Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week the housing market goes back into the dumper. I double dip in the cards?

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  1. Lou Minatti says:

    What we need is to get the fecal fingers of the federal government out of housing, medical care and education. Everything the feds touch turns into a bubble of catastrophic proportions.

    If the feds would quit trying to “help,” housing prices would correct to actual market value and people could afford to buy.

  2. Robart says:

    I think you guys missed why being able to make phone calls out of Google is a game changer. Unlike Skype you can call long distant, land lines and cell phones FREE from Google.

  3. Bob says:

    You increase taxes on the producers and people who hire other people, and you wonder why they are not hiring, and actually may be getting rid of people? Come on, the current administration has done everything they can to discourage private business. Business, especially small business, see the future as pretty bleak.

    My friend Jimmy(one of those evil rich, he makes 300,000 a year, but he files in conjunction with his business, so he really doesn’t make anywhere near that), told me he will be getting rid of 3 people this year. When asked why he told me, he expects his expenses to go up. The tax increases alone are going to put him in the red, and their is the elephant in the room, he has no idea what the new health care expense are going to do to him. He is basically getting rid of as many people as he can as quickly as he can in order to build up a enough cash to survive whatever is coming in the next five years.

    Now, Jimmy may be unique, but I get the feeling that he is not alone, and the jobless figures seem to side with him. Even if the republicans take control, he has told me it will not change anything for him that he can see. He is not going to be hiring until he can see a future where he can support more people.

  4. Dallas says:

    Horrorwitz is like an asteroid that comes around every two months predicting “the big one”. Well, the big one came and we’re still digging out of the rubble.

    What Obama needs to do is :
    (1) Execute well on Healtcare reform and policies for energy independence.
    (2) Invest in American infrastructure, schools
    (3) Provide regulatory relief for the high tech industry to invest in fab plants in America
    (4) Provide for a carrot and a stick approach to industries that take their manufacturing overseas.
    (5) Overcome the anti-American republican party efforts to frighten Americans and reduce their confidence in America by arresting and execution by hanging.

  5. Father says:

    Good points, #5 FTW.

  6. deowll says:

    1,2,3,4 They know about the economy.

    # 5 knows nothing about economics.

    1. Heath care is not going to do jack good for the economy. A nice perk for somebody but it isn’t going to help the economy. Green energy is high priced energy. Bad for the economy.

    2.Schools are very long term investments and beyond a certain point more money is not the answer. We need to update infrastructure but we already blew our budget and that isn’t going to do much for the economy for a long time either. Not even many job.

    3. Might do something. It’s better than continuing to drive and even pay for them to move off shore.

    4. The stick is already being massively used which is why all the off shoring. What we need is some carrots.That means changes that make American businesses more profitable not less profitable.

    5. Murdering those who disagree with you should issue in a nice reign of terror. Of course once that happens nobody knows who is going to end up dead and this is seriously bad for just about everybody.

    6. The party in power is scaring the crap out of most Americans especially business people and is not trusted or respected by most foreign nations. The have taken both CA and NY so far into dept both ought to be declared bankrupt and the US is going to end up like Greece.

    This should not be mistaken for an endorsement of the hacks running the Republican party out of Washington DC. I think they need to officially change DC to stand for Dishonesty and Corruption.

  7. admfubar says:

    cluches heart in fake heart attack and shouts, evelyn, i’m coming to meet ya, it’s the big one!!!apologies to redd fox…

  8. chris says:

    Reviewing your reviews of posters.

    #1 Doesn’t make a concrete point. Some group sucks is not a point. How you can determine that they know about the economy is beyond me. I’m going to say that #1 knows a lot about shark behavior. We could both be right…

    #2 I agree with Lou that the feds need to stop goosing the housing market. If houses get much cheaper that is a GOOD thing. Prices got insane and the proper path is to let them get sane again. After that it falls apart. The US is at the forefront of privatizing medical care and education. We do a horrible job at both.

    Local control of education, not central control, is THE problem. I’m all for disenfranchising the teachers unions. The evil feds don’t have much say in education, they just give the dollars. The “no child left behind” standards are determined state to state. Local control IS the problem.

    #3 This guy makes a completely valid point, but it is not a political point. You are speaking for him in an unrelated sphere without knowing his views. Dangerous.

    #4 This argument is not generalizable, although he tries. ‘I know someone who interprets his circumstances in a certain way, so that is the truth.’ Not effective. I haven’t heard of Obama jacking up the corporate tax rates… please provide documentation if I’m wrong. So “Jimmy” is existing under the same system, except in a bad economy. Poor Jimmy, yes; evil Democrats, not quite.

    #5 The mere mention of fab plants makes me respect you, Dallas. Imagine if you needed a metal part for anything and could go down the street where a guy could make that part for you on demand. No long supply chains or warehouses full of parts, and no shipping charges. No China necessary. Wonderful! That is a GOOD future.

    So, unlucky #7, if you don’t like the GOP I guess you like TEA. Greenspan has acknowledged his philosophical scheme was wrong. Milton Friedman has not, although he is, thankfully, dead. If you are going further than the, discredited, GOP economic plank you are backed up by economic nothingness.

    Wow, that was fun. If you can marshal detailed arguments I look forward to your response.

  9. Dallas says:

    #9 I’m pretty close to the hig tech field. It costs nearly a billion dollars more to have a semiconductor fab in the US vs say, India.

    The difference is not about taxes nor about wage differences btut rather regulation compliance.

    The sheeple in #7 doesn’t have a clue but I’m I’ve done my allocation of sheeple training for the week!


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