Simcoe County school district in Ontario, Canada last year invested thousands of dollars on new wireless internet routers. As a result, students on a K-12 level have better access to the internet’s wealth of resources for their studies.
However, some of the district’s parents are immersed in a state of panic. They say the Wi-Fi is making their children sick. Simcoe resident Rodney Palmer, who has two children, 5 and 9 years old, bemoans, “Six months ago, parents started noticing their kids had chronic headaches, dizziness, insomnia, rashes and other neurological and cardiac symptoms when their kids came home from school.”
Palmer is going to pull his kids out of the schools to avoid exposing them to what he considers a toxic environment.
The only problem is that repeated studies have shown that the kinds of wireless signals used in consumer electronics are safe and pose no identifiable health risk. Michael First, a professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University in New York City and editor of the DSM-IV, the diagnostic handbook for psychologists, states, “As far as I’m aware, there is no evidence that any kind of radio frequency radiation (including cellphone towers, cellphones themselves,and also including Wi-Fi) cause any negative health effects.”
Strangely the public has shown little concern over TV or FM radios, which both offer a greater electromagnetic radiation than Wi-Fi routers.
“Six months ago, parents started noticing their kids had chronic headaches, dizziness, insomnia, rashes and other neurological and cardiac symptoms when their kids came home from school.”
Notice “OTHER neurological and cardiac symptoms.”(my emphasis) Symptoms are just symptoms. A headache can come from many sources, only rarely is it a brain tumor.
I can see the possibility that energy waves could cause harm, because there are strong enough ones that indisputably do. What about the rest? Okay, fine.
Saying these cause brain or heart trauma is WAY out there.
I’m not even going to defend cell phones, but Wi-fi signals? And how exactly is keeping the kids at home going to work?
Unless you live in ye old isolated cabin you are already exposed to multiple wi-fi transmitters belonging to your neighbors.
This is worse than those vaccine morons.
#29 Dude, you are living on borrowed time.
When it comes to people worried about things that are put in vaccinations, fluoride in the water, and high fructose corn syrup in an enormous amount of food – there is actually some evidence in their favor.
However, Wifi routers emit approximately .003% of the ‘radiation’ of cell phones, but I bet these f-tard parents won’t quit using those.
“Six months ago, parents started noticing their kids had chronic headaches, dizziness, insomnia, rashes and other neurological and cardiac symptoms when their kids came home from school.” — maybe it’s the Ritalin and other Psychotropics they are feeding them at school?
They should be much more concerned over the serious effects of dihydrogen monoxide!
That stuff is everywhere in the school, yet nobody seems willing to do anything about it!