A State Highway Patrol cruiser cam caught the accident at about 7:15 a.m. Monday, Aug. 23.

  1. BuzzMega says:

    Anybody hurt?

  2. Iron Man says:

    Who was chasing him? Sheriff Beuford T. Justice?

  3. Mustardtits says:

    “Eden managed to survive the crash after being ejected from the car”

  4. Maricopa says:

    What a waste of a perfectly good Firebird.

    I can’t find an explanation for the incident. No alcohol mentioned, no chase and 7:15 in the morning is an usual time to suicide – especially for a 19 year old.

    Late to work at Jack-in-the-Box?

  5. ECA says:

    This is bad…REALLY bad..
    Accelerator problem??

  6. Improbus says:

    Evidently, they haven’t added the special effects yet. More explosion!!! More cow bell!!!

  7. clancys_daddy says:

    Driver age 19, car fire bird, result usual teenage stupdity. Odds are kid was texting, eating, talking on phone,changing radio station, changing cd, changing mp3, changing clothes, adjusting ipod, surfing the net on phone or Ipad. Take your pick, and speeding. result long hospital stay, potential life altering injuries, and no more car. Here’s a frakking idea to everyone that drives. Stop doing anything in the car when it is moving except paying fucking attention to your driving. I have to drive as part of my job I log 2k miles a week, and I can’t tell you how many times I get behind a vehicle that weaves, speeds up slows down, wanders on and off the road, or makes radical stupid stops and turns. 99.9% of the time I find that the person was doing any of the above except driving. Look at the highways in Europe 100+ miles an hour fewer accidents, because the drivers pay fucking attention. End of rant.

  8. HarHar Banks says:

    Hey John! Your censoring SUCKS! Ever hear of “hot spots”? Ever hear of TOR?! Do I have to change my IP address every time I want to comment? Do I have to change my machine’s name and clone a different MAC address too? Why do you do that? I thought you were all for free speech. For Christ sake! YOUR A JOURNALIST! And you CENSOR comments?!


    Sorry everyone. Maybe once you get blacklisted FOR NO GOOD REASON maybe you’ll understand.

  9. AlanB says:

    Do you think he was trying to clear the overpass and just didn’t have enough speed?

  10. Sean says:

    HarHar Banks: Nobody sees your MAC address on the internet. It stays in your LAN. Your machine’s name probably does, too.

    Lots of respectable sites censor jerks. That’s actually pretty responsible. If he censored you for your opinion, thats another thing.

    …If anyone really wants to circumvent censorship, the techniques you mentioned will pretty much do it. No easy way around it. That doesn’t mean that Dvorak’s censoring “sucks”.

  11. bobbo, hot wheels too fast for me says:

    Car actually goes airborne as if hitting a ramp==and leaves a grease spot on the bridge support. Assuming suicide, what a bummer.

  12. Urotsukidoji says:

    Just the good ol’ boys…..Didn’t mean any harm….

  13. charmingbob says:

    When the car broke into three pieces, the driver was thrown from the car and survived. It’s hard to tell, but it looks like he hit the pavement and skidded across the road.

  14. BuzzMega says:

    Notice: No brakelights.

  15. Reverse Engineer says:

    “crash investigators are looking into whether speed played a factor” (from first link in response 14)

    “It’s as if they believe… we are now nothing more than meat with eyes” – Lewis Black

  16. deowll says:

    # 17 “crash investigators are looking into whether speed played a factor” (from first link in response 14)

    I always find that line amusing. If everything is stationery relative to each other you don’t have a crash.

    I don’t know if the guy went to sleep or what but he wasn’t braking.

    I’d have bet 50 there is no way anybody was getting out of that alive.

  17. Lou says:

    Thats what happens when the PD are driving the speed limit, in the passing lane.

  18. Mextli says:

    “Here is some info from the local newspaper.”

    Interesting, I would like to know how they do this trick.

    “When the officer activates his overhead lights, (the camera) starts recording to a disk two minutes prior to that,” Williams said.

  19. Counterweight says:

    #20 – Simple. It’s recording all the time but not saving the info. It goes into a buffer that’s at least two minutes long. When you hit the red lights, it starts saving the data from the buffer and real time.

  20. Matt says:

    That was some Dukes of Hazzard shit right there! Change the Firebird for a Charger and the Stars and Bars and we’d be going! Yeeehaw!

  21. Rob Leather says:

    # 16 Actually there are brake lights. Just as he’s airborne. Looks like he was bombing down the road. Sees the Police Officer swerves, gets distracted, hits the grass, tries to recover (pointless) and WAHEY! Skyward.

    I wouldn’t be so amused if he had not survived the crash.

    Similar thing happened to me in a Audi. Truck swerved out, I had to dodge into the grass… but it’s got ABS and so forth and I was able to control the vehicle.

    Conclusion. If you are going to drive at 100mph. Drive something that’s a little more capable of not going airborne.

    Do you think the fact it was a Fire-“bird” played a factor in it’s aerial antics? 🙂

  22. Tippis says:

    To quote Jeremy Clarkson: “Speed has never killed anyone… Suddenly becoming stationary — that’s what gets you.”

  23. Tom says:

    #20: Actually that is a common feature in many cameras today. The video is continuously dumped to a cache and when the record button is pressed (or lights on in this case), the cache is dumped to HDD and catches up to real time.


  24. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Looks like he could have made it except that pesky overpass got in the way.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Tippas,

    Nope. Speed doesn’t kill. It’s the sudden stop that gets ’em every time.

  26. SimonSezz says:

    I was a teenager and speed-freak back then too. I took my Mustang over 130 mph on several occasions but it was in the middle of the night when there were no cars on the road. Thinking back, it was stupid, and nowadays I never drive more than 10 over the speed limit. I was a total gearhead back then, my friends and I put a 430 hp 5.8L V8 engine in the mustang and I converted it from an automatic transmission to a five speed manual.

    My guess is this guy was blowing by everyone doing 100+ mph and he saw he just passed a cop and slammed the brakes and lost control of the car. Even driving on an uneven shoulder at that speed will usually end up in lost control.

  27. DLee24 says:

    Well, at least he got his 0:44 of fame.

  28. Bryan Price says:

    My best friend was caught in the two mile mess after it happened. It stopped traffic both ways. And the lady in the new Lexus with the baby didn’t notice and totaled his car.

    Fun times. This was the replacement for the last car that got totaled by getting rearended.

  29. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #30 Bryan – “And the lady in the new Lexus with the baby didn’t notice and totaled his car.



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