Israel has until the weekend to launch a military strike on Iran’s first nuclear plant before the humanitarian risk of an attack becomes too great, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said Tuesday.

A Russian company is expected to help Iran start loading nuclear fuel into its plant on Saturday, after which an attack on the Bushehr reactor could trigger harmful radiation, which Israel wants to avoid, Bolton said. So unless the Israelis act immediately to shut down the facility, it will be too late.

“Once it’s close to the reactor … the risk is when the reactor is attacked, there will be a release of radiation into the air,” Bolton told “It’s most unlikely that they would act militarily after fuel rods are loaded.”

Earlier Tuesday, Bolton told Fox Business Network the Israelis will have to move in the “next eight days” if they want to attack the Bushehr facility — a reference to the window between when the start-up was announced last week and the loading date. Bolton said Tuesday that the date has fluctuated, but he described the start-up as the ultimate deadline.

  1. Improbus says:

    IT’S A TRAP! — Admiral Ackbar

  2. eddie says:

    When was the last time that Iran attacked/invaded another country?

  3. freddybobs68k says:

    Bolton is a neo-conservative. And we all know how accurate their ideas were about military intervention, WMD etc…

    If he’s right about anything, its most likely for the wrong reasons.

  4. Naomama says:

    I’m confused, isn’t it Israel having already the only nukes in the region and Iran trying to do what every modern western country does for decades now?

    They’ll certainly get a boost in their already huge popularity now.

    … not that is.

  5. eddie says:

    #4 i only have the facts they can talk what ever they want

    also it doesn’t look like they will start the war is the other country or i could be wrong too

  6. Dallas says:

    Filed under “Another Bush lackey looking to boost his relevance”

    Smart guy but tainted with criminal history and association with criminals. His efforts to spin intelligence reports to support his political and personal motives make him not only irrelevant in today’s environment but a criminal that escaped justice.

  7. freddybobs68k says:

    #7 Alfred1

    “Ad hominem”

    Yes it is.

    That doesn’t mean the association isn’t significant. It doesn’t prove it wrong granted.

    And in terms of examples of ‘accuracy’ how about…

    ‘On three episodes of Fox News in May and June 2008, Bolton suggested that Israel might attack Iran after US elections in November.’

    And thats was without trying.

    That fact he was involved in…

    Means you’re in trouble.

    “He’s an expert on the subject.”

    If the subject is warmongering – then I can’t disagree.

  8. The Solipsist says:

    # 5 freddybobs68k
    # 8 Dallas

    You make me physically ill. Why? Because you’ve made me agree with Alfred1. You’ve made an ad hominem attack, denying the information due to the source. Bolton did not suggest that Israel WOULD attack or SHOULD attack he merely stated it was extremely unlikely they would attack after the fuel rods were in place. That is simply information not prediction.

  9. Gunnar F. says:

    Boy am I tired of this scaremongering…

    How many times have I heard about Iran threatening the entire world…

    Why don’t the US leave the theatre, fix your own phenomenal economic problems and simply leave these people alone. They hate you, they will continue to hate you because you occupy, and bully and have no clue what you are doing there. Vietnam was a walk in the park compared to what this shit shall develop into.

    Go home, please. Leave the rag heads alone. they will not embrace democracy and ‘people power’; they are still in the middle ages and will remain there for another 500 years.

    They actually like to kick and hit their women, and beat their kids…

    This is a dysfunctional part of the world you can do nothing about.

    I mean, who dresses their beloved wives in tents…???

    Crazy people. Let them be crazy people. They have been since year 722 and will continue to be.

    The US, the icon of freedom and liberty has turned into a neo-fascist state due to the rag heads. Why you want to bother anymore???
    Go home. Forget the oil. Make a peace you don’t like. Fix your fiscal policies. Get the f…g world to work again!!!

    Please – get real…before it is too late….

