The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
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Let’s be honest: We’re all writing and talking so much about the Park51 Muslim cultural center planned downtown because of two things. One, the upcoming midterm elections, and two (possibly even more important), because it’s August and there’s nothing else to talk about. But that doesn’t mean we have to be ridiculous about it. That’s been Jon Stewart’s point in recent days on the Daily Show. He argues that Fox News has gone to such an absurd extreme to stir up controversy that they’re deliberately ignoring a glaring hypocrisy. That is, that the potential Park51 funder that they accuse of having dangerous Middle East ties is also the second largest shareholder in Fox’s parent company, News Corp. Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns about $2.3 billion in stock with News Corp. and is an ally of Rupert Murdoch’s. But Fox commentators would have you believe that you should be worried about him funding Park51 because he is dangerous, and “funds radical madrassas all over the world.”

Obviously, Fox News working up fears to keep people tuned in is nothing new. All the cable networks do it. But this particular story line seems particularly glaring in its baldness. So we reached out to Fox News about Stewart’s point. They had no comment, and directed us to News Corp. A News Corp. spokesman also had no comment.

It’s all so confusing….or is it?

  1. Breetai says:

    Another Fox News Onion Moment.

    Over on the Dan Carlin Board we coined a term for reporting so idiotic it must of come from the Onion. Only to find out it’s real.

  2. Jack Africa, sending it up the stick! says:

    It’s obvious isn’t it, it’s only a wrong if he’s spending his money on Muslim stuff. As long as he’s giving it to them it’s perfectly fine.

    I wonder what the right wing nut jobs think about the only truthful and honest news service being funded by a foreign power.

    Careful, you may be thinking just what they want you to think!

  3. gear says:

    Fox “news” is so funny. Does anyone really take them seriously?

  4. philgar says:

    The Daily Show, much like Fox and Friends, can’t decide if they want to be news or entertainment. I choose to take neither of them seriously.

  5. BuzzMega says:

    Republican talking ponts for the rest of the month:
    [As always, inject these exact words into soundbites at every opportunity. See RPR Manual pg 6.]

    August 26: “Terrorist Meeting Rooms”

    August 27: “Back Alley Stoning Wall”

    August 28: “Islamist Cell Phone Center” (be sure to separate words in speech)

    August 29: “Terror Mosque”

    August 30: “Funded By Jihad”

    August 31: “Madrasah Of Death”

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    What I find interesting is what Jon Steward doesn’t say about Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.

    Hint, he doesn’t own as much of Fox as you might think. (7%, That’s right, only 7%. Why didn’t Steward mention this?)

    And in fact the “terror prince” not only has holding with Fox through the Kingdom Foundation, but he also has significant holdings in:
    the Four Season Hotels,
    Hewlett Packard,
    Motorola Corporation,
    Time Warner,
    Ford Motor Company,
    Proctor and Gamble,
    and PepsiCo.
    among others….

    It’s a Muslim plot to destroy America!!!

  7. admfubar says:

    what is truly evil, if the flash cookies that must be forced down on your pipe to view this… seriously disturbing..

  8. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #6. Owning 7% of any multinational is significant. We’re talking Warren Buffet amounts.

    It could be Fox News is beholden to the Jihadists. The far right tilt is just a clever rouse. It explains so much.

  9. highaman says:

    Go Team Stupid!

  10. Dallas says:

    The sad thing is the Republicans that know better and don’t believe Fox actually celebrate this nonsense as a way to “get back” at the current administration.

    In the mean time, the greater sheep population continues to get brainwashed, get more depressed, remain negative, promote intolerance and stifle our nations recovery. Sick.

  11. bobbo, hot wheels too fast for me says:

    Wouldn’t a third team be: Team Greed? Fox will say anything to gain ratings. What they have learned over time is that the infotainment must be slanted to the right because only the red state sheep will tune in for such idiocy night after night.

    Ratings: a popularity contest of those who don’t like to read.

  12. Mr Ed says:

    If you oppose the Islamic Center 3 blocks from the twim towers YOU are a terrorist since you are prefectly aligned with the position of the actual terrorists. You are guilty of aiding and giving comfort to the enemy and should be put to death. This is the law.
    Bye. 🙂

  13. deowll says:

    I don’t know the dems and the lame media have said some very interesting things which combine some version of PC with total ignorance and nothing else seems to have grabbed the public interest though I think this story needs to drop down from national news to NY state news.

    One of the more interesting aspects of this case is that the center is almost certainly an example of state sponsored religion expanding because it is being funded by the richer Islamic countries and nobody is willing to touch that.

    Oil money, including Saudi oil money, has also been used in conjunction with similar efforts to expand Islam to sponsor Jihad.

    Even if that wasn’t the intent of all donors the Koran is the word of God and anyone that goes against it is to be put to death. The Koran clearly mandates certain things including expanding the faith to take over everything and terminate those who oppose the will of God. All orthodox Muslims must support Jihad and those that aren’t orthodox must pay the price.

    Jews, Christians and Samaritans can be permitted to live if they pay the tax and accept second class status but that is good as it gets.

    Atheist, polytheists and in fact theist of all sorts including other Muslims who in some regard oppose the will of Allah as defined by Mohammad are clearly to dealt with in such a way that they never cause problems again.

