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Well, at least he isn’t a Republican drama queen.
Actually, I checked out his politics, most are quite good. I don’t agree with him on everything, but do on some important issues. Of course, he’s not running in my state, so no vote from me.
#3 – Alfred1,
Rush Limbaugh just made an excellent point
When the Kool-Aid smells like almonds, don’t drink it.
lol.. too funny. -almost clever.
the only flaw that may cost him points with eco-nuts, is that he technically chucked that peculiar beverage-can in the street. -in the world of meme’s that is quite telling.
(I wonder if that can is a local product recognizable only to those who live there? -looked like a small can of turpentine to me)
That is a catchy ad. I bet the recall numbers will be high.
And a 2-term limit promise as well!
What happened to ELECTING the best person for the JOB?
NOT the idiot that WANTS the job..
What TEST can we give that would/could help us decide WHO TO HIRE/elect.
What skills are needed to be PUT into this position?
Force the person that gets the job to SIGN A CONTRACT with the state, on what he CAN NOT DO. ON the amount of money he will get and ANY EXTRA, has to be returned/given to the state. NO other bank accounts, besides the one created for him, BY THE STATE.
the can contained maple syrup ? a Vermont product
The 20% birthers are oblivious to the evidence put in front of their faces. Constitution be damned – that nigra couldn’t possibly be a citizen!
The 20% for the community center have a concept of separation of church and state and the Constitution, and recognize that we cannot discriminate against one religion. Do you think that other 80% would really care or complain if it were a christian community center going up in that location?
It seemed to me like an Old Spice commercial on a cheaper budget. Of course I watched it without sound. Not crazy though.
Oh my.
We’re fucked.
10, NoYourGod,
The thing that fuels the birthers is the lack of an actual birth certificate being provided along with Obama spending millions to ensure his school records and other such things are kept private. People can come to their own conclusions over his motivations.
The original intent was to prevent a Church of the United States. It was a one way street. It was originally okay to have religion influences onto the government.
This atheist sees right through the antics of the Mosque:
Regardless of how you wish to spin things, the point Alfred1 / Rush seem to be making is how double standards are applied to people in the fringe.
#13 McGuyver – You were making passable sense until you cited Rush and Alfonzo. The only conclusion is that you are a dumbass too.
14, Monster’s Lawyer,
Wow! A liberal who considers himself an intellectual coming to a hasty conclusion. Typical. 🙂
You SEEM to have a poor understanding over what exactly I QUOTED versus what I thought SEEMED to be their point.
Ha Ha!—Guyver===really? a birther??? I don’t believe it. Just confusing being a knee jerk nay sayer with cogent discourse AGAIN!
1==You don’t think the Puke’s fully checked out the birth certificate? Birthers won’t be satisfied until the original document is placed in each one of their hands, and then forgery would still be claimed. Silly.
2==School Records is a different issue. I’ve not seen that much about it but don’t care much either. I don’t care what they show. Same with McCane.
3==Original Intent argument is one only a fool makes. Sup Ct has ruled repeatedly on what the First Amendment means. When you gonna join the 21st Century?
4==re building Mosque at ground zero==nice link but to me the issue is not a mosque at ground zero but for all the reasons given a mosque ANYWHERE in the usa. Islam is a political threat to the usa with religion as only the point of the spear.
5==the only point of comparison between these two “fringe” groups is the fact they are about 20% of those polled? No other equivalency exists.
Stoopid Human.
16, Bobbo,
I think there’s more important things than to obsess whether or not Chairman Obama is natural born. The only interesting caveat I see is the level of effort put forth to prevent full disclosure on what should otherwise be a non-issue.
Until you can disqualify it as a religion, then we are limited in how we can address the issue. This problem will only grow since muslim families have fare more children than their host country’s citizens. The Europeans are finding out the hard way (which is why you don’t see the French making big stands against Islam).
If that’s how you choose to see it. You aren’t by any chance in that 20%? 🙂
McGuyver==”Until you can disqualify it as a religion, then we are limited in how we can address the issue.” //// Silly boy. “Its a floor wax and a mouth wash!” I guess you “The Constitution really is a suicide pact” really can’t juggle two balls at one time. Just grab one ball, or the other, and become a fringe element?
It is a challenge though to try to figure out how to implement a political test that would get to the anti-civilization tenets of the governmental policy end of the Muslims without also attacking the C’s, P’s, and J’s. Oh well, when dealing with religion, hypocrisy has always been a valuable tool.
And the C_P&J’s have always been hypocrites. I love the crap that issues forth with some bishop tries to excommunicate a good catholic who presides over the abortion statutes. The bishop is absolute RIGHT. Make the hypocrite politician choose: God or Mammon?
I don’t like flitting from subject to subject with the mere word of hypocrisy as the link, but it feels right.
I am in the 20% that says “right now” the constitional law on the subject of religion and “existential threats to the Constition” are not established enough so that TODAY there is no legal basis to deny the building permit at ground zero===but for all the reasons advanced against it, all mosques everywhere in the West should be likewise banned.
Its actually fun to see my basic FREEDOM position opposed to this issue. Like I said==a floor was and a mouth wash.
Silly Hoomans can’t juggle two balls.
18, Bobbo,
The Constitution isn’t a suicide pact, but that doesn’t stop liberals from believing it needs to be reinterpreted for things like expanding the power of the Federal Government in spite of its enumerated powers.