  10. Capn Fubar says:

    #9. Don’t expect anyone here to read that (PNAC Docs). They wouldn’t believe it if they did.

    #11. I concur….we all should.

  11. MikeN says:

    How many times is this site going to put up posts about an imminent war with Iran? You’re at least 5 years too early in your predictions.

    Bushehr plant is not a threat to Israel. It is very difficult to weaponize. It is the other plants that Israel might bomb.

  12. MikeN says:

    >When was the last time that Iran attacked/invaded another country?

    Hezbollah is an Iranian creation, and Syrian sponsorship of Hezbollah is a conduit for Iran’s actions.

  13. Benjamin says:

    I am all in favor of sneaking a nuke into Iran and setting it off. Then just blame the Iranian nuclear weapon scientist for accidentally setting off the nuke they were building. That would solve everyone’s problem.

  14. Dallas says:

    #11 Yes, I tend to discount the source as is routinely done here. When in Rome….

    Sorry to make you physically ill in agreeing with a psychopath.

  15. The Solipsist says:

    #17 Dallas : Well, we all do it from time to time.

    I’m feeling much better now.

  16. spsffan says:

    #12 “This is a dysfunctional part of the world you can do nothing about. ”

    Well, we could. Neutron Bomb was just made for that part of the world. Israel included. Like a fresh scrubbing of the world’s toilet, these nutballs need to be flushed as they are smelling up the rest of the human race.

    Barring that, #12 has it just about right. Pull out, lock the door with a hole for an outgoing oil pipe and a slot for inbound $ and be done with them. Check back in 1000 years to see it the stench has subsided.

  17. Named says:

    Who the hell let Alfred E Newman back into the blog?

    I noticed he’s not spewing from the Bible… maybe someone wants to send him a new copy?

    “Oh, My name is Alfred K Persson, I live at 35099 State Hwy 74, Spc 3, Hemet Californa, 92543”

    Or you can call a cab from him. Watch out though. He’s absolutely crazy.

    A-1 Taxi Yellow Cab
    147 S. Juanita St. – Hemet, CA 92543
    Phone: (951) 925-1984 Fax: (951) 765-3077
    Contact: Alfred K. Persson
    Business Category: Transportation

  18. Named says:

    So, Alfred E Newman… Which Iran should Israel attack? The official government, or the people that protested the election that lead to their own death and jailing? Hmmmmm?

    Or are you more of the “let God sort them out”?

  19. MrMiGu says:

    Your country has been creating many ground zero’s near mosques in iraq and afghanistan for years now. Why not allow them the same rights you allow for all other religions.

  20. Named says:

    24 Mr MiGu,

    Don’t even bother. Alfred1 is a murdering “Christian”. He’s even threated to bomb places on this blog. The FBI should be called on him. He’s one of those that revels in the death of “those” people because that’s just how his God and Religion demands it. Completely certifiable.

  21. Brian says:

    if they attempt something, they’ll be prepared to use nukes because the scales will weight heavily against them. The only US President in recent history that’s been essentially anti-Semitic. Iran proclaiming annihilation of Israel at every turn, with the rest of the 2.5B Muslims prepared to cheer them on if they actually did anything. Russia potentially backing Iran, depending on whether it’s just a business venture or not. Iran’s military has mostly Soviet-made vehicles that have probably been supplemented with Chinese-made knock-offs as older equipment failed. if you’re the little kid in the schoolyard that is about to get pounced on by a dozen 200lb bullies, you have to be prepared to bring the pain or die trying.

  22. Named says:

    28 Alfred E Newman,

    I’m fascinated by psychopaths and the clinically insane. It’s a condition unique to certain people like yourself. Kinda like watching a train wreck. Hard not to look…

    besides… Google reveals SO SO much with just a few keystrokes…

  23. KMFIX says:

    Israel wouldn’t care if that part of the world get irradiated. They’d look at it as doubleplusgood.

