RICHMOND, Calif.—California officials are outfitting preschoolers in Contra Costa County with tracking devices they say will save staff time and money.
The system was introduced Tuesday. When at the school, students will wear a jersey that has a small radio frequency tag. The tag will send signals to sensors that help track children’s whereabouts, attendance and even whether they’ve eaten or not. School officials say it will free up teachers and administrators who previously had to note on paper files when a child was absent or had eaten.
Sung Kim of the county’s employment and human services department said the system could save thousands of hours of staff time and pay for itself within a year.
It cost $50,000 and was paid by a federal grant.
Wouldn’t want teachers to do their jobs. Better to rely on technology to determine whether little Johnny is absent from school or not. God forbid someone abducts the kid, removes the tag and throws it in a locker. My guess is this has nothing to do with saving school systems time or money.
I have many nieces and nephews and one trait they all seemed to share at that age was the ability to shed shoes, socks or garments in the blink of an eye. Instead of keeping track of the children for paperwork, the teachers will have to keep track of them visually to make sure they do not remove the garment with the RFID. Good luck with that.
Lockable ankle bracelets?
Or can we say implantable
Nothing to see here, just indoctrinating the kiddies into the new slave society. When they grow up, they will love it.
Do the tags come with tags so that if one is lost, you can find it easily?
#2 pedro “Why was dallas tagged?”
LOL First thing I thought of when I saw it.
Monitor their location, heart rate, blood glucose level, uv exposure, hydration, hours of rest each night, hormone levels, pregnacy indicators, caffine level, medication doses, alcohol level, TCH level, meth level, and on and on because it’s for the children.
Will they take the jersey home with them? How long before they lose it or exchange it with a friend?
Will they pick up the jersey each morning? So a few teachers will have to stand at the entrance each morning to hand them out and record who has which one – i.e. take attendance.
What is the laundry cost? These will need to be washed nightly. Kids get dirty. I doubt that $50K included the cost of installing a commercial laundry on site.
Paid for by a Fed grant? Stimulous funds? Won’t this INCREASE unemployment? Are the jersies manufactured in the USA?
This might work in northern Calif but the kids in SoCal will never wear mandated clothing – especially if they are all the same!
I predict a fail.
Isn’t that Sun Kim from North Korea
I must be mistaken
Sounds like New World Order stuff – we are here to help you
Then again it sounds like eBay trying to convince you that their increases in fees are more than fair and a good idea for you
NOW YOU STILL PAY SOMEONE TO MONITOR THE COMPUTER? To see that every kid that was SUPPOSED to eat lunch, went to lunch..
And what happens if they dont get there?? Who is going to track them down? The computer??
Im re-posting this..
Can I make a GRAND comment here?
AS with any corp, they wish to make it Easy on themselves to do certain things..
The BIGGEST among them all..DNA/Finger print and BAG/TAG. Then add GPS.
Its the same with CORPS..Any shortcut, Any Addon, ANY TRICK to make money. I dont care if I send Product to China, its sent back, Importers pay for it, then resellers SELL it to US.. WHY all the way around? Isnt it cheaper to make it here? PROBABLY, but it DONT MAKE MONEY.
If they could monitor EVERYONE, and FIND you at ANY MOMENT…that is ALL they need.
They keep saying it to EXPENSIVE the way it is…WHY? Think about the laws..WHO goes to jail? Over 40% are in jail for minor Crimes on Drugs.
In a World going to the DOGS, the Jackals are ruling the roost.
money, money, money. Its a penny game, and ITS YOUR PENNIES. They CHARGE US TO DO IT. MOSt of you are DOING IT YOURSELVES ALREADY…your cellphone has GPS.
A simple question. Is it against the law if most every one does it?
In OUR nation, it is…Vote to change the laws, get 1,000,000 signatures and Change it. vote THE IDIOTS OUT of office and your friends into office.
what are they really doing?
they are getting the sheep USED to the idea of being tracked.
get them used to it, while nothing happens…and they dont mind..
IF something happens, THEY THEN learn how easy they CAN BE TRACKED.
