That he’s smart is obvious. But immature about sex? Who could have guessed?

A new book says President Clinton was one of the smartest men to ever occupy the White House but had an immature attitude when it came to sex.

The book quotes NPR reporter Nina Totenberg, who covered the Clinton administration’s most inglorious moment when Republicans got Clinton impeached for lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky, the New York Daily News reported Friday. Clinton had the “mentality of an 18-year-old” when it came to sex, Totenberg is quoted as saying. That assessment appears in “A Complicated Man: The Life of Bill Clinton as Told by Those Who Know Him” by Michael Takiff.

Totenberg says she believes it was Clinton’s inability to face his wife Hillary Clinton that led him to make the fateful lie. Clinton aides like Paul Begala said they believed the president when he went on television and denied having sex with Lewinsky.

When the truth was revealed, Republicans were frustrated by the lack of public outrage, Takiff writes. They thought the Clintons were “wizards who had somehow enchanted America out of its moral moorings,” Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., said.

Given all that’s emanated from the White House since Clinton left office, it’s hard to imagine that people once thought a president having sex and lying about it under oath was worth impeaching one for it. I don’t care if a president has sex with farm animals if it makes him able to be a better president. Just don’t start unnecessary wars, don’t turn the country into Big Brother, don’t be owned by big business and Wall Street, etc, etc.

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    “Just don’t start unnecessary wars,”

    Bill Clinton did that. How quickly you forget.

  2. Mextli says:

    ” I don’t care if a president has sex with farm animals if it makes him able to be a better president.”

    The end justifes the means and who are we to judge, right?

    Time to get out the patchouli oil again.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    “don’t be owned by big business and Wall Street,”

    Bill Clinton was certainly owned by big business and Wall Street. From Enron to Glass-Steagal, Clinton rolled in the corporate cash.

    Fact is, Bill Clinton was a man who benefited from the biggest stock market bubble we have ever seen. Greenspan’s first bubble fed the federal budget, and Clinton got out just as it all collapsed.

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    I will say that Bill is a likable character, and I pity him for having to sleep with the Hildebeast.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #1: Who said he did? I was referring to a particular WH resident who came afterwards and all presidents in general.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    “but had an immature attitude when it came to sex.”

    Now can someone tell me if there’s any man who doesn’t fit that sentence?

  7. LDA says:

    A President lying under oath is unacceptable. Maybe the question should not have been asked but he did not have to answer.

    I also wonder why he didn’t testify under oath to the 9/11 commission.

    P.S. The fact that Bush was pathetic does not have anything to do with it if you are interested in the good of the country instead of whether the President is from your side of the crime gang.

  8. GregAllen says:

    Uncle dave said,
    >> it’s hard to imagine that people once thought a president having sex and lying about it under oath was worth impeaching one for it.

    Republicans never where truly outrages about the sex — it was strictly cynical politics.

    If they _really_ cared about politicians having taudry sex and lying about it — they would have impeached hundreds of their own when they where in power.

  9. Thomas says:

    it’s hard to imagine that people once thought a president having sex and lying about it under oath was worth impeaching one for it

    When was the President lying to the Grand Jury ever considered to be anything less than impeachable?! I agree that the President can have sex with whomever he wants and the Grand Jury should probably not be permitted to ask questions about the President’s personal life. However, once it was agreed that the Grand Jury was permitted to ask him about his personal life, he was obligated to tell the truth. Basically, you are saying that because you liked him as a President and given that you (and I) find the subject matter to be pedantic, it is OK to lie to the Grand Jury? Sheesh.

  10. Dallas says:

    I would say this is an accurate account of the Clinton presidency. The smartest president ever indeed.

    However, impeached by a GOP lead posse exploiting the American sheeple’s Puritan fears and personal hypocrisy about their own sexuality.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    “#1: Who said he did? I was referring to a particular WH resident who came afterwards”

    I agree, there are some serious issues with Barry.

  12. GregAllen says:

    >> LDA said, on August 21st, 2010 at 7:14 am
    >> A President lying under oath is unacceptable

    People calculate that Reagan lied under oath 100+ times about stuff that really mattered! Republicans found this perfectly acceptable.

    This was pure fake outrage against Clinton.

    For starters, this a perjury trap set by cynical conservatives and was a travesty of justice and governance. The people who led this expensive and shameful fraud should have been the ones impeached.

  13. GregAllen says:

    “How could Clinton be so dumb?” is a common question even my most liberal friends still ask about this.

    It’s a fair question. Unless you’re a propagandized Fox/Limbaugh fan, you know that Clinton was absolutely brilliant. How could he make such a “dumb” mistake when he knew the GOP where gunning for him on anything they could get. I mean, the GOP spent our hard-earned tax dollars investigating the Clinton’s Christmas card list for crying out loud!

    But here’s the deal — sex is not about I.Q.

    If it was, smart people would be monogamous or celebrate and dumb people having affairs left-and-right. Universities would chaste places of sexual sobriety! CEOs and senators would hire the competent elderly for their secretaries.

    In who’s world is this true?

  14. Mextli says:

    #9 Angel H. Wong
    “Now can someone tell me if there’s any man who doesn’t fit that sentence?”

    C’est moi 😉

  15. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    “I don’t care if a president has sex with farm animals”

    Well, not in the Oval office, please. Or in the Lincoln bedroom. Let’s keep that sort of thing in the Vice President’s mansion where it belongs.

  16. Father says:

    Mextli, prove it please.

    I agree with Angle in #9.

    But I’d say maybe 2/3 of the women I’ve known have had an immature attitude concerning sex too.

    Generally American homosexuals and foreign women always seem to know what they want, and therefore appear more sophisticated. I’ve noticed men who grew up near the Meditrennean act like they are twelve their who lives.

