That he’s smart is obvious. But immature about sex? Who could have guessed?

A new book says President Clinton was one of the smartest men to ever occupy the White House but had an immature attitude when it came to sex.

The book quotes NPR reporter Nina Totenberg, who covered the Clinton administration’s most inglorious moment when Republicans got Clinton impeached for lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky, the New York Daily News reported Friday. Clinton had the “mentality of an 18-year-old” when it came to sex, Totenberg is quoted as saying. That assessment appears in “A Complicated Man: The Life of Bill Clinton as Told by Those Who Know Him” by Michael Takiff.

Totenberg says she believes it was Clinton’s inability to face his wife Hillary Clinton that led him to make the fateful lie. Clinton aides like Paul Begala said they believed the president when he went on television and denied having sex with Lewinsky.

When the truth was revealed, Republicans were frustrated by the lack of public outrage, Takiff writes. They thought the Clintons were “wizards who had somehow enchanted America out of its moral moorings,” Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., said.

Given all that’s emanated from the White House since Clinton left office, it’s hard to imagine that people once thought a president having sex and lying about it under oath was worth impeaching one for it. I don’t care if a president has sex with farm animals if it makes him able to be a better president. Just don’t start unnecessary wars, don’t turn the country into Big Brother, don’t be owned by big business and Wall Street, etc, etc.

  1. Floyd says:

    “However, once it was agreed that the Grand Jury was permitted to ask him about his personal life, he was obligated to tell the truth. Basically, you are saying that because you liked him as a President and given that you (and I) find the subject matter to be pedantic, it is OK to lie to the Grand Jury? Sheesh.”

    You’re right in a way. Clinton should have simply answered that his personal life was none of their business, which was indeed the truth, since sex is not illegal.

  2. Thomas says:

    Agreed. IMO, Clinton should have stood his ground and stated that his personal life, especially his sex life, was not relevant to the investigation. If the Grand Jury tried to then hit him on contempt of Court, I think most of America would have backed him. However, he did not do that. Instead, he tried to cover it up by lying to the Grand Jury which was and is indefensible.

  3. clifffton says:

    #28 “You have no idea what tsunami it will be in November…elitist dogs will be swept away by the people.”

    To be replaced be elitist dogs that vote NO! Remember, there are only 6 health care lobbyists

    Also remember good ‘ol boy Ken Starr spent $50 million on that blow job. Who got f*cked here? Taxpayers of course.

    Ronnie blamed Carter for the economy till late 1984. W made a huge mess that will take a very long time to fix, if it even can be fixed. W gave us “trickle up poverty”!

  4. BrianK says:

    Clinton was an embarrasment. How could the rest of the world respect him when he can’t keep it in his pants? For eight years, we suffered humiliation on the world stage. He and Hillary disgraced the office and treated secret service men like dirt (her pet name for them was “trained pigs”). They hired idiots and ignored FBI clearance protocols.

  5. MikeN says:

    >don’t support his selling pardons

    One of the guys buying a pardon was Scooter Libby, and the prosecutor was Patrick Fitzgerald.

    By the way Bill was on the phone with a Congressman.

  6. bobbo, libertarian and wanting to stay that way says:

    Mike, I’m glad my memory is not as good as yours. That would drive me nuts too!

    The powers that be. More alike than you and me.

  7. jman says:

    uncle dave wishes he was Monica

  8. Traaxx says:

    While I believe both of the Clintons are buffoons that made it through the university only because they weren’t graded, and don’t bring up Rhodes it’s not a degree but simply a program. For the sake of argument could someone list the “smart” things they did while in office.

    Was it?:
    1.) health care?
    2.) blowing up an aspirin factory?
    3.) Battle of Mogadishu (1993)
    4.) the passing of the National debt past the trillion mark
    5.) bailing our corrupt Mexico
    6.) Allowing our embassy and a Navy ship to be blown up without doing anything about it
    7.) Failing to head off Osama bin Obama, oh sorry, I mean Laden. they missed no less than three chance to kill him and that was after he started blowing up things.
    8.) the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and messing that up.
    9.) This is when Enron started it’s shading dealings and thefts.
    10.) This is when Comcast pulled off it’s thefts.
    11.) The selling of top secret information on satellites to the chinese.
    12.) The selling of top secret information on nuclear submarines to the chinese.
    13.) Allowing and encoraging the mexicans to invade our country.
    14.) the financing and encouragement of the off shore outsourcing, yes Clinton support this.
    15.) Signing the WTO treaty which is now being used to destroy our industry/country.
    16.) Or is it welfare reform which supposedly the Demoncrats were against.

    This is only a short list of Clinton treasons, there are many many more. He should be impeached and tried as a traitor, but you dippie dolittles think he’s smart…..what short memories. Republicrats vs Demoncrats…you may conside your brainwashing complete, dihimmi lemmings. It’s now just Globalist vs Nationalist and it’s fight for survival, as in 80% of us are scheduled displacement. All you elites think you’ll going to make that 20%, after the apartheid quotas of minorities are filled, fools.

    But I would still like a list of his accomplishments. I’ll check back, but other than insults, there won’t be any list of accomplishment other than the one I’ve left-which is more of an list of criminal charges. And yeh, I’d like both Bushes impeached and tried as traitors also then that’s another list isn’t it.



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