular imageboard site 4chan—along with a characteristically sweet message: “Find this dumb little bitch and throw her into a river.”

The LiveLeak video page to which the /b/ thread linked listed what little information the video’s poster could glean from the short clip:

We can determine from the picture so few things.

One, based on assumption, she probably has a facebook account, no matter what country they’re in.

Two, she is 5ft 6in-5ft 8in, blond, eye color unknown, Caucasian

She has something written upside-down on her red sweater, barely legible, might be of assistance if it’s the product of a local store.

Let’s work together on exposing this sicko! Use the comments.

4channers quickly got to work. If there’s one thing /b/ is really good at (besides calling each other “fags”), it’s finding people—something we all learned the other week, when the board rapidly found a woman who dumped a cat in a garbage bin, and harassed her into confessing and apologizing.

They didn’t disappoint: The 4chan miscreants quickly identified the owner of the YouTube account that had uploaded the video, his hometown, and, possibly, his Facebook account. And not just that: /b/tards picked out two Facebook profiles they thought were most likely the girl in the video, as well as profiles of friends and the camera man.

  1. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    I can imagine social conditions so harsh that this could be a “neutral” act. Better to let them loose and starve to death?

  2. chuck says:

    “What a waste” – comment from Thai restaurant owner.

  3. Rider says:

    It’s going to be great when 4Chan identifies the wrong person getting someone innocent harassed or even killed. It’s bound to happen sooner or later.

  4. Grey says:

    Ideally, this harrasment will be noticed by the authorities in their country, and they will investigate the claims (assuming that animal cruelty laws exist there).

  5. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    Only a few years back in Bosnia, both sides were using real human people for target practice. At the link: animal protection laws just passed with no word on funding while in other cities stray dogs are killed with “fire weapons.”

    Sounds Ominous.


  6. eaglescout1998 says:

    There are times I *REALLY* hate people. Let’s just say that if I ever found the individual(s) that did this, I would introduce them to my two friends: Smith and Wesson.

  7. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:


    Stupid Human.

  8. Mac Guy says:

    #7 – S&W also makes handcuffs…

    There exists a bond between humans and canines that transcends those with all other animals. This girl and her “friends” violated this bond, this tenet, this axiom of mutual responsibility.

    They deserve every bit of whatever punishment they receive.

  9. Awake says:

    Some ‘humans’ do not deserve to walk the earth. Enough said.

  10. HomerSimpian says:

    If you think this is cruel (and it is), you should see the result of when people take forceps and knives to rip apart limbs of preborn babies. Then stick a scalpel at the base of their neck and then inject them with concentrated saline solution to burn them. That is SICK. We should have more videos of that posted online. Open up some eyes to what is truly out there. Puppy death == bad, baby death == okay…truly a mad mad world.

  11. Brisbane Oswald says:

    I couldn’t watch past the first shot of the bucket full of squirming puppies. Sick. F*cks.

  12. Lassie says:

    #1. So you think this little “princess” and her You Tube obsessed boyfriend did this because of “harsh conditions”?

    Talk about a stupid human.

  13. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching As to War… etc with high minded ignorant sympathies. Would you even investigate what else is going on or does the cruel death of multiple puppies always justify the death the the human doing same?

    Anything worse than aborting a late term fetus?===Yes, bringing that same fetus into the world unwanted.

    Enough with the vapid morality. Leave other people and puppies alone.

  14. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    Lassie–who knows? More likely in Bosnia during the ethnic cleansing of that civil war than anything we in america have experienced.

    Not a guarantee, just more likely. Did you see the concentration camps set up there and the destroyed economies and uprooted people thereafter?

    Or do you think life is just a dog biscuit?

  15. Mike says:

    I certainly absolutely do not condone animal cruelty (I save worms when I’m digging in the garden) but you have to take into account where this is happening. Things like this may simply not be a big deal where they are and you can’t just jump on a high horse and condemn people for simply not knowing any different or better.

    If it’s Bosnia, a link on this page said something about Bosnia just passing animal cruelty laws in 2007. Now that is pretty late compared to here in America, so the whole “treating animals” fairly is fairly new there.

    Yes I completely agree, there are far worse and horrible things going on in this world that people haven’t a clue of and would be in complete shock to find out are taking place and who’s doing them.

  16. MPL1 says:

    she sounds Russian… and that explains a lot

  17. Lassie says:

    #15. “Things like this may simply not be a big deal where they are and you can’t just jump on a high horse and condemn people for simply not knowing any different or better.”

    So what would be the purpose of filming it and putting it on the internet.

    Sometimes I think you people just love to argue. Especially bobblehead.

  18. jbenson2 says:

    bobbo, the troll who writes comments no sane person believes,

    is back in action after a few days rest at his local sanitarium.

  19. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    JB–bbbuuu, bbuuu, buu, sputter, snort, gulp. So THATS the meaning of the universe? Baby Puppies!

    And it was right in front of me all this time. Yes, that special bond that is unique in the animal kingdom.

    Lets all join hands and get warm and fuzzy.

    ===========Absent a mental condition, people pretty much act in the way they have been brought up. But you are probably right JB, no sane person would believe other people in other countries would have different experiences than themselves. Lets just assume “our” values control everything and judge everyone else we meet.

    Silly Hoomans.

  20. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    #17–Lassie==you ask: “why was this filmed and put on the internet?” //// And what is your answer? Footnotes???

    Yes, we do come here to argue. Its a charitable impulse more often wasted than appreciated.


  21. Greg Allen says:

    Animal cruelty in children is an indicator of future anti-social, serious criminal behavior.


    I didn’t watch the video but I assume this kid needs psychological help.

  22. UncDon says:

    Has anyone sent the video to PETA yet?

  23. Benjamin says:

    I was going to write about people I know who regularly throw their dog in the water and he swims back eager to be thrown in again, but this is clearly not what is happening in the video.

    The puppies in the video look too young to have their eyes open, let alone swim. She also threw them out too far to be able to grab them if they start to drown. Not a good idea.

  24. Drew says:

    Have you pets spayed or neutered!!!

  25. Hmeyers2 says:

    #21 for the win

  26. Spudboy says:

    #2 Cracked me up!

  27. spsffan says:

    Disgusting. Even if you have the necessity of killing a batch of newborn puppies, there are far more humane means of accomplishing it. Heck, just filling the bucket with water would be better than flinging them into the river one at a time. Not to mention the outrage of capturing it on video!

    This sicko tart just might grow up to be the next Janet Reno.

  28. DLee says:

    #24: Somebody should have that youngster spayed or neutered. I’d hate to see a crying newborn in her care.

  29. GigG says:


    Anyone that would do that is a sociopath. And while doing it with puppies today will probably end up doing pretty much the same with humans as they get older.

    Do a little research. Pretty much all of the serial killers started with something just like that.

  30. Dallas says:

    Thanks for warning and not for me to see. I can’t see how people here, presumably educated, still find the nerve to joke about animal cruelty. Baffling.


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