As long as your not doing anything illegal, you won’t mind a little dose of radiation, right? Read more here.

  1. Sam N says:

    Did they say “… can manipulate… and save these images?”

  2. O'Really says:

    No worries about 4th Amendment violation here… I like how they showed what appeared to be a mobile home at 1:23. The only useful and legal place for these should be at border check points (actually on the border not the BS 100 mile inland crap they try to use) in the US and along the MSR/ASR routes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  3. rgspro says:

    Isn’t similar to the vans that eavesdropped on people in the movie V for Vendetta? Wow, what is next?

  4. Faxon says:


  5. Tobiah says:

    Yeah, #2 is right. Talk about 4th Amendment violation here, how the fuck is this legal?

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Have to tip my hat to Bobbo – he called it correctly last week. There is no reason to get upset with the good folks at TSA who work the long hours staring at the full body scans in the airports. Sure a few bad apples ended up printing thousands of the nude photos, but what’s the harm?

    Why get upset at some lecherous old men working the TSA nude scanning and printing office? What’s the problem with some unknown pervs drooling over your 18-year-old daughter?

    The cat is out of the bag now. These deviates will be riding dirty up and down the residential streets all day long now – especially, the school zone around mid-afternoon.

    And there is nothing we can do to stop them.

  7. nicktherat says:

    something is wrong about this though. xrays do not bounce back. how are they achieving this without putting something on the other end to receive the data?

  8. sargasso_c says:

    #7 nicktherat. A narrow slit beam, with offset receivers. Similar to a flat bed document scanner? My guess.

  9. steelcobra says:

    Legally, this is like cops using thermal scopes to check every house for marijuana growers when used along public streets/parking lots/etc., an illegal check used to develop a new case rather than an investigation based on information received prior to looking that goes beyond reasonable doubt.

    For fixed-site security, however (checkpoints, harbors, events, and so on) it falls under the category of reasonable.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    #7 and #8.

    Here is your answer.

    Lead should still stop these x-rays cold. Now here is a problem.

    What if you had a lead lined container in your van and you were scanned?

    Will they be able to pull you over? After all, you haven’t done anything wrong, haven’t committed any crime. But because they cannot see what is in a private container in a private vehicle, they can pull you over?

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    I’ve got a couple more observations. First, this video is not realistic.

    Notice that when he passes the cars you can clearly see the explosives but not gasoline or diesel? Either the software automatically removes these things (extremely unlikely) or the vehicles are rigged up to make the video look good and are actually empty hulls (extremely likely).

    How would this thing do in the real world detecting the difference between a plastic dashboard, a plastic seat cushion, and a plastic explosive? My guess? Not so good.

    What also scares me is this thing runs on windows XP (Notice the “Radiation Detected” box)
    I wonder is a virus can infect the system and fry everyone it passes by.

  12. McCullough says:

    #11. BROD = (Blue ray of death)


  13. Ray X says:

    Hey! Don’t worry about it. What’s the worst that could happen?

  14. MikeN says:

    It is already illegal for the cops to use these as a violation of the 4th amendment. This site probably posted about it.

  15. Special Ed says:

    I have enough lead in my ammo here that this shouldn’t be a problem.

  16. Gasbag says:

    Just stick a Ingsoc sign on the side and be done with it 😛

  17. ± says:

    where can I buy one ¿

  18. nunyac says:

    They must have some pretty interesting sensor tech. in these systems. Could there be other possible applications for this sensor technology?

  19. Breetai says:

    For those complaining about the 4th amendment violations don’t worry . YOU don’t have one to violate. According to the latest 9th circuit ruling that cops can attach a GPS to your car without a warrant, privacy is only for the rich.

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    I’ll bet the 4th amendment has nothing to do with this.

    Why? A cop can pull you over, shine a flashlight in your car, and then LOOK in your car. If he then sees an open can of beer…

    The light from a flashlight is an electromagnetic radiation which reflects off an object and then is received by a photosensitive device (eyes).

    Substitute visible light for x-rays and a receiver for eyes, and BINGO!

  21. Dallas says:

    “you’ve been cited for carrying illegal contraband and you might need root canal on molar #22”

  22. bobbo, war's atrocities are made worse when fought for trivial reasons says:

    #6–JB==very clever. Show us more of your humor, sarcastic or otherwise.

    Plain view means just that, not xrays. You know, reading this blog is making me paranoid. I don’t think the paper press really does emphasize the erosion of our rights as does this blog. Disturbing.

  23. deowll says:

    I go with #9. It is also a very fast way to check that suspicious abandoned vehicle.

  24. ECA says:

    no it aint..
    Older cars have enough metals in them you can hide any LIGHTER materials Under the carriage.

    This is a scare video.
    It MAY be able to go thru the first layers and see something, but NOT to the center of an enclosed material..

    Look at the streets they are on..They arent congested with TONS of traffic, as any down town metro city is. 1-2 vehicles TRYING to monitor 10,000 vehicles.

  25. jman says:

    this is what Obama meant by “transparency”

  26. Publius says:

    FLIR is illegal to use to look through the walls of private property without a warrant, and therefore so is this thing illegal for use as fishing expeditions as shown in the video.

    Class action lawsuit.

    And all the things you cannot safely xray — liability is theirs to face.

    Dont give me crap National Security means our laws dont apply.

    Bull. Crap.

  27. dexton7 says:

    Not only does this anger me for the obvious reasons that we don’t have any privacy left under the 4th Amendment and this is illegal (but slaves don’t have rights remember?) – but also, what happens if they decide to park for a while and keep shooting high energy radiation on a car or a person for more than 3 seconds or cranked up the wattage of the X-Ray source?

    Does it also double as the Mobile Cancer Unit?


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