Would love to but my friends are idiots too. Im sure you understand …
In OUR nation, it is…Vote to change the laws, get 1,000,000 signatures and Change it. vote THE IDIOTS OUT of office and your friends into office.”
# 12 bryanforst “vote THE IDIOTS OUT of office”
Point here is that no one voted for these people. These are decisions being made by bureaucrats. And it’s almost impossible to get rid of the bureaucrats from one administration to the next. If political winds shift, they may back off but they are still there, waiting for the their time to come
12, 13..
Want an OLD suggestion that worked long ago?
ASK parents at PTA(???) if any can assist at the school.
There is a problem here.
At this time Both parents must work, to make ends meet.
Here’s the problem.
Who wants your money..
Property tax/Rent.
Then we add in daily things like..
CAR maintenance and Insurance
Corps, speculate on what you have left, and TAKE IT. Over priced goods/foods. Higher profit margins.
Everyone and every thing getting your money and NONE LEFT.
It used to be, that 1 person could Work, and 1 could HELP THE KIDS, do the groceries, cook, and balance the budget.
We USED to be able to ask the families to Help. NOW no-one is home.
In the past, some idiot figured that Everything had a worth, IN MONEY and should be paid.
In the last 15-20 years, IF the corps had taken 1/2 the profits and RAISED min wage, and NOT PRODUCT PRICES.. NONE of this would of happened.
And Old saying changed in the PAST.
Its no longer Follow the market..
They DID.
“..Wouldn’t want teachers to do their jobs..”
Teachers should teach instead of tracking Johnny’s absence. Parents are the ones that need to take care of their spawn to ensure they make it to school. This is why straight people shouldn’t be allowed to raise children.
“.. God forbid someone abducts the kid, removes the tag and throws it in a locker…”
God is all powerful and if she wants to have kids abducted, that’s her choice
“..this has nothing to do with saving school systems time or money..”
I think it does. Parents want teachers to babysit their little spoiled brats so this may indeed save money on the tracking where the little fucker is.
This is a cheap way to ensure the brat is in class and wearing a uniform like all kids should be wearing instead of wearing their underwear on the outside of their pants.
#2 Pedrito, clearly you’re mistaken that everyone has to be sheep like you. I don’t herd like the majority of American Sheeple.
“Wouldn’t want teachers to do their jobs, better to rely on technology to determine whether little Johnny is absent from school or not.” I would prefer that teachers teach and not worry about attendance, if mommy and daddy can’t ensure that the spawn of their loins attends class that a problem they need to fix. If little johnny gets kidnapped its usually someone they know. Most businesses have gone to a swipe card for entry and time keeping. Give the kids one and they swipe in and out of school, class, etc. If they lose it report to the office for a temp tag.
Although you know given the way fashion goes, call the ear tag a statement of rebellion and make sure the parents tell the kids there is no way in hell they will ever get a tag in their ear. Every kid will have one by the end of the week. Problem solved.
$50,000? No. It was FREE. It was paid for by a Federal Grant.
I see.
When I run out of money, I stop spending it.
Not so here in the USA.
This will work if they staple the tag to the child’s ear… as in the picture.
For once, we agree. A teacher’s purpose is to teach children specific material not to keep track of whether specific children are in class.
Wait till they decide to just cut to the chase and CHIP EVERYONE
rip tag off, and hand it to friend, or just shove it into the room.
The pomposity of this is STAGGERING.
dont get a hint.
we are trained from birth.
it makes it easier later in life to make it even MORE intrusive. You make something part of life from the beginning.
You slowly get rid of Personal RIGHTS. and no one notices.
It will allow you to know where the tags are at.
The British have been using swipe cards at some schools for a very long time. You swipe your card coming and going including staff. Fail to swipe and they record you as not being there.
The lunchroom people who keep up with the money spent on food know if the kid got a tray or not.
As others have noted unless you are using embedded chips this is going to be easy to get around at least partly.
I don’t see this as being much of a solution to anything.
27 you wanted a solution? oh then hell were all screwed. I thought this was the thread for terrorist ideas.
#24 I knew there was wisdom trapped in there somewhere!
Next will be the GPS shock collars for kids… they will come in stylish colors and be all the rage at school…
Whats up with these lazy non-responsible adults at schools?