Funny how the same people who don’t want a mosque in New York because, among other things, they are afraid of Muslim Sharia law eventually being enacted here have no problem imposing their religion-based laws on us.
A U.S. district judge on Monday blocked the federal government from funding all research involving human embryonic stem cells on the grounds that it violates a 1996 law intended to prevent the destruction of of human embryos.
The ruling came in the form of a preliminary injunction in a case involving two scientists who challenged the Obama administration’s stem cell funding policy, which was designed to expand federal support for the controversial research.
Embryonic stem cell researchers said the decision would throw the field into turmoil.
“The long-term practical impact is a massive halt to most embryonic stem cell research in the U.S.” said Dr. Irving Weissman, director of the Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.
The scientists who challenged the guidelines argued that Dickey-Wicker also forbids the use of federal funds for any subsequent research on those stem cells, even if the embryos they came from had been destroyed years before.
Advanced Cell Technology Inc. is using the cells to grow retinal pigment epithelium cells that restored vision in rats and mice with a rare childhood disease called Stargardt’s macular dystrophy. […] “This is criminal,” Lanza said. “We are talking about people going blind, people who are dying from a terrifying array of diseases.”
Wouldn’t it make sense for the people who now won’t be helped by this research be taken care of financially and otherwise by those who oppose this research?
#28 and #29 – You both fell into my trap.
Prove your position by citing the religious organization mentioned in the legal decision.
JB==you mean the two mentioned as being dismissed? Your point if you have one is irrelevant as usual. The restriction on federal funding was a Puke Party move to pander to the Religious Right. Fair enough if you are anti science and want to see America Fail. NOT because ESC is not funded, but because of the multiple corrosive impacts the Religious Right is having in many areas of our potentially great society.
You are SOOOOO fast to go all Ad Hominem and at the same time fulfill the result of:
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
Stem Cell research has been ongoing for upwards of 50 years. ASCR has had dozens of breakthroughs with REAL results and REAL treatments. ESCR has had NONe, nada, not a one and to top it all off. ASCR has been aroung a LOT less than ESCR.
There has been less than 10 years of clinical time put into ASCR and look at the difference in the results…
50+ years of ESCR = DUD
-30 years of ASCR = Success all the way up to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adult_stem_cell#First_transplanted_human_organ_grown_from_adult_stem_cells
So you tell me who the bigger idiot is there “Bobbo the professional straw man” / “Captain Bobbo Ad Hominem”
I personally, wish we could just kick out all the Muslims who want don’t have enough respect for their country who want to build a mosque near such an emotional piece of land.
Maybe I’ll go build a church on top of where all of their family memembers were killed by our forces.
It’s this whole political correctness bullshit that is dragging this country down further and further. The whole double standard.
#33 bobbo said, “No, its about USA losing its premiere status in leading edge scientific research/findings/techniques/starting whole new industries because our politics is fouled by anti-science religious influence.”
Private funding would give us a leading edge because the investors would demand results. With government funding the results are waste, fraud, and abuse. If I wanted to make sure a project failed, I would make sure it was funded by the government.
>Sounds like a Supreme Court setup case.
Why? It appears the judge has read the law properly. What’s interesting is that if this is a 1996 law, then why the big deal about an executive order from Bush in 2001? And he actually allowed some funding to go forward.
>I think stem cell research is so much more important then for example cloning.
They are very similar. When Ron Reagan described stem cell research to the Democratic National Convention,, he was describing cloning.
When does life start? Is it at conception? Is it 3 months? Is it 6 months? Is it when the fetus crowns? Are you 100% sure of your answer?
I’m not.
In summary;
1. All decision should be governed solely by “science”.
2. Morality has no place in decisions of this nature especially since “who are we to judge”.
3. Finally, religion should NEVER have a role in these decisions especially since “Religion is the opiate of the people”.
Sounds like a grim world some want to live in.
Lets make a trade a mosque for a church. A mosque at ground zero a church at mecca.
#41–Mixedlip==you say:
In summary;
1. All decision should be governed solely by “science”. /// Nonsense statement as science establishes “facts” not decisions.