  24. Named says:

    30, AlfredENewman,

    Fun for you. Psychopaths and the clinically insane have that problem. As for me, I have a wonderful REAL life in a REAL world run by REAL science to enjoy. You can have your unicorns and fancy Jesus with Machine Guns.

    So long, sucker! You’ll be banned soon enough again I’m sure.

  25. Named says:

    30, 30 AlfredENewman,

    LMAO. I noticed you spelled your own name incorrectly. Classic…

    Retarded, insane and psychotic. A true ‘Merican Christian. Carry on…

  26. Alfie's Butt Buddy, Sean says:


    I’m glad the medication is working a bit.

    So tonight when you come over, would you like me to slide down the banister and warm up your dinner? I ate some corn yesterday so it’ll be just the way you like it.

  27. ECA says:

    I dont have anything to do with it..
    Hey you, load the missle..
    I dont have naything to do with it,.
    You get ready..
    I dont have anything to do with it..
    I dont have anything to do with it..
    Logistics, are we clear?
    I dont have anything to do with it..
    I dont have anything to do with it..

  28. bobbo, protecting the homeland against enemies both foreign, domestic, and religious says:

    Dear Eds:

    Given the number of times “I” have been called a troll, and given the acknowledged extreme position I take on the existenctial threat of Sharia Law invading the USA, I’ve dismissed claims of trollery as mere comment that a post is not favored.

    But you opened my eyes and made a good call at #8. My claims may be considered extreme but I back them up with some reasoning/facts that can be disagreed with or not. Not so with the troll you identified.

    I’ve been reading right past the posts from Alfred1 as being “nonsense.” So we both are identifying a posting style that is not worth reading and one that devolves the thread into personality contests and name calling.

    Thank you. I think a few warnings followed by a short time ban is appropriate for all deemed offenders of the sensitivities of the Eds. I don’t think unnoticed or life bans is ever appropriate. Capital punishment doesn’t teach anyone anything.

    Alfred: maintain the cause, but engage reality.

  29. bobbo, protecting the homeland against enemies both foreign, domestic, and religious says:

    “When was the last time that Iran attacked/invaded another country?” /// And this is “relevant” how? Legally, the take over of the US Embassy in 1973 (?) was. Iraq/Iran was back and forth and they did not initiate the war-perhaps not close enough?

    Caught the news analysis last week. Someone said there has been an effective takeover of the theology driven Iranian Government by the Secret Police/Special Forces element of that government. Its a “secret” force, so the evidence of this will be slow to come out for the rest of us.

    Yes, its difficult: Iran has never attacked anyone since they went up against the Spartans with their straw shields. But they regularly state a desire to “wipe Israel from the face of the earth” and they have a program to build nuke bombs. They shoot their own citizens during protests and claim there are no gays in their country.

    Maybe the most telling “fact” is that other Israel hating Arab Muslims countries are actively working with Israel because they are afraid of the crazy fascists in Iran?

    We can all only hope that Israel acts in its own self interest and takes Iran out. Having the balls to protect its own liberty. A lesson in leadership for us all.

  30. bobbo, protecting the homeland against enemies both foreign, domestic, and religious says:

    Laser: Bush was willing to Kiss his Arab Oil Masters on the lips ((just face?)) in public. Praising their religion would be a matter of course, just as Obama has done.

    the confusion regarding FREEDOM and religion, political correctness and maintain diplomatic relations, and a general appeasement of international bullies plots the general death spiral of Western Culture.

    another news analysis item from last week: the distinction between (belligerent) Arab Muslims and (peaceful) Indonesian Muslims is showing homogenization as the more militant factions are becoming more bumptious. Yep–talk about the love of Islam when your numbers are small, then demand obedience when you are in a position to do so.

    Iran is a good example: going from Western Democratic influence to reversion to theocratic repressive control. TURKEY IS DOING IT NOW!

    But its a religion of peace because they tell us so.

    Silly Hoomans.


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