    It is an article of the faith that Sharia law is to be imposed on everyone, everywhere, all the time. While this may be subject to some minor reinterpretation at the risk of being declared a heretic there isn’t a lot of flex here.

    Under Sharia law I think Obama is supposed to be put to death. Once a Muslim always a Muslim or dead and since his father was a Muslim that would most likely be enough to but him on the hit list though maybe without much priority since he isn’t a citizen of a Muslim nation and his upbringing was kind of peculiar at best.

    They might cut him a little slack because he had a bad home life and all that but he would almost certainly be expected to get back on the straight and narrow.

    Would another nation be allowed to build a non Muslim religious building in the middle east? Are yo out of your freaking mind? This is a one way road with no way back.

    Since Islam is expanding very rapidly with no likely hood of anything occurring to stop it anyone who isn’t happy about anything I just said needs to die within the next 50 years or so.

  14. deowll says:

    Correction. I should have said Sabians rather than Samaritans. However so far as I can tell all the Sabians are dead…It also appears that Hindu may in some regions be treated the same as Christians and Jews…Second class citizens with lesser rights under the law. I guess that’s a big improvement.

  15. MikeN says:

    Hey, aren’t liberals always making a big deal about corporate owned media that never speaks against its owners’ interests?

  16. dexton7 says:

    No matter who’s doing what in the world – you can be assured that greed and control are the primary motivators most of the time.

    GW Bush
    …is connected to…
    House of Saud
    …is connected to…
    Al-Waleed bin Talal
    …is connected to…
    Fox News
    …is connected to…
    Rupert Murdock

    …and all of the above are intimately connected to…

    Multi National Corporations, Banks and Government

    In other words… the overlords who make insane amounts of money and control societies all know each other and go to international drinking clubs together to have a good laugh at our expense.

    I’m so tired of this news story.. =/

  17. smartalix says:


    Good point. Who knew it benefits a Saudi Sheik to have discord between the USA and the Muslim world. I’m shocked!

  18. TheMAXX says:

    Philgar, comparing apples to oranges much? Daily show is entertaining but is also one of the few bastions of actual journalism left in the USA. Fox News is a corporate propaganda machine meant to make the mainstream media look less like a corporate propaganda machine.

  19. Stopher2475 says:

    Ah yeah is right. 7% of a company with a market cap of 40.92 billion is chump change. Who cares about 2.8 billion anyway?

  20. Tippis says:

    Well, Fox has a long-standing history of spreading fear and terror, so I can’t see what would be new or surprising about any such connection…

  21. Glass Half Full says:

    When you watch Fox News, you support Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (co-owner of Fox), who’s Kingdom Foundation gives money to radical Muslim terrorists (according to Fox News).

    Fox News, you watch, Americans die!

    Please stop watching Fox News until they cut their ties with terrorists!

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    The argument is invalid on the premise that “Evil” and “Stupid” are mutually exclusive. These two are rarely isolated from each other. This is especially true at FOX News. Evil and Stupidity are like peas and carrots there. A better argument would be what are they more, stupid or evil. If this were the case I could strongly argue for either side on any given day.

  23. Fed Up says:

    “Obviously, Fox News working up fears to keep people tuned in is nothing new”

    Ground Zero Mosque (for peace) was a “hot” topic long before Fox gave it any attention. And does anyone give Fox News any attention? Gee, ratings might give a clue. Wishing it were not so will not help (lalalalalalalalala).

  24. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #23 Fed Up Urs – Just because a lot of people watch Fox News does not make them less stoopid or evil. It just makes those watching it more stoopid and evil.
    And I believe the correct term is “nanner-nanner-nanner”.

  25. smartalix says:

    “Ground Zero Mosque (for peace) was a “hot” topic long before Fox gave it any attention.”

    No it wasn’t. Don’t you watch John Stewart? He showed clips of Fox newscasters interviewing the planners without rancor months ago. This only became a hot topic because the Right needed new white-people-scaring material.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well that explains a lot about where some people get their wacky opinions from.

  27. tsnyder says:

    The Monster’s Lawyer said: “The argument is invalid on the premise that “Evil” and “Stupid” are mutually exclusive.”

    That’s hilarious!

  28. ECA says:

    In old times it was the Jester, that could ridicule those around him. With good impunity.
    He was also GENERALLY, a counselor to the king.

    A few were very interesting. As they knew the PEOPLE, gathered info from the populace, and SOME even went to neighboring areas, and brought back information.

    In this world of the internet..
    Between the PROPAGANDA and the truth..There is the comedy.

  29. gmknobl says:

    That Fox is in part owned by the Saudi royal family is not a mystery. Nor is it a mystery as to what the purpose for this is. It is to take as much money out of America, its government and populace, and put it in the hands of a few rich people.

    There. Now you have the whole story in a nutshell including the motive behind everything Murdoch and company, the Sauds, and most neocons do.

    If you don’t believe this, read David Brin’s blog and reconsider. His entries are very well researched. Oh, and he knows global warming is real too.

  30. philgar says:

    TheMAXX, I wouldn’t call sifting through sound bites for contradictory statements and a 10 minute google search as journalism. At best they point out hypocrisy, which I must say isn’t all that difficult with politicians.

    Also, TDS is just as much propaganda as FNC and part of a giant corporate machine (Time Warner). They’re goal is to reinforce the leftist stereotype that conservatives are dumb, redneck homophobes and get the youth politically active (for the Dems of course).


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