Wow! Sort of makes you wonder about reincarnation.

Found by J.K. Davis.

  1. Derek says:

    Now that I have children of my own, I now realize how much I cant stand others children.

  2. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Good voice. Phrasing is a bit off putting. Derek has issues with children in general. I have the same attitude about singers.

  3. silver says:

    At least she knows all the words.

  4. RapidRoy says:

    I don’t believe she really sang that.
    It must have been lip synced by another 5 year old. :>)

  5. Bob Hamilton says:

    That was the most amazing version of that song that I have ever heard not including Marvin Gaye’s All Star game.

  6. Steve (Proud Participant In Idiocracy) says:

    About ten seconds in I started to suspect she was at least part Asian. Those little fuckers have supernatural abilities.

  7. T. Berry says:

    All children have supernatural abilities, it takes years of schooling to dull their innate creativity.

  8. admfubar says:

    well this is way better than rosanne’s version

  9. Special Ed says:

  10. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #6 – It’s not that they’re supernatural, it is that there are so many of the little slope heads that you are bound to surface some anomalies. It makes you wonder exactly what was in those bombs we dropped on the asians – fertilizer?

  11. sargasso_c says:

    Five year old I know spray painted tiger striped on my labrador.

  12. FRAGaLOT says:

    Can anyone explain to me why our national anthem, adopted in 1931, but WRITTEN in 1780, mentions “rockets” when they weren’t even invented till around World War 2?

  13. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Ha, ha. Frag==you crack me up.

  14. ECA says:

    Black power rockets..

  15. Counterweight says:

    # 4 RapidRoy “It must have been lip synced by another 5 year old”
    Probably an ugly Chink girl off camera.

    I think it’s a little unfair to the child. Make them famous at 5 then at 12, when the hormones start to flow, they can’t hit a note anymore!

    And, of course, the perverts all edxpect EVERY little girl they grab to be able to sing as well. When they don’t, the perverts get angry!!!

    #12 FRAGaLOT – are you for reel or just trolling? What are your thoughts on air bursting bombs?

  16. Zybch says:

    I hate kids, especially ones like this little brat.

  17. brian t says:

    #14 they didn’t have Black Power then, either – not till the 1960s. 8)

    We know what you mean, though. The “rocket’s red glare” was from what we now call a Flare – which are “rockets” in the technical sense.

  18. RTaylor says:

    You’re born with perfect pitch. I also detect singing lessons which isn’t necessarily a good thing.

  19. Dallas says:

    maybe a future American Idol candidate. IMHO, an adult voice is better for the National Anthem, ie Joe Cocker like..

  20. interglacial says:

    Cute – kind of a cross between Chocolate Rain and that video of the little girl explaining Star Wars. Can see this going viral.

  21. chuck says:

    Wow. She’s terrible.

    Ok, she’s better than some.

    Seriously, have we got so used to the idea of 2nd-rate singers (or 3rd-rate celebrities) mangling the national anthem at baseball games that we can’t recognize good singing any more.

    The Star Spangled Banner is notoriously difficult to sing. It requires an talented voice and a large vocal range to handle the highs and lows and changes in pitch and tempo.

    Autotune was invented for a reason.

  22. WmDE says:

    “The rockets red glare” was from Congreve rockets.

    The ones that were “bursting in air” were failures. No need of flak in the early 1800s.

  23. Nate Homier says:


    Comes from war of 1812, everybody knows that.

  24. keylime48 says:

    As any “supernaturally” intelligent asian would tell you, the Chinese were using rockets around 1000 years ago.

  25. Two to the Head says:

    AAAACCCCKKKKK! Another parent pushing their child to become “famous”. The pinnacle of all that you can do here in gitmo nation.

    I think rising hormone levels in drinking water have something to do with these “child stars” also.

  26. DocColorado says:

    mmmmm.. Web site on YouTube says 7 year old girl most increadible singer.

    I suppose saying it’s a 5 year old sensationalizes even old fart like CrankyGeeks…

  27. Dr. Psycho says:

    Boy, sure some nasty comments here. Is it always like this at this site?

    I’m especially disappointed to find a member of the Unitarian Jihad such as Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection, talking that way.

    The black powder Congreve rockets fired at Fort McHenry on the night of September 3rd, 1814, were not merely flares, they were intended to strike people and buildings and blow them apart (thus, preferably not bursting in air).

    I still prefer the song performed at a faster tempo, to make it easier to sing without shrieking and warbling.

  28. riverqueen says:

    Oh, for Pete’s sake people….she’s just a talented little kid that’s had some training on how to use her ‘gift’. As a singer, myself, I can ‘hear’ between your nasty words that you’re all just plain jealous. Go