2. Morality has no place in decisions of this nature especially since “who are we to judge”. /// Of what nature? We are the one’s judging. Again, nonsense.
3. Finally, religion should NEVER have a role in these decisions especially since “Religion is the opiate of the people”. /// Religion/Morals/Beliefs/Values certainly have a role in all decisions. Here the decision is: do we want to put our future for medical breakthru’s in Science or trust in god? The answer throughout History has been: if you want to remain sick and ignorant, go with Religion.
Sounds like a grim world some want to live in. /// You mean the world Religion would force on us? Yes, I agree.
What a stoopid Human.
#42 birddog said, “Lets make a trade a mosque for a church. A mosque at ground zero a church at mecca.”
How about just rebuilding the church that got knocked down on September 11 at ground zero. If that church is rebuilt, I will remove my objections about the ground zero mosque. I am still going to open a pork BBQ place upwind of the mosque.
#41 Mextli – “1. All decision should be governed solely by “science”.”
According to “science”, when does life begin?
#40–Robart==you ask, evidently not reading/caring/or heeding Post #17:
When does life start? Is it at conception? /// Of course.
Is it 3 months? /// No, 3 months earlier.
Is it 6 months? /// No, 6 months earlier.
Is it when the fetus crowns? /// No, on average 9 months earlier.
Are you 100% sure of your answer? /// Yes.
I’m not. /// Why not?
I fail to see how this has anything to do with mosques or religion?
it was a ruling by a judge.
#45–Robart==thanks for being a Ninny. Allows me to add my other starting points:
The first beginning of life was of course: The Big Bang. Life is after all a natural consequence of the Big Bang. Absent something interfering with physics/biology the universe with the characteristics of ours will of statistical certainty create “self aware” intelligence==this blog nothwithstanding.
My second starting point really is “the continuum” of life from the Big Bang into the future including every precious sperm and egg. They both precede the human adult/adolescent/child/baby/fetus/zygote/embryo/fertilized egg, but “a starting point” they are.
Ain’t life Grand?
Confusing when life begins with when should life be allowed to drive, drink, own property, or vote really is RETARDED!!!
Another Stoopid Human!
#43 bobbo said, “do we want to put our future for medical breakthru’s in Science or trust in god? The answer throughout History has been: if you want to remain sick and ignorant, go with Religion.”
Morals should block some scientific experimentation. The examples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_syphilis_experiment and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation just to mention a few. Morals (or ethics if you wish) get in the way of scientific breakthroughs, so we can’t allow morals or ethics, because they are based on our misguided religions that value human life.
Number 47 you are correct but Uncle Dave baited the room when he put the mosque comment in his article.
Number 44 Benjamin I agree.
Why is federal funding of any research better than letting venture capitalist fund the research?
Because VCs do not fund basic research. They fund research that has near-term goal, and thus a chance of getting a return on the investment.
But the basic fundamental research lays the groundwork needed for more directed research looking to solve a particular problem. I would submit that most basic research (as funded by government thru universities and institutes) rarely gives predictable results. It gives insights into diseases/conditions/puzzles that the researchers had no expectations of. Many times it is not the researchers who make the connection, but others doing different research and find the connection when they read the scientific papers. Venture capital would never fund research that will most likely help somebody else.
#49–Benji==I feel for you. So much good will and you can’t think your way out of an open paper bag. OF COURSE morality guides our decisions as SCIENCE ESTABLISHES FACTS AND DOES NOT MAKE DECISIONS. And as stated, morality is present in homo sapiens well before religion otherwise we wouldn’t know which parts of the Bible are BS.
SILLY YOU to equate religion with morals. Morals within a “scientific context” can be discussed and evaluated. Within a religious context there is no discussion, only obedience to what a bunch of sheep herders thought 3000 years ago. Does THAT make sense to you? No shellfish mixed with Pork????
Stop being a Silly Hooman. I have faith in you.
bobbo #43
It must be an enormous burden to have such intelligence but I think you still need to be able to read and comprehend. I think a dictionary will help you too.
1. All decisions should be GOVERNED solely by “science”. GOVERNED = VERB = to have predominating influence.
2. Of what nature? We are the one’s judging. Again, nonsense.
Your statement is the nonsence statement. It is a common argument of the left that the collective “We” cannot judge anyone else.
