Not that the left is immune from doing this, but it’s just that the right seems to have become unusually good at it. Or more accurately, the religious far right who have taken over the Republican party. The ones who proclaim loudly that they believe in that guy who said things like love your neighbor as you would yourself.

Whenever America faces her toughest challenges, you can always count on the right to be there. Sowing hate, stoking fear. So it’s no surprise that in the midst of a great economic catastrophe, the right would search for scapegoats instead of answers. And so we have the fabricated crisis of the “Mosque at Ground Zero.”

Leave aside the fact that it’s not a mosque and it’s not at Ground Zero. This is really about hate and fear, the right’s old friends.

For the last 45 years, at least, no matter who the Republican candidate has been, hate and fear were really at the top of the ticket.

Recall that in 1968, Richard Nixon won the presidency by stoking fear of Negroes and hippies. The vaunted Southern Strategy of the Republican Party was at its core a campaign of fear. What a ride it’s had.

It’s no longer fashionable to be officially afraid of blacks, but there is no shortage of substitutes. Who is the right afraid of now?

Read the post to find out the new boogiemen are in their list of things to distract us. Like Muslims in a building a few blocks from Ground Zero. Like there aren’t any anywhere else around there now.

  1. Derek says:

    Nope. This is about false dichotomy. This is about good parent/bad parent. This is about one side trying to destroy the character of the other side. What does this solve? How does this help anyone? IF you honestly believe one side = evil and one side = good, your a complete and total fool.

    I have never met a person who agrees 100% with one side and disagrees 100% with the other. Yet morons defend their side like their shit doesn’t stink, and attacks the other side like they are the second coming of Hitler. I hate to burst this Utopian dream of good vs evil, but both sides are so unbelievably corrupt, you fail regardless of what size you support.

    Here’s some nice pointers:

    IF you’ve ever voted “all republican” or “all democrat”, you are the problem. If you are a “registered” anything, you are the problem. If you believe a politician without doing your own research and comparisons, you are the problem. If you believe that the two party system works on any level, you are the problem.

    Anything other than independent thought and reasoning is kharma policing. Dick riding a party still leaves you screwed.

  2. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #37–Derek==off point and irrelevant to THIS THREAD: RIGHT = FEAR. I can agree or disagree with everything you posted as it is off point and irrelevant to THIS THREAD: RIGHT = FEAR.

    You argue just like the dipshits you complain about. Got anything on subject?

  3. chuck says:

    Shouldn’t it be The Left=Hate?

    The Tea Party nutbars were protesting higher taxes and it was Nancy Pelosi who called them racists and Nazis.

    If you’re opposed to socialized health-care you’re a racist.

    In fact, if you’re opposed to just about anything the Democrats favor, you’ll be called a racist.

    In general, I would agree that the religious-right are hate-crazed nutbars. But the left-wing nutbars have been doing it longer, so they’re better at it.

  4. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #41–UpChuck==too mechanical. Nicely played, but too mechanical.

    Simple Truth: Republicans want nothing but tax cuts for the SUPER RICH.

    UpChuck Response: Democrats approved tax cuts too a long time ago. They are the chief tax cutters.

    So easy, only a simpleton would want to do it. Stay tuned for Alfie and Stillborn to demonstrate.

  5. ramuno says:


    It was a pissing contest by both sides. When I went to Moscow for a job, my interpreter told me that those endless missiles, tanks and troops that we saw them parade in Red Square on May Day was a trick. They opened the back gate and had the same ones circling all day.

  6. chris says:


    You have been duped. If you look at the big GDP growth periods you’d see, more often than not, high top-marginal tax rates.

    Taking more from the extremely rich tends not to be a harmful thing, and most of them don’t care that much about the tax burden.

    The GOP gets its cash from the removal of regulation.

    The US Democratic party just doesn’t understand the modern strategy of politics. The right has combined a decent philosophical idea (the unfairness of the state stealing your labor) with a valuable commodity (the ability of the state to look the other way on regulation) to great effect.

    #41 No, The Left = Irrelevance.

  7. fargonaz says:

    Doddo, ===========oh shit=====there it goes again===========, Said,”Dammit, Slave, Shut up!”

  8. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    faggonads==I enjoy changing the good word with you. Keep the insights flowing.

  9. Bob says:

    Comment moderation is in effect? Yeah right. What a joke. There’s nothing moderate about this blog, as bobbo has so successfully demonstrated.

  10. Gildersleeve says:

    Stop peeing in the pool. We need to balance out the power of government by restoring divided government. A Republican landslide this November should split the House and Senate, and bring us the most precious gift we can vote in – the Congress’s inability to spend money.

  11. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Bob==the standard here is loose. No personal attacks “unless justified.” I’ve actually been quite calm the last few days.

    I’d love to hear what you think is so uncalled for that you raise the issue? Got Milk?

  12. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Gilder==you are totally used. Divided government goes to the three branches of government with Congress representing THE STATES = NOT THE POLITICAL PARTIES.

    Civics 101.

  13. MikeN says:

    >Leave aside the fact that it’s not a mosque and it’s not at Ground Zero.

    Yes, best to leave that aside, as it is a mosque and it is at Ground Zero. Up until recently, the developers were bragging on that point. IT was the site of a Burlington Coat factory that was damaged on 9/11.

  14. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Hey Mike==well done. All definitional isn’t it? Good to see you finally post on point. You should do it routinely rather than occasionally.

    Do you think peoples’ sensitivities are still justified, or are they moreso responding to the Fear campaign of the Pukes?

  15. Great American says:

    The things I hate are smug looking douche bag journalists like Rex Nutting. Do I as a right wing nut want to shut up his freedom of expression? No. It’s more helpful to allow him to prattle on. The nonsense he’s selling pretty much spells out how desperate and vacuous the left are.

