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Interesting photoshop. The grounds look right, but the mini bastille, not. 🙂 I love to visit these forts (Warden, Casey & Flagler) that used to guard Puget Sound during the Spanish-American war. The concrete gun emplacements are fascinating in themselves.
Its only Fort Worden.
I stand corrected. It appears to be Alexander’s Castle! Apparently, “Alexander’s Castle predates the fort and was built by a Scottish Reverend for his prospective bride. It was built in 1883.”
Good find!
I actually got to stay in Alexander’s Castle a little more than 10 years ago, popular as it was & is. Supposedly it is haunted by the ghost of Alexander who built it for his bride-to-be but when he went back to Scotland to fetch her… she had already married.
The castle is surrounded by the old fort later created to guard the entrance to Puget Sound with its “disappearing guns.” The same cement installations you saw in the movie “An Officer & a Gentleman” where it was filmed.
I’m quite familiar with Ft Worden. I go there quite often and I’ve hiked all over the park. I’ve never seen that building before. Where in the park is it?
Why do some people assume an interesting photograph is “Photoshopped”? Is it because they are not able to produce an interesting photograph themselves, and are just jealous of those of us who can?
BTW, I am a pro photographer. I use Lightroom for processing the RAW files, and adjusting levels, but I NEVER fake a photograph by adding or eliminating something there, (except by cropping).
Nice shot, John.
So what can you do to a photograph, and not be accused of “photoshopping”?
It’s totally real. I go there all the time. It’s a wonderful old military fort on the water just outside of Port Townsend in Washington state. Most of the old buildings are there and converted into places you can rent and stay in, other buildings have been taken by non-profits and such. Super scenic and just beautiful. I’m going there in October with a big group that rents out on of the barracks.
P.S. The 1980’s movie “An Officer and a Gentleman” was filmed at this park, using it as the “military base” in that movie.
The building may be at Fort Worden but it is no fort. The fortress features are apparently purely decorative. I can only guess at the reason for the funky design.
It is certainly pre AC and most likely pre electricity and that might have something to do with the extra stories and explains the good supply of large windows. Open the windows and doors and get some good cooling air flow going on those hot summer days. Extra stories can get a chimney effect going for even more airflow.
Of course some clown may have just thought this will look fort-like and this base is a fort so this building will fit right in.
Always enjoyed it when you post your photos. Nice to see them popping up again.
I’m curious if you increased the saturation a bit or if that’s the way the photos come off that little Kodak.
#11 actually you got it right..I did a simple linear burn and pumped the saturation a notch, but couldn’t do much since the sky was already Kodachrome blue.
#5 it’s North of the theater.
Trees to the right of the structure are crooked, John. You know how much crooked upsets some here.
Another mosque in the heartland of America?
Beautiful pictures, John.
Though, there’s just something about seeing these pictures around Washington state that makes me think of either D. B. Cooper or Bigfoot.
All hail the mighty Coastal Artillery Corps!
Nice – 100% true and un altered photo!
I’m blessed to have Alexander’s Castle right outside my office window. (It’s located just NE of the Park office – Bldg. 200 – across from the flag pole on the Parade Ground).
To answer #10 Alexander built the house to reflect some of his Scottish homelands nobility, all in a – failed – effort to win the hand of his promised to come live with him in “the new world”. The top was functional as a Cistern – collecting water on this very dry rain shadowed section of the Olympic Peninsula.
Guests renting it today enjoy full city utilities – water too – from the bedroom on the second floor, along with the complementary ghost reported!
Thanks again for sharing a nice photo.