  17. B, Dog says:

    Bill Clinton sure seems smart and likable. I figure it was that crazed bitch Janet “Kill All Branch Davidians” Reno who was the driving force behind the persecution prosecution of the sex scandal.

  18. t0llyb0ng says:

    Bill was brilliant, in the Andy Jackson mold. One of the most capable presidents ever.

    The impeachment wasn’t about the blowjob so much as the lying about it. A guy that has been a lawyer for decades might be expected to know that lying before a grand jury is a no-no.

    “I did not have sex with that woman.” So enter the blue dress with cum stains on it. Good thing they saved it for posterity or Monica would have been dragged through the mud behind Hillary’s limousine.

  19. Mextli says:

    #19 Father “Mextli, prove it please.”

    I wish I could but that was just a tease. I’m in the same boat as everyone else.

  20. hhopper says:

    Everyone knows what a pussy hound is.

  21. Counterweight says:

    # 21 B, Dog “I figure it was …Reno who was the driving force behind the persecution prosecution of the sex scandal.”

    Don’t be naive. Last thing she wanted was Clinton out of the WH. In fact, rumor has it she held the sexcapades over his head in order to keep her job!

  22. Cursor_ says:

    ” It has been recorded in private letters, discovered in the 1960s, that Harding had a 15 year on-and-off-again affair with Carrie Fulton Phillips. Harding also had an affair with Nan Britton, who published her tell-all book The President’s Daughter in 1927, claiming that Harding was the father of her daughter, Elizabeth Ann. 105 letters were discovered after Mrs. Phillips died in 1960. Some of these letters were as long as 35 to 40 pages with alleged evidence that Harding had affairs with both of these women. Although these letters have been banned from publication by court order, historian Francis Russell, who viewed the letters, claimed that President Harding had a sexual affair in a closet of the White House with his “dearie” while the Secret Service kept a look out for Mrs. Harding.”

    But that’s OK cos the SS, Secret Service, kept an eye out so he wouldn’t get caught.

    Kept illegal booze too and gambled the white house china.

    Yeah Clinton was SOOOOO much worse.


  23. Thomas says:

    When did Reagan himself, as President, ever testify under oath?

  24. Thomas says:

    Did Harding ever testify in front of the Grand Jury and falsely tell them he was not having sex with that girl? Yeah, what Clinton did was worse.

  25. bobbo, to the left of Obama and Clinton too says:

    The rap on Clinton was that he was so busy, so applied/dedicated, such a policy wonk, informed, hard working that even when he “cheated” on Hilary he did it with the closest woman available, in the Oval Office, even while on the phone with foreign leaders (doing the same thing?). Its true, no one can imagine BushtheRetard working so hard.

    Bill and Hillary = Premiere Political Power Couple. Both liars and whores.

    He lied before the Grand Jury because he thought he could get away with it – and he did.

    He lied to the American People and threw the honor of the office down the sewer because he thought he could get away with it – and he did.

    Very pragmatic. The Greeks told of a Philosopher King who could rule a nation or could be the King of Thieves=ie a tyrant. Bill pretty much applied his talents on both sides of the ledger.

    I don’t admire him for lying and I really don’t support his selling pardons and taking cash from the Chinese. Did I mention he was a lying scumbag?

    Yet, I’d vote for him again over anyone I can see in the Puke Party.


  26. sargasso_c says:

    “Oui. For a man to be unfaithful is French. To be caught being unfaithful, is American.” Inspector Andre, in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

  27. Cursor_ says:

    Hey Tommy Boy!

    Didn’t you get it. They are ALL scum.

    Now go back to watching TV so you don’t have to concern yourself with it.


  28. deowll says:

    Given all that’s emanated from the White House since Clinton left office, it’s hard to imagine that people once thought a president having sex and lying about it under oath was worth impeaching one for it. I don’t care if a president has sex with farm animals if it makes him able to be a better president. Just don’t start unnecessary wars, don’t turn the country into Big Brother, don’t be owned by big business and Wall Street, etc, etc.

    Two thumbs up and a big toe on that one.

  29. Alfie's Butt Buddy, Sean says:

    Alphie, my favorite butt buddie,

    I have saved up a whole load of super fresh turd for you. Not only corn but lots of beans and salsa. mmmmmmm. A dish only you love.

    And I bought a new dildo for your butt too. This’ll stretch that butt hole, no, not your mouth, the other end that spews crap. It’ll stretch it until your gerbil can do somersaults in there. OOoooooo, that’ll make your day better than the Jehovah’s Witness having a convention on your front stoop. Just think. You could even attend the JW convention with the gerbil up there. Boy, that would have them all thinking how you are one of them.

    Wouldn’t it be a thrill having a gerbil doing somersaults while you tell us how great Bush jr was as President? That beaming smile would be enough to convince everyone.

    Isn’t a good thing for your gerbil you’re such an asshole?

  30. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Lyrics to “Living in the Past”:

    Happy and I’m smiling,
    walk a mile to drink your water.
    You know I’d love to love you,
    and above you there’s no other.
    We’ll go walking out
    while others shout of war’s disaster.
    Oh, we won’t give in,
    let’s go living in the past.

    Once I used to join in
    every boy and girl was my friend.
    Now there’s revolution, but they don’t know
    what they’re fighting.
    Let us close out eyes;
    outside their lives go on much faster.
    Oh, we won’t give in,
    we’ll keep living in the past.

    ////// Seems to me “this blog” represents the arguing and war of current times that “Living in the Past” would be the opposite of. The review which is the basis of this thread is about a newly published book.

    Just another example of when Alfie says “Every blog here is about the past” he is wrong.

    Good to recall Jethro Tull. The guy wanted to be a guitar player but one night he saw Eric Clapton and he gave it up. Overall, our gain. Good guitar. Good flute.


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