While many may scoff at the thought of preparing for the end of the world, there are thousands of people worldwide who are doing just that. They’re stockpiling canned food, planting gardens, installing solar panels, buying up ammunition and building survival bunkers.
You may think these people are crazy, but if the apocalypse happened tomorrow, where would you go? Check out our list of the top places in the U.S. to wait out the apocalypse and maybe we’ll see you in 2013.
My Favorite: Your crazy neighbor’s house
With thousands of people preparing for the apocalypse worldwide, the odds are good that you live near one of them. You probably saw him digging a well in the backyard, you might have noticed that he spends a lot of time in that shed, maybe you caught a glimpse of his arsenal when you borrowed a cup of sugar. Perhaps he’s even invited you to an American Preppers meeting or tried to persuade you to invest in gold or buy survival seeds.
It doesn’t matter how you identify the suburban survivalist — what’s important is that you befriend him. Strike up a conversation about affordable semiautomatic weapons, offer to help him build that 15-foot electric fence, make biodesiel together. This man isn’t crazy — he’s just prepared. Bond with him, learn his ways, and maybe on Dec. 21, 2012, you’ll have a safe place to go when the sky starts falling.
Crazy? Maybe, but your government officials have their reservations… and we all know how crazy they are.
Hey. How did you get that picture of me?
I notice he is sitting in front of Amateur Radio transceivers and an antenna tuner. Guess that makes me even more nutty, cuz I hold an Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator license, and my son has a Technician license.
Not to mention the fact that Cabela’s is getting part of my paycheck every month.
Is it too poncyfied of me to posit that living in a post apoctalyptical world, who really wants to live? No TV, Computers, Films, Fine Dining, World Travel etc.
I have my survival plan in place. I have about a years worth of durable food supplies stored away with several water stills. My plan would be to stay put, photograph the decline, read a book during daylight and when the food runs out, then make a final decision. As much as I like rice and beans with some wine, I do hope it never comes to that, but if it does, I’m hiding/surviving in plain sight.
There will be plenty of free range humans to eat. Yummy hoomans!
The first question to answer is whether you would want to live in the world as the human population collapses.
If so, I suggest stocking up on canned goods and weaponry. If not, find your way out now. A reasonable supply of insulin, painkillers, or sleeping pills should do the trick.
#3. bobbo the survivalist…who’d a thunk it? You’ll need some guns to fend off Improbus, however.
I worked with a guy who had a lady neighbor who asked him in years previous:
“What are you going to do after the year 2K to survive? Do you have supplies?”.
He calmly answered, “No, I am going to shoot you.”.
He said she didn’t associate with him anymore after that…
i scoff at the thought of preparing for the end of the world
dooms day prognosticating has been with us sense the dawn of man some people just love to imagine such a predicament usually its those who don’t think the world is treating them right and would be better off if the establishment that they can’t fit in to would just go away
or its folks who are trying to sell something to the for mentioned group
if you are really worried about this turn off Fox news and go out for a walk in the sun
but its good to be prepared for earthquakes hurricanes blizzards ect. society might have a hard time every now on such days a crib full of fire wood and box of salor boy pilot bread would be more handy then an ak47 unless you really want to shoot your neighbors for there carckers
Mormons are required to have 1 year of food stored in their homes.
All you need is an LDS address book and an M16.
#9 thanks for the tip! That would be step one since I’ve got nothing in my fridge other than trail mix, water, milk and some condiments.
McCullough–survivalist? Thanks for the compliment. No–just a slow decliner. All comes from Daddy. He always required a stock of dry goods on hand in case of minor disruptions so as to avoid congestion at the local market. As stated: rice and beans. Cheap. Long shelf life. If he was a Mormon, it hid it well.
Even if one “could” would fighting for your daily life be much of a life? Seems to me, that works only when you know nothing else.
Poncyfied to the max==but always grounded in reality.
Lone survivalists will be the first ones taken out. I don’t care how many guns you own, it only takes a few people to outflank you and you can’t be awake 24/7. Share your stash, because it’s organized groups that will succeed in the aftermath.
Dallas said, “#9 thanks for the tip! That would be step one since I’ve got nothing in my fridge other than trail mix, water, milk and some condiments.”
Mormons are probably well armed too.
#13 Otter said, “Lone survivalists will be the first ones taken out. I don’t care how many guns you own, it only takes a few people to outflank you and you can’t be awake 24/7. Share your stash, because it’s organized groups that will succeed in the aftermath.”
Not if their stash and themselves keep hidden.
Mormons are required to have 1 year of food stored in their homes.
Good to know, hey everybody over to Glenn Beck’s house for a year long party
we can play PreColombian American History Trivia
Animby… thanks for the laugh. 🙂
If people think this is the Apocalypse foretold in Revelations, do they really think God is going to somehow miss them?
I could tell you where I would go, but I would have to kill you so that you won’t be able to follow me. 😛
An utter waste of time.
Our lives will end long long before the whole of humanity.
People have been spouting this end of the world nonsense since there has been civilisation. Again it is symptomatic of the human ego. “We built this big ol world and wese gonna tear it all down!”
Puff yourself up vain little monkey. You have hardly the power anymore to put down the beer and the remote to tear your measly little world apart.
#20 As a consequence of having large brains, humans love to indulge in the own fantasies! Some make money at it!
Don’t sell all of the monkeys short. Some of them have access to really powerful thermonuclear explosives.
as long as you can sell survival gear to survivalists, there will never be an end of the world..
The Mayan Calender runs in cycles. In other words after their apocalypse things start over. The problem is making it through, um, tribulation.
Having enough resources stashed to make it through a year or so without a pay check or the ability to buy isn’t nuts.
My idea of survival rifle is a .22 rim fire rifle. Treat your neighbors well and if you can grow a garden if such is needed. Try to do something to make sure you can get safe water and enough heat to get by. If you have enough land a small orchard isn’t a bad thing to have.
I don’t know about you but I don’t value gold or silver all that much but food, ammo, and fuel to trade might buy you a lot if you don’t get killed and robbed.
Have you ever noticed that people who plan for succeeding in the coming apocalypse aren’t succeeding in this world at all?????
Silly Hoomans.
I have lots of LDS peeps living near me in my area. They know how to grow their own food, raise livestock, etc. They make good neighbors and clients. I could care less about their beliefs, they haven’t tried to push them on me.
Better to have them nearby than a bunch of suburbanites in Escalades who will be scratching their heads at the empty shelves wondering “how could this have happened”? They prepare…it’s called insurance.
bobbo- Screw the apocalypse, I’m planning for natural and man made disasters….like depression, World War, nutball governments, etc.
That’s much more likely.
I want to be with the trapped miners.
“Mr. President, we must not allow a mine-shaft gap!”
Preparing, to the extreme level, can approach insane. Try and find your reasonable bad case.
I could easily see a 2 week outage of utilities anywhere. My house had 2 weeks out, but spread over two outages, one summer. When you are getting new regular food more survival supplies aren’t the priority.
Having the capability to stay in place for a week without utilities is extremely useful. You could go to a hotel, but that could be very expensive.
You can’t prepare for the end of the world, but it isn’t unreasonable to prepare for a few days without water and power.
Just ordered up another 1000 rounds….
Well, I always did want my very own bat cave… Now if only I had one of those Thorium-Fueled Reactors I’d be set!
And maybe while you’re cultivating him as help in time of need he’s prepping you for emergency rations and slave labor!