    Thanks Rex!

  16. Traaxx says:

    I see Uncle Davie Stalin and BooButt have missed the point. The “Far Right Religious hate mongers” are using political pressure and peaceful means to affect a change which they perceive as a threat to their long term safety. Muslim trash would simply blow-up, riot, or behead Uncle Davie Stalin, Boobutt or anyone else they disagree with. How can such leftist trash like UDStalin and Boobutt ignore such current history, they may see themselves as intellectual elites, but they are actually the newest version of the Dodo bird.



  17. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Traax==was that the point, or an entirely different subject?


  18. GF says:


  19. Cursor_ says:


    There are places in Islam where non-believers are NOT to go. I know its that whole religion culture thing.

    Well one of them is the Saudi Peninsula. So where does FDR go to start oil contacts? Saudi Peninsula.

    Now we did a similar thing in the past. There were these people called the Lakota Sioux. They had a scared land as well. It was the Black Hills of South Dakota. Caucasians found gold there, so the government protected the miners and companies that wanted that gold. Caused a big fight.

    So even though we had fallen into this ditch before, we fell in it again. And we wonder why after we break open the house and steal the bees’ honey why we get stung.

    Now couple that with the despots we have supported in the region that refuse to allow basic freedoms and the bees get even MORE pissed. How many times will we stamp on someone for our own greedy needs before they haul up and fight back?

    Not just silly hoomans, willfully ignorant, greedy, uncaring hoomans.


  20. RTaylor says:

    I seem to remember a time about forty years ago, when there were three channels on the TV, and an afternoon newspaper delivery, you didn’t hear this bullshit. You give an opinionated asshole a box, and he’ll stand on it all day spouting shit. Maybe with the internet and 500 TV channels we have too many boxes.

  21. smartalix says:


    You are a troll, either stupid or disingenuous. If you don’t know the facts at this stage you are beyond help.

    I would love to see someone here post some legislation recently presented by the GOP that isn’t based at its core on greed, hate, or fear.

  22. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The threat level is still at orange. Should we be alert, or scared?

  23. Mo says:

    This is not a question of right or left. It is not hatred that opposes the building of a “ha-mosque”, but a deep-seated desire to prevent the enemy of my country from erecting a victory tower. I lost 3,000 family members on that day…

  24. Cursor_ says:


    Muslims are NOT the enemy of the US. They are here in the country and have been for over 100 years. Quietly going about their lives, living near everyone else like all other religious people.

    If they want to build a mosque and they obtain permits and can afford to build let them. It is their right as citizens of the US.


  25. GF says:

    Is this inspired by greed, hate or fear?

    H.R. 5850 – —Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2011

    Rep. Olver, John W. (Dem)(Appropriations Committee)
    The bill also makes in order up to four of 12 amendments offered by Rep. Flake (R-AZ) in Part B of the rule.

    “Earmarks: On March 11, 2010, the House Republican Conference voted to adopt a unilateral moratorium on all earmarks, effective immediately. The Republican moratorium has had a substantial effect on reducing the overall number and cost of earmarks in the bill and increasing spending transparency. The FY 2011 bill contains 459 earmarks—453 of which were requested by Democrats. Including the FY 2011 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations, the House will vote on appropriations bills this week containing 982 earmarks, only seven of which are sponsored by Republicans.”

  26. muhamnipple says:

    dave, i a muslim and you have offended me.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Mo #65 that’s pretty funny. That “deep-seated desire” developed (coincidentally, I’m sure) as the right’s news apparatus started to whine about this story incessantly, didn’t it?

  28. smartalix says:


    Yes, fear they wouldn’t get re-elected. If they are so hotr about not amending legislation, why did they kill the 911 responder’s medical bill?

    Even giving you that as possibly coming from decent impulses, it is only a declaration not to do anything, it still isn’t anything constructive.

    What is the GOP proposing to do about the economy or unemployment that doesn’t involve the tax cuts to the rich and financial deregulation that got us into this mess?

  29. Mextli says:

    #63 smartalix
    “I would love to see someone here post some legislation recently presented by the GOP that isn’t based at its core on greed, hate, or fear.”

    Here is a lot of it. All you have to do is read it with an open mind and make an honest evaluation.

    You people on the loony left do not think, you react to Keith Olbermann and speak in cliches.

  30. Thomas says:

    You are seriously deluded. Now you are including “fear they won’t get re-elected”? Tell you what, name ANY piece of legislation ever written and I can twist its motivation into one of fear, hate or greed. Go on, make my day. The Constitution? Fear of another tyranny, hate of the British and the greed of taking over British financial interests in America. Magna Carta? Fear of a dumb King and greed by Nobles to control money going to the crown, hate of John. Health Care bill? Fear of losing support of left wing extremists, greed of money from insurance companies if it passes, hatred of insurance companies (These are the Democrats we are discussing. They are capable of supporting two opposing points of view at the same time).

    What is the GOP proposing to do about the economy or unemployment that doesn’t involve the tax cuts to the rich and financial deregulation that got us into this mess?

    How about not blowing cash like a rapper at a whore house with that idiotic stimulus bill? How about not bailing out failed companies like GM? How about not increasing most people’s taxes by expiring the Bush tax cuts? The GOP has proposed plenty of options; it’s just that you don’t like any of them so you dismissed them as not offering solution.

    The only people claiming Right=Hate are left. Whereas the right claim Left=Clueless. They are both wrong and both right and even the opposite is also true (i.e. Right=Clueless and Left=Hate). It’s not like there ever a lot of middle ground in politics.


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