The church in Washington Square. Click to embiggen.

  1. spsffan says:

    Two good things to come out of the church. Architecture and music. Not sure that they make up for the wars, torture, genocides, etc.

  2. Sparky_One says:

    The music and architecture were in man long before any “church”.

  3. Dallas says:

    Seems like a very valuable piece of property on a very valuable piece of land.

    How much would their taxes be if it wasn’t for the sacred cow law?

  4. Bob says:

    Excellent shot. Thanks, John. Looks like the anti-pigeon technology works.

  5. FRAGaLOT says:


  6. spsffan says:

    #2…True, that.

    But so was the war, torture, etc.

  7. Pope-O-Cash says:

    You can buy lots of valuable stuff if ALL OF YOUR INCOME IS TAX FREE. TAX. ALL. RELIGION.

  8. A. Adams says:

    Nice photo – what was the camera? Cell phone? At full size the sky is a little mottled.

  9. Still Right says:

    Now, John, go into your metadata, and tell us the f stop and focal length.
    I am guessing 210mm, around 1/250 at f8, ISO 200.

  10. Still Right says:

    I am also guessing a Canon D40.

  11. Still Right says:

    I mean 40D.

  12. deowll says:

    #7 Actually all of their income is tax free if all of their income is donations. If they engage in business they do pay taxes.

    #3 Most likely not much because they would most likely have to sell. I’m sure SF could use another medical weed dealerships or two and of course Dallas will be more than happy to increase somebody else’s taxes to pick up the tab for what ever social services the place is providing assuming the church actually has a congregation left.

    I wouldn’t count on it in a place like SF. It could be a museum or a bar and grill.

  13. NorCal says:

    I guess since I was married there I am biased, but it’s a beautiful church. The contrast between it’s regal beauty and the crass small-minded comments here is quite striking.

  14. green says:

    A polarizer would help.

    The building is sooo one tone.

  15. Luc says:

    $ exiftool saint-peter-and-paul.jpg

    Focal Length: 25.8 mm (35 mm equivalent: 146.0 mm)
    Exposure Time: 1/800
    F Number: 4.3
    ISO: 80
    Flash: Off
    Date/Time Original: 2009:09:18 13:50:35


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