Cop beats kid while he talks to his father on cell phone…also a cop. Full story here.
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Once again, the Denver police department would rather beat you than do their jobs. Mayor Hickenlooper should take 5 minutes out of his race for governor and try to get his police department under control. I will say that the Denver police department has had this problem before he came onto office but he has done nothing to fix this problem.
The solution is simple. Fire police officers who lie and who beat people. Once you start doing that, the other officers will fall into line. If not, fire them. It is so simple.
And this is coming from someone who generally would give the police the benefit of the doubt, but when the camera panned away from the incident it just shows that other officers are covering up for these bad ones.
The Camera zooming out was the most telling part of the whole thing. Nothing to see here… Move along….
That camera operator should also face charges.
From the article: “The video of Officer Devin Sparks repeatedly hitting Michael DeHerrera of Denver with a department-issued piece of metal wrapped in leather, …”
So they are now issuing hunks of scrap metal to police, for use as weapons?
I need to hurt some people. Shouldn’t be too hard to join the force right? I mean, a few of them are fat and all. License to hurt and possible kill here I come!
I spent some time down on Larimer Street in Denver. It was some time ago. It was a terrible neighborhood. I’d sit out on the porch at night and there was gunfire off and on about every night. They sure had some good burritos, though.
The cops that dealt with me treated just great.
My nephew had a wonderful experience with cops. He was riding in a vehicle that had just left a drug house when the swat team moved in (my brother-in-law is an idiot and his son takes after his dad). The vehicle was pulled over and its occupants, including my nephew, were told to lay face down on the road. They complied and were promptly handcuffed with their hands behind their back. At that point, things went horrible wrong for my nephew. One of the officers asked him if he had any sharp objects in his pockets, to which my smartass nephew responded, “Do what you gotta do officer.”
Well that fine officer decided that he just had teach my nephew to show proper respect to authority. He did this with his nightstick and numerous blows to the head.
My nephew spent three days in the hospital. The concussion and contussions have disappeared, only the scars on his wrists where the handcuffs cut into flesh still remain.
But there was good news: The district attorney agreed to drop the assault charges as long as my nephew pleaded guilty to drug possession.
Would a defense attorney be able to show this video to jury members in any future trials concerning this cop beating the crap out of someone?
any lawyers that can answer this?
Where is Sea Lawyer when you need him?
Smith: you are ambiguous. “If” the cops are going to act like a-holes, seems your nephew is the right type to do it on. “Leaving a drug house”–he’s lucky he wasn’t shot. Are you for legalizing drugs, or should the “war” continue?
Dude–in general the tape cannot be used unless the cop says something like: “I have never hit anyone who was talking on a phone and not otherwise threatening me.” aka= being a “bad cop” is not a criminal offense.
To Bobbo Who Thinks All Drug Users Are Exempt From Protection Under the Constitution:
What in my post was ambiguous? Were you expecting me to defend my nephew’s drug use? However, your post was very clear — you think it’s ok for the police to beat the shit out of some segments of society.
I couldn’t see any reason for the cop to go off on the guy with the phone (and forget anything that may or may not have come out of his mouth, that is no excuse). What is really interesting is how far and how fast the camera operator (remote, I assume) zoomed back out, and only later back in.
That has to be next thing to a charge of destroying evidence. It could hardly be more obvious that the police camera operator knew this was a crime by the cop. You know those cameras were in place to gather evidence for the cops, not against the cops.
In 1971 I was stationed in London. I know the Brits have complaints against their cops but I was amazed by them. I was on the streets most weekends and got a lot of firsthand observations.
The “Bobbies” were persuasive and insistent with presence and calm speech rather than “persuading” with violence. I didn’t fully realize the comparison until I returned to the US and was surprised to observe how much the cops here operated by intimidation. Even their vehicles seemed to be statements of force and intimidation.