Uhhh… Well, this is different.

A Bulgarian man is going so gaga for Lady Gaga that he wants to become her.

Penio Daskalov, 24, plans to have a full sex change operation and is enlisting cosmetic surgeons to turn him into a double of Lady Gaga, which he thinks will help him launch a career in music, RadarOnline.com has learned.

“I really admire the way she has created herself, so when I’ve had my operations I won’t be quite a man or quite a woman,” Daskalov said.

“I’ve already contacted her management and told them what I am doing and how I’d like to record a duet with her,” he concluded.

I’m not sure why Lady Gaga wants to look like Lady Gaga, much less this guy.

  1. rabidmonkey says:

    meh! to each his/her own I always say. I don’t like Lady Gaga’s music or her looks myself. Hope this person sings better then he/she can walk through doors though HE HE!

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Sex change? Not necessary to look like Lady Gaga…

  3. Special Ed says:

    I knew Pedro had issues!

  4. Cursor_ says:

    Seeing how Lady Gaga’s look is straight from drag queens is this really a surprise?


  5. Maricopa says:

    Will Penio change his name to Vagio?

  6. Benjamin says:

    Basically he is mutilating his body. Unless they can turn all his Y chromosomes into X’s and reverse the effects of the Y’s, then he will be neither a man, nor a woman. Advice for this guy: Just be yourself and don’t try to be somebody else.

  7. Aude says:

    Yes A house hold name in the making!

    E! can host it on Dr.90210. Dr.Alter in the area can do the work, then it will be talked about on talk soup after and during its entire reality series.

    I mean come on the door was classic.

  8. rabidmonkey says:

    BTW, uncle Dave, I feel that the post’s (as of lately) on your blog contain too much diversionary aggrandizements that have much-ado about nothing in-particular. I am seeing too much sensationalism, and quite frankly it is an all-too simplistic, and reactionary quasi-astuteness on your behalf. It is making it more difficult to recommend your blog to my fellow peers. I wish that you might keep the topics more in-tune with what matters in the grand scheme-of-things, “as it were.” I wish that more of your posts might follow along the lines of your excellent podcast “Noagenda'” of which I am a monthly contributor (my bias therefore may become readily apparent when one regards such a revelation).

  9. rabidmonkey says:

    correction: I need to correct the third sentence that I had posted in the latter post from your’s truly. Here it is in it’s corrected form:
    “Such behaviour tends to make it more difficult for me to recommend your blog to my fellow peers.”
    I regret any confusion caused by the seemingly non-committal and ignorant nature of any proper grammer rules when I was posting my previous comment. I am sentimental to any resulting confusion of the reader/readers who tried to invoke any sort of rational understanding as to the meaning of my original post, and thus had failed miserably due to my own insolence. I humbly beg of thee to accept my humbly felt submission in which I feel is a more linguistically apropos sentiment. I hold in a most confident regard that your humanitarian acknowledgement in this matter shall clear any “legal” entanglements that may have arisen from such a (admittedly inexcusable) paltry “faux pas,” . . . AS IT WERE! (-:

  10. Mortier says:

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