Spotted at the Two Neat store in Mill Valley, California.

  1. boulezz says:

    We have that same sign at the book store that I work at. Given the amount of coffee and animals around the place, some parents fear it isn’t a joke.

  2. Brian says:

    I like that store. They have some great things. Avatar’s Punjabi Burritos around the corner on Madrona St. has some great food! Too bad Sweetwater has closed. They had some great music. It’s a cool little area.

  3. mattorantimatt says:

    This sign, only more artistically done, has been posted at the coffee shop I frequented back home for several years now. Very nice.

  4. Rabble Rouser says:

    I’ve had that sign in my work area for about 5 years now!

  5. Benjamin says:

    I saw the sign at a coffee shop I used to hang out at. Sadly, coffee shops are a sign of a good economy, so that one went out of business.

  6. JimD says:

    LOL !

  7. morramm says:

    On my board at my K street shop:

    Free Day Care, Saint Johns at 13th & K

  8. rectagon says:

    Saw this in Flin Flon, Manitoba, in early July.

  9. dexton7 says:

    I think I’ve seen this actually happen at a Hastings..

    Ever notice how some screaming kids in stores sound like what you would imagine to be a baby Teradactyl?

  10. Sheyen says:

    On the front window of my moms house is a sign that says *Pets welcome, Children must be leashed* Now my mother adores her grandchildren, and had four children, and wishes even now she could have had more, but she also understands that SOME peoples children are worse than pets!


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