1. sargasso_c says:

    In Spain, the bull fights you.

  2. denacron says:

    “Hey Raoul! You throw something at him while I pull his tail! It will be magnificent!”

  3. KMFIX says:

    This website makes my cursor disappear.

  4. ECA says:

    Win 7, and 2 gig..sucks.

  5. Robart says:

    We’re gunna need a bigger fence.

  6. Dallas says:

    A barbaric sport rationalized by calling it “tradition”. The excuse of “tradition” is the oldie but goodie reason that non thinking sheeple seem to accept.

  7. clancys_daddy says:

    You mess with the bull you get the horns. I have no problem with bull fighting, if you give the matador a helmet with horns as opposed to a sword, and let them have at. In which case I think I will bet on the bull.

  8. Guyver says:

    6, Dallas,

    A barbaric sport rationalized by calling it “tradition”. The excuse of “tradition” is the oldie but goodie reason that non thinking sheeple seem to accept.

    Ethnocentric, eh?

  9. Thomas says:

    The comment of the day came from off one of the YouTube comments:

    “Red Bull gives you wings.”

  10. emhodew says:

    Ethnocentric, eh?
    I think the bull didn’t do enough damage.
    To derive your please from the killing of an innocent beast is barbaric.
    They have to abuse and torture the bulls to make them mad enough to fight. Otherwise they wouldn’t attack the way they do. (Yes bulls defend their turf, but the ring is not their turf)

  11. jescott418 says:

    Smart Bull, I guess he realized that you could just jump the fence.

  12. deowll says:

    #11 and you think the slaughter house is better? At least these bulls get a chance to take their killers out.

    Ethnocentric does describe you. It describes everybody and of course everybody is superior to everybody else.

    My favorite for this sort of crazy thinking is the PETA people who have meat eating pets who loudly protest slaughtering animals to make food for their pets then go out and buy meat to feed their pets. This sort of behavior is completely normal for humans and completely irrational.

  13. admfubar says:

    well after merrill lynch flattened the american economy, it is off to spain to ruin theirs!!!!
    Yaaaaa!!! for american corporate financials!!!

  14. Likes2LOL says:

    El toro no gusta el roja!

  15. Greg Allen says:

    Bullfighting, NASCAR and ultimate fighting need to be outlawed by international law.

  16. Zybch says:

    Pity the poor animal didn’t take out as many of those stupid barbarians as it could!

  17. Dee says:

    #16…I am with you.
    #15…NASCAR??? Ultimate Fighting? Those are humans willing to get hurt. So I can care less, but anything (called sport) that involves animals is wrong. On top of that the bull is injected with some kind of tranquilizer by them swords…which makes him weak and he will lose. This bull should have taken out more of them idiots watching an animal getting tortured…and cheer!

  18. madtownmoxie says:

    Greg Allen said, on August 23rd, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    Bullfighting, NASCAR and ultimate fighting need to be outlawed by international law.

    Hmmmmmm….not outlawed, combined! Think of the possibilities!! Rednecks would spend their last dime to see that!

  19. bumrocky says:

    #14 –
    “El toro no gusta el roja!”

    And that’s no bull!

  20. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I say combine bullfighting and golf.

  21. Benjamin says:

    #17 Dee said, “but anything (called sport) that involves animals is wrong.”

    I like to watch greyhounds run. They are the sweetest dogs too.

  22. Dallas says:

    #20 LOL

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #20 Cap’nroo – That would make for a quick 18 holes.

  24. Brian says:

    #6, hey Dallas, so are rodeos!

  25. Bob says:

    I am not an animal rights wacko by any means. I hunt, fish. But one rule I go by, is you don’t torture the animal, or try to inflict pain on the creature solely for enjoyment.

    From what I have seen of these bull fights they are barbaric. I mean, kill the animal all ready, don’t torture the poor creature, just for enjoyment.

    In my opinion the spectators got what they deserved. You go to watch a barbaric display, and the display turns on you. Cry me a river.

  26. Dallas says:

    #24 Agree. I don’t do rodeos. If I went (and I haven’t), I would look at the guys, not the stupid roping of a scared, defenseless animal.

    #25 Agree. I’m a big fan of fish and fowl to eat and I used to eat beef. Torturing, abusing animals for enjoyment is usually rooted in some religious idea some which doctor had a thousand years ago.


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