Your remarks on religion are not worthy of comment.
What a stoopid Human.
What a sophisticated repertoire.
#10 I don’t see how you make some kind of nasty, biased leap from my comment to your supposition.
You make no sense at all, but you certainly are towing the liberal line, aren’t you?
Why do you immediately insult people by twisting the Username on your replies?
Shows great immaturity.
Bobbo. You have nothing to be proud of with that name.
#54–Well Mixedlip==I really enjoyed what looked like was going to be a challenge. My first quick read thru showed you to be a disappointment. Lets see what you got:
It must be an enormous burden to have such intelligence /// Self Awareness should be a burden to us all, but as with yourself, such burden is easily sloughed off with the adoption of simple dogma?
but I think you still need to be able to read and comprehend. I think a dictionary will help you too. /// Ha, Ha. I do love that. Hoisted on my own petard, were it true?
1. All decisions should be GOVERNED solely by “science”. GOVERNED = VERB = to have predominating influence. /// I’m not getting you. If an issue is decided SOLELY by something is that something a predominating influence or the only consideration? I don’t think HONEST people need a dictionary for that, but maybe people still carrying a burden do?
2. Of what nature? We are the one’s judging. Again, nonsense.
Your statement is the nonsence statement. It is a common argument of the left that the collective “We” cannot judge anyone else. /// Again, I’m not with you. Of what relevance is a “common argument” when you are faced with the very specific one I give you? Red Herrings stink in the sunshine of remaining relevant.
Your remarks on religion are not worthy of comment. /// Well I disagree. Religion is a non thinking subset of delivered dogma. Best to cleanse your system of such impurities. Join the 21st Century and let science provide you with FACTS rather than religions “beliefs.” Or die in a fetid sewer, your choice, but let me have mine as well. Billions of potential human beings flushed down the drain looking for that special dna message of salvation.
What a stoopid Human. /// Rubber-Glue?
What a sophisticated repertoire. /// You lost me again. As we all do, I carry a few certain “themes.” If you think they are sophisticated, I can only thank you and offer that they are available to you free of charge.
I am trying to grasp the point at which the Democrats began to embrace abortion.
Typically, the Democrats want the government to do everything for them, and want no personal choices whatsoever.
If they are so fucking for “choice”, how did this monstronsity called “Obamacare” get through.
I can think of a few Democrats I wish WERE aborted, starting with a lady with popping eyeballs. But she will be demoted in a few months.
#56–Still Right==you ask:
Why do you immediately insult people by twisting the Username on your replies? /// Typically, when I disagree with someone, I twist their name===for fun. Humor is a personal thing-you see it or you don’t.
Shows great immaturity. /// Or humor.
Bobbo. You have nothing to be proud of with that name. /// Ha, Ha. Of course I do. I like its playfulness and its initial presentation of an uninformed mind asking to be informed. Surely you see that?
The church nuts, screwing up the planet since year 1.
#53 bobbo said, “No shellfish mixed with Pork????”
Wouldn’t that make wine pairing difficult? Maybe John C Dvorak could weigh in on this question.
Faxon/Faxoff==why are you injecting the abortion issue here? Oh, thats right. An embryonic stem cell is a human being fighting for its life.
You say:
I am trying to grasp the point at which the Democrats began to embrace abortion. /// On finding out they or their daughter wives were pregnant and they don’t want the kiddie. Don’t you understand basic biology???
Typically, the Democrats want the government to do everything for them, and want no personal choices whatsoever. /// And no matter how often you are shown to be wrong, such as the instant subject, you will continue to cream in your pants with such invalid notions.
If they are so fucking for “choice”, how did this monstronsity called “Obamacare” get through. /// Because if you have NO HEALTHCARE you have no choices.
I can think of a few Democrats I wish WERE aborted, starting with a lady with popping eyeballs. But she will be demoted in a few months. /// Me too. VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE.
Faxoff–I appreciate you post just to demonstrate the idiocy of the Pukes. You do push credibility though.
Stoopid Human.