Like Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky offered to give Al Gore a Hummer. But unlike Clinton, Gore said, “No thanks. I’d rather drive a Prius!”

  1. Al Gore Ate My Hamster says:

    That head in the jar needs to be fatter.

  2. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    I would have bought a carbon credit.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    Today’s first BJ joke!

  4. Greg Allen says:

    By the way, the Portland Police have dropped the investigation against Gore for lack of evidence or even credible charges.

    Of course, this won’t matter to conservatives who will just keep making rape jokes about Gore.

    Just like they keep repeating their lie about Gore claiming he invented the Internet.

  5. deowll says:

    #4 I have no idea if Monica offered to take care of Gore and the post didn’t change that.

    I have no idea if Gore asked a masseur to take care of him. I wasn’t there. I will even add I don’t actually care. I already knew he wasn’t a saint.

    Gore claiming that he was the father of the internet is on video so get over it. It most likely cost him an election along with the widespread perception that he was a lier.

    He actually did cosponsor a bill that helped create the internet as we know it. He has always been a fan of high tech.

    Claiming to be the father of the internet is the kind of over the top hyperbole many politicians think they can get away with like Hilary claiming she came under fire on a trip to the middle east some years back. Turned out there was no gun fire and the event was recorded: oops!

    Bottom line have your facts straight if you are going to run for office or post on line. Otherwise you will get called out.

  6. chuck says:

    Is there an article to go with this posting? Or is Perkel just being provocative?

  7. skunkman62 says:


  8. Emilia says:

    Offer? What in the world are you talking about?! Bill Clinton did her–when she was about his own daughter’s age! (Sick!)

  9. bobbo, to the left of Obama and Algore too says:

    Emilia==ha, ha. FINALLY–a rabid feminist. Too bad we will only get one vacuous post to make fun of.

    What????? You think Monica went to Washington with her kneepads and was taken advantage of??? Yes, all women are one way, and all men are another way.

    Its a simple world for simple people.

    Stupid Human.

  10. James46 says:

    One of the great unsolved mysteries of the Monica / Clinton scandal is “does she spit or swallow”? Mr Gore could have solved that……………..

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >> # 5 deowll said, on August 30th, 2010 at 2:07 pm
    >> Gore claiming that he was the father of the internet is on video so get over it. It most likely cost him an election along with the widespread perception that he was a lier.

    Bush and Rove lied about Gore being a liar. Gore never said he invented the Internet.

    That was their first of many lies by the Bush administration — lies which conservatives gleefully repeated.

    BTW, this is the first I’ve every heard about a video of Gore supposedly claiming he was the “father of the Internet”.

    That’s a new twist!

    When I Googled, “”father of the Internet” video Gore” I came up with nothin’

    You got a link or are you just repeating lies?

  12. bobbo, to the left of Obama and Algore too says:

    Do-ill’s brain looks more like Swiss Cheese than a fine Swiss Watch. Only thinks in terms of extremes such as “government takes all of business’s money.” There is no possible way Do-ill and his ilk can read that Algore had a role in the formation of the internet and not truly think “he created the internet.” Its like thinking BushtheRetard is a good businessman because he got an MBA from Harvard.

    Its a simple world for simple people.

    Stupid Human.

  13. Floyd says:

    “He actually did cosponsor a bill that helped create the internet as we know it. He has always been a fan of high tech.”

    The Internet already existed when Gore cosponsored that bill, but it was only available to professors and graduate students at first, and only at some universities. The first feature of the Internet I could use at UNM was Email, with Usenet (sort of like chat and organized by discussion topics) being available thereafter.

    The World Wide Web was implemented later, but made the Internet useful, fun, and very popular.

  14. David says:


    Let me google that for you.

    It is about 50 seconds in on that video. What he said was that he “took the initiative in creating the internet”.

    I found it in my first try – you need to work on your google skills… 🙂

  15. Greg Allen says:


    Are you aware of a video where Gore says he is the “father of the Internet” — as Deowll claims?

    It would be pretty ironic if Deowll was lying when he claimed that Gore is a liar.

    I also like his “I have no idea if Gore asked a masseur to take care of him. I wasn’t there.”

    I have no idea if Deowll is the leader of a terrorist illegal immigrant Mormon porn ring — I wasn’t there!

  16. Mr Windows says:

    #10: Monica obviously spits – otherwise she wouldn’t have had to get her dress cleaned…

    All: the video where Al Gore says on tape that he ‘took the initiative’ in creating the internet…

  17. User7 says:

    In 1999 Al Gore told Wolf Blitzer that he took an initiative to create the internet.

  18. raster says:


    I wasn’t there either, but I hear that Deowll’s terrorist illegal immigrant Mormon porn ring is the best of its kind (if it exists).

  19. jccalhoun says:

    It would be nice if there were some sort of article to go with this. I guess it is better than Perkel’s usual posts about how someone wronged him even though he’s usually the one who is actually wrong.

  20. GF says:

    Stop hyperventilating using a brown paper bag Marc, it makes you think you’re funny. Use a plastic bag with duct tape next time. OK, not really, I’m thinking you might do it. Don’t do it. Really.

  21. Maricopa says:

    Perkel – Did one of your squirrels whisper this in your ear? An admittedly brief search of the news does not reveal any such stories.

  22. Faxon says:

    And so we all can see how the leftists can’t take a joke at all…..

    Instead of getting it and laughing, they all jump to defend the Climate King.

    I hope you realize how stupid you all are.

  23. Counterweight says:

    Can you please reference the quote where Gore said he’d rather drive a penis?

  24. Marc Perkel says:

    It’s humor people. You’re supposed to laugh.

  25. Lou Minatti says:

    Today’s internet meme: Girl throws puppies into the river. I’ve never seen a meme spread so quickly. Get on it pronto, Dvorak!

  26. dexton7 says:

    Well I thought it was funny. =]

    (I saw that episode.. Futurama.. good stuff.)

  27. dexton7 says:

    I meant to reply to #24 Marc Perkel…

    not the # 25 Lou Minatti thing… What’s that all about?

  28. Lou Minatti says:

    “not the # 25 Lou Minatti thing… What’s that all about?”

    Google “Girl throws puppies into the river”. It is what it is.

  29. Bill Clinton says:

    Monica Lewinsky is all grown up now. It seems just like yesterday she was crawling around the floor of the oval office.

  30. jman says:

    for the last time Gore did not invent the internet!

    but he did make up global warming


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