Perhaps for starters, our government should stop playing favorites. From what I hear, NYC had the mosque building application on the “fast track” while concurrently denying a Christian church from rebuilding their church destroyed during 9/11 via red tape.
So all C, P, & J’s are hypocrites? Hasty generalization?
And people freely change religions when they don’t identify with what their current religion.
Where’s the hypocrisy?
You cannot make a law covering every unforeseen future event.
The area can be re-zoned and/or the permit can be rescinded and forced to comply with normal application procedures for starters.
Maybe the mere act of having the mosque open up on 9/11 can be construed as inciting violence when you take what they’re doing contextually within their religion. What are the rights of a person or group to incite violence in this country?
McGuyver==we are both slip sliding around. A subject cannot be so closely limned that we won’t find some tangent to discuss instead.
Things that are “the same” in relevant aspects should be treated the same. If they are different, then those differences should be treated appropriately.
The Arab branch of the Muslim Religion is not the same as the CP&J’s when it comes to leaving their neighbors alone.
Maybe that FACT will moderate as it crosses the Atlantic, but maybe it won’t. Being an antitheist, I don’t give any of the fantabulists much rope to use around my neck.
The price of FREEDOM is eternal vigilance, and an open can of whoopass on occasion.
WHO here thinks we are being ruled by the MAJORITY?? you are fools.
33% of the usa voted..
100,000,000 people.
50% were Repubs..
50% demo..
WHO thinks they have a Choice? WRONG.
There WERE 16+ candidates, how many did you see?
WHO has the choice? NOT YOU..
# 17 Guyver said, “Until you can disqualify it as a religion”
Seems to me, the Iman of the proposed Mosque has made several public calls for imposing Sharia law. That means he’s trying to change the government and that violates Federal law. Churches have lost their tax free status for politicking. I see no reason not to app;y the same set of standards to Islam. Unless Eric Holder decides blacks AND Muslims should not be prosecuted by the current regime.
tHIS is not a CAPITALIST NATION..go over to the Saud/Japan/Hong kong if you want to be a capitalist.. SEE how far your money goes.
And do you THINK BUSH did any better?
Anti American?? And What Euro Bush did you climb out of? Go HOME red neck..At least the blacks got here with coercion. Your GREAT GREAT IDIOT came here on Purpose or was SENT here as an UNWANTED Prisoner..
Minorities dont have power?
33% of the USA voted..
1/2 were dems
1/2 reps..
33% = about 100,000,000 people..
50,000,000 voted a president into office.
1/6 of the USA made a president. HOW minority can you get?
I got a cell phone connection – though tenuous. I’m so glad I checked. ECA and Alfie duking it out! This is gonna be fun.
ROTFLMAO…the wingnuts are still going on about Obama’s birth certificate? Do they think Elvis and bigfoot took it? How DUMB are Republicans? I mean seriously? How are they smart enough to even turn on a computer to write up their crazy magical beliefs? Wow! What a joke. Bigfoot, aliens, flat earth, fake moon landing, 6000 year old earth…they’ll believe anything.
Dude, Obama has a birth certificate, it’s on file in Hawaii, copies were giving to the media, the Republican governor of Hawaii has seen it and EVERY Republican/conservative member of the Supreme Court can see it. You’re just talking about the “long form” which isn’t required or the only ‘legal’ copy just one form…I don’t have mine either, no idea what ever happened to it. I just have the short form. It was legal enough for me to get a passport. Crazy Republicans and their made up facts.
10, NoYourGod,
The thing that fuels the birthers is the lack of an actual birth certificate being provided along with Obama spending millions to ensure his school records and other such things are kept private. People can come to their own conclusions over his motivations.
* WRONG. Made up. His birth certificate is on file and has been seen and copies given to the media. The “millions to ensure” school records is made up. You’re a liar. That’s an internet rumor, not reality.
The original intent was to prevent a Church of the United States. It was a one way street. It was originally okay to have religion influences onto the government.
* No it wasn’t. Read your founding fathers. Again, read books don’t burn them. Yes they wanted no “official” Church (ala Church of England) but they wanted NO direct government interference in religion. They believed in the “free market” of religious ideas. Most founding fathers were “deists” and not strictly Christian anyway (Jefferson ‘rewrote’ the Bible to his liking taking out the silly magic and just keeping the philosophy). They had no problem saying a “prayer” in Congress or such, that level of “involvement” but the government was STRICTLY there to run the national infrastructure and be the keeper of the military (called when needed, they didn’t WANT a permanent standing military like Republicans want now…times change I guess and what the founding fathers wanted doesn’t matter in THAT case I guess. Funny how we’re supposed to go by what the founding fathers wanted in 1779 when it fits folks arguments and ignore it and say “times change” in other arguments…LOL)
Wow, Another smart person..
Thats ALSO why States have rights to a national guard.
Dont you find it funny, that EVERY Christian/Catholic, considers EVERYONE from the Euro nations, that came to the USA, was the SAME religion? And they LOVE the Pilgrims. WHICH were not the first settlers.
Tons of crooks and thieves were sent over, as well as persecuted religious groups(Puritans and others) even the Irish?? Scotts?? after the potato plagues, as well as the unemployed.
/me puts another tin of Jiffy Pop on the stove…
Well let’s see, Obama, pelosi and Reid cornered the market for politicians who are disgusting, anti-american pieces of shit so other Democrats must move into a new category like crazy.
Who wants an exercise in futility??
Look up the lives of your reps..
See where they were born.. I will BET a good 20% were not born or raised in your state.