Cop beats kid while he talks to his father on cell phone…also a cop. Full story here.
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Nice to see the camera operator zoom out as soon as the brutality starts. Too bad cops never seem to face charges for their assaults on the job.
Same bullsh** different day. Way to many police have no actual concept of what personal rights or the law are and/or have little or no concern for them.
Of course if we would just legalize most drugs, gambling, and prostitution. Then we could get rid of lots of cops and be way safer over all. But the holyer than thou crowd would not stand for not being able to impose their “morality” on others so I expect things will not get better any time soon.
Same old PD BS, just a new day.
Oh, the sweet irony of a sheriff’s son being the victim of police brutality.
hmmm – After reading the actual article maybe just maybe there was a punch thrown by the kid before the camera is turned on.
Besides the obvious overreaction by the cops – the real crime is the camera operator. The cops will not record the action and if a civilian records the action that civilian goes to jail.
Something is really wrong with America today.
I’m feeling a lot better about my vote in 2008 for Bob Barr (Libertian) who was about the only Republican I recall that has always been against the Homeland Security Act.
Not only should that officer be fired, but he should be put in jail for a long time.
Scenes like this are why you couldn’t dare me to care when one of these “heros” gets offed on a traffic stop. And yeah, I blame the so called “good” cops too since they all cover for the bad ones.
I expect this behavior from all LEOs (federal, state and local) and behave accordingly. It is quite obvious that U.S. law enforcement have no oversight or respect for the law and are out of control.
Geez, maybe the guy said something to the cop that would piss off the pope.
If you are offended by brutality, don’t go to the videos of executions linked to at today’s No Agenda Ministry of Truth section (El Blog del Narco). Those are the bad guys that the cops handle for us.
Seems like the “serve and protect” stuff is just baseless PR these days.
“Not only should that officer be fired, but he should be put in jail for a long time.”
Good luck. He’s in a union.
#5–Stan==if the guy had punched at another cop earlier and was not arrested at the time for that offense, how would it be related at all to not throwing a punch or resisting at all in the subject “relevant” case?
Cops do a hard job and deserve a “measure” of benefit of the doubt for our society to work at all. This notion has nothing at all do with justifying what is on video here.
When cops are not prosecuted for breaking the law, they are indeed above the law.
The more videos like this I see, the less respect I have for officers. If they will not properly enforce the rules on themselves, then why should anyone respect them or their badge.
Hooper==because there is no alternative. Herman Melville’s “Billy Budd” addresses the same principle. Its fun to read that book first time through for the injustice of it all, then read it again for the necessity of it all.
That wasn’t brutality, that was a takedown. Surprise him and get him on the ground or it will turn into a real fight. If you’re going to take action you need to do it decisively and follow through. It makes you pansies queasy, but it’s just the way it works.
His friend was ejected from a nightclub for using the women’s restroom.
I live in Denver… A few years ago they passed a law doing away with gender restrooms. You can piss in in either the men’s or women’s restroom. Women bitch about not having enough restroom space to piss in… Go figure
On last thing… Business are not required to let you use their restrooms and many don’t let you… Denver is one FU city.
My dad’s been a cop for 20 years and I usually try to give them the benefit of the doubt, because I know the kind of people they deal with on a regular basis.
That video seems pretty damning though. Even if the cop did think the kid was getting ready to throw a punch, the level of force seems excessive. He should know how to subdue a subject without having to knock him unconscious. And slamming the door on the kids ankle was nothing but childish retaliation. The officer should be trained to handle his emotions in stressful situations and not be a dick.
It seems to me that even if the officer doesn’t get fired, he needs a demotion and some serious retraining, cause he’s not handling the job well.
A buddy, who was stuck up at gun point, and I rode with some Cincinnati police to find the guy. The police worked themselves up with cursing and hollering once they thought they were close. If somebody had a weapon they want to shoot quickly and not be too introspective.
The idea is to avoid close proximity with police who are forcefully detaining someone. Go to the other side of the street. Stay in your car. If you don’t you could bonked or worse.
I am not condoning what happened but if you don’t want to get hit by friendly fire avoid the battle field.
This is happening everywhere. The cities hire young officers with no common sense and they don’t give a dam about anybody. After all that these people end up in kangaroo courts that don’t care about justice and all they’re interested in is cash. This is how screwed up everything is and it’s getting worse day by day.
I can relate to this by what happened to us on 8/07/10 in Mentor, Ohio on Heisley Rd. A family member was causing problems and was told to stop and wouldn’t so the police were called. An off duty officer showed up at the scene and most likely caused more injuries to the person causing this altercation.
After that 4 police officers showed up and talked to neighbors and us. The neighbors who gave their statements didn’t have a clue of what was going on and that included the off duty police officer. Note, at the time they arrived nothing was happening not even verbal between the two parties involved.
There was no reason to arrest anyone! They arrested the person who instigated the altercation and then to beat all they arrested the person who was defending himself against a 300# attacker who was a family member and called it domestic violence because the attacker had marks on his body. Duh, I hope so I was defending myself but they couldn’t understand that concept.
Hello, he started it and he made threatening statements, he gets what he gets. I didn’t break any laws by simply defending myself. If they can’t see that they are deluded and shouldn’t be attempting to represent the law and that includes the judges who try these bogus charges.
badcop==why should any cop take “your word” for what happened in a domestic dispute? Arrest those involved and sort it out in good time. I don’t even care what the other guy said. Cops are cops==not judge and jury.
I actually do wonder “what it would take” to have carefully selected/trained/and monitored cops to protect and serve? Mostly likely, people who don’t have that special “drive” to become cops in the first place? Maybe some kind of priesthood? Salvation thru good works.
I don’t care about your two cents, you weren’t there. Btw arresting a person who was defending himself is retarded and wasting the courts time for “REAL” cases and that’s where common sense comes into play.
I do agree hiring people without the drive as you put it would be the better candidates for police officers. Instead of hiring a_s kickers with no brains. Someday if this happens to you, you’ll sing a different tune unless you’re a cop.
badcop==why should any cop take “your word” for what happened in a domestic dispute?
What they need to do is pass a law that prohibits filming police so that the officer’s report will be taken seriously next time.
bobbo==,etc==Because there was a witness who gave a statement who supported my version of what happened.
badcop==and I take it no witnesses disagreeing unlike the “witnesses on both sides” as in the subject incident? Well, thanks for getting specific. Given witness bias and a rational requirement for cops to use their judgment, I can see a department rule being “in all cases of domestic disputes, all injured parties will be arrested on scene and brought in for an overnight stay.” Lots of different reasons would support such a move.
You are lucky to live in an area that can support such protective services.
bobbo==I don’t consider myself lucky. In case you missed it I was arrested and wasn’t the aggressor. As for the witnesses other than the family members didn’t have a clue of what really happened. Weren’t there in the beginning of the incident.
Every one of those pigs on the scene is as responsible as the most violent pig there.
I hope someone beats the hell out of every one of them.
Pigs like that belong in prison.
badcop–I apologize. Truly, I was not there, don’t know the local law. I was also “mindlessly” assuming that while “arrested” it was actually some kind of detention or safety hold which after 2 minutes of thinking is a silly attitude to take. Arrest means arrest and you have to say you were now for the rest of your life and then “explain it.”
I would estimate that about 30% of my own personal experiences with cops have left me thinking its best to avoid them as much as possible. But then, I think that about just about everything.
I hope your experiences balance out more on the positive side than mine.
bobbo==You didn’t have to apologize for your opinion! Apology accepted and thanks for your last statement it was appreciated!