British Airways apologized to passengers after an emergency message warning they were about to crash into the sea was played by mistake.

About 275 passengers were on the London Heathrow to Hong Kong flight on Tuesday evening when the automated message went out. The plane was flying over the North Sea at the time. Cabin crew quickly realized the error and moved to reassure the terrified passengers.

“We all thought we were going to die,” Michelle Lord, 32, of Preston, northern England, told The Sun newspaper.

How is this sort of thing actually on a tape recording?

  1. Jorn says:

    > “How is this sort of thing actually on a tape recording?”

    Maybe because u cant rely on a clear message from a steward in the middle of plunging to their death? geez

  2. WmDE says:

    It’s on tape to cover multiple languages. Now the question is who gets warned first and who gets warned last?

  3. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    “I’m sorry to tell you, you’ve got an aggressive form of bone cancer and have just a few weeks to live. Oh, wait! No, you just have a sprained toe.”

    You think I wouldn’t get sued?

  4. Dallas says:

    Good grief that is major stupid indeed and can only imagine the horrible reaction. I agree as to puzzling as this being on a recorder but suppose it’s reasonable.
    I would think the pilot or one of the air waitresses can just yell hysterically.

  5. Some joke
    Did the passengers get a complimentary soda for their trouble
    Lets hope that their luggage was not lost on their arrival

  6. Bob says:

    I can just imagine the round of applause when the passengers all realized they weren’t going to die afterall, similar to when a pilot makes a successful landing after an incredibly turbulent approach (which we’ve probably all experienced at one time or another).

  7. bobbo, from the Rose Mary Woods School of Archiving says:

    #4–Animby==are you telling us you get sued everytime you say something thats wrong? I guess thats why your nickname at the clinic is Marcel Marceau – “Dude don’t say nothing, just points and frowns!”

    “My God Jim, I’m a doctor – not a secretary!”

    Lets see: there I am mid flight, level and smooth and an announcement comes on saying Animby will be doing my next surgery. Would I be upset on learning that isn’t true? No, I don’t think so==nor nervous to begin with. Add midflight turbulence and the whole story could change. My toe does feel a bit itchy.

  8. Improbus says:

    The moral of this story: Always fly medicated.

  9. AlanB says:

    The reason it’s on tape is because if the plane was going to crash into the ocean the pilots would have bailed out long ago.

  10. emen7 says:

    Can I sue British Airways for the mental harm caused to me as a result of hearing about this event?

  11. admfubar says:

    banzai airlines strikes again… this automated message brought to you by our Vista 7 powered communications system.. ffly the friendly bsod skies..

  12. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 8 bobbo, “are you telling us you get sued everytime you say something thats wrong?”

    I thought I’d explained before. I may not always be right but I am NEVER wrong! And I am not nicknamed Marcel; I speak freely. That’s the advantage of working with people with whom I so often do not share a common language.

    “Animby will be doing my next surgery.”
    My God, Bobbo. I’m a doctor NOT a surgeon! But go ahead: explain to me why your toe is so bitchy…

  13. sargasso_c says:

    A new British reality TV format, Terror in the Air. The burning jet engine, snakes in the overhead and a suicide bomber locked in the lavatory by a weeping stewardess, were also a nice touch.

  14. dexton7 says:

    This is why everyone that flies commercial should carry a parachute and some Xanax. That way you’re covered either way.. except for the sharks however.. Do they make shark repellent?

    Seriously though, I’d be upset too at that boneheaded mistake.

  15. Maricopa says:

    # 14 sargasso_c “A new British reality TV format, Terror in the Air.”

    Special guest star – Jet Blue and the Tires of Fire!

  16. Special Ed says:

    Man, I’m glad that didn’t happen to me. I would have started feeling up the hot chick sitting next to me, and then, “whoops, my bad.”

  17. Cursor_ says:

    What happened to the old days when a pilot would be calm and just say:

    “ehhhhh people we’re going down. Smoke ’em if you got ’em”

    Comely stewardess’ gone, no calm baritone pilot announcing we’re going down and no high class food any more. No wonder I don’t fly.

    People have lower expectations these days.


  18. Scooter says:

    It wont be long before some dimwit tries to sue. Although this was no doubt scarry for those involved there was no real harm done. The cabin crew acted appropriately and I think that people quickly realized that there was no real danger after the cabin crew reassured the passengers.

  19. sid amster says:

    Flight 162 to London cancelled this morning due to mechanical problems – BA claims they are doing all they can!

    7 am flight – Tel Aviv London cancelled this morning – by 12:00 rebooked for a 23:00 flight -everybody real sorry but all i get is a rerouting voucher on another airline and have to begin the process of getting a seat, going through security, etc. again. Any further concession has to be ‘extracted’ (as in a cup of coffee or breakfast at 12:00) but with being admonished that they are doing what is required and should be thankful they work so hard on my behalf.

    Should i be thankful for being 15 hours late and for standing in their line for 2 hours to be told I am fortunate they are working so hard on my behalf?


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