With 500 million members, Facebook is bound to have some users beyond the 20-something crowd. In fact, activity on social networks for those over 50 has nearly doubled in the last year, according to a Friday study from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
This should drive away the kids.
Looks like old timers already drive kids away from the Internet altogether. From what I read around and what I hear from my friends with teenager kids, the current generation of teens doesn’t care much about the Internet.
#1 Lucy – Where the hell do you live? My teenage daughter and her friends are so hooked into the internet they can’t communicate otherwise. If it weren’t for twitter, facebook, google, etc.. they wouldn’t be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. So much of what they know is from the web, that to speak of things not found there would be like describing color to a blind person.
Now as far as the 50+ crowd getting in on this…my wife is a Farmville/Faceboook addict. Scary, actually.
Research shows that most adults over 50 have 92% less inhibitions against sexting. This compares favorably with the percentage of interest shown in the result.
#1, What planet are you on again?
Personally, I blame Leo Laporte.
If the geezers start posting nude photos, the kids will head for the exits in a stampede. 🙂
I’m only 60 but know many my age using Facebook. I think it sucks and is a total waste of time but you have to waste your time somehow. Who cares if somebody had a good poop this morning, or found their hearing aid last night?
My opinion is: the kids are 100% ruled by cell phones and things you can do with cell phones. My 12 year old Grandson gets enough social networking in WOW to keep him busy all day. I also think social networking is a sick trend but like a CB radio in the 70s you can feel good because you don’t get involved with it. I don’t particularly like reading my grand niece is used to meeting her drunken boy friend in the back yard at 3 am and wish she wouldn’t tell the whole world about it.
It is hugely interesting how the internet and cell phones are reshaping our culture and society and I am thrilled that the kids in high school are so completely different than we were and that I have absolutely no idea what motivates them (if anything). Their best hope is in not repeating our mistakes and being like us.
I am not proud to be a baby boomer; the generation that took the most and gave the least. We were supposed to save the world but trashed it, spent all the money and outlawed all the good drugs. What a wasted generation!
Ah, prattling again. Sorry. Up the Revolution!, and Just Say NO to Government!
Micromike==you is wrong! We lived the life our parents would have lived if they could have. Just like our kiddies and the next. Each generation as dumb as the one before them.
So it doubled from 100 to 200?
Or perhaps the people age 40 turned 50.
Even old people like being hooked into the CIA Matrix. It’s fun!
Mark Zuckerberg that reveals his thoughts on the matter.
According to SAI sources, the following exchange is between a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg and a friend shortly after Mark launched The Facebook in his dorm room:
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask.
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend’s Name]: What? How’d you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don’t know why.
Zuck: They “trust me”
Zuck: Dumb f**ks.
The only reason I joined was to find an old friend that used Facebook, I’m 68. The opposite seems true I’m seeing more and more kids, ages starting at 10 using the program,here in Mexico.
Old people sexting? Hello, they’re Baby boomers. They’re the ones who smoke pot and did acid when it was actually legal. They’re the ones who fornicated every day several times a day and all they had to do to keep STDs away as a shot of penicillin.
So you old people stop acting so shocked when sexting among baby boomers is on the rise.