A State Highway Patrol cruiser cam caught the accident at about 7:15 a.m. Monday, Aug. 23.

  1. Rich says:

    I-675 south proceeds northeast to southwest and has lots of curves and some hills. The fastest I’ve gone there is about 80, and I did almost lose it on one of the curves, but not on a straightaway. What a lightweight! But the really locally infamous, perpetually gridlocked highway is I-75, some distance west of there.

  2. Skeptic says:

    #32, Monster, LOL… I know. I had to read it twice as well. Who knows who ‘the lady’ was, but she was driving his aforementioned friends car. That’s my lake on it anyway.

  3. Awake says:

    Eden (the driver), age 19, had been arrested a mere hour before the wreck, which was filmed by a police officer’s dashboard camera. The teenager had been picked up in a parking lot with an underage female, an unopened can of beer, a trace amount of pot and drug paraphernelia. The girl was released to her parents, and Eden was cited and let go.

  4. Skeptic says:

    On third read, I guess she wasn’t driving his friends car after all. She just drove into it. i should have just let #30 Bryan clarify it. Skipped my coffee today.

  5. User7 says:

    #33 Were you driving a dump truck? Much like #28 I have hit speeds that put the needle of my speedometer back to 0 when I was a teenager and wouldn’t do that again but on dry pavement you should be losing control at 80mph.

  6. chris says:

    Well, why did they put the jump in the median strip if they didn’t want anyone to use it?

  7. whoaman says:

    if you watch carefully just as it becomes airborne something seems to be thrown of jumps out of the car
    i presume the driver
    if the angle of whatever induced the jump was a few degrees higher he could have made it , the speed was actually on the money we’re talking what.. 5%’s give or take .. granted the landing wouldnt have been all movie like with a smooth landing being with that much force and speed hitting the ground woulda spun around and possibly flipped over several times taking out a looooot more vehicles
    slim to no chance of really pulling off the hollywod stunt at that speed

  8. dexton7 says:

    I’m glad that he survived. That was awful.

    Also, I never knew that Firebirds disintegrated like Corvettes.

  9. hhopper says:

    If you watch carefully, you’ll see that the car turns 90º sideways after the jump.

  10. Schleprock says:

    Go to the end of the clip. Watch just in front of where the car to the right stops. Drag the slider backwards slowly and watch the object that tumbles across the road… Nasty.

  11. ds0934 says:

    Eh. Looks a every day I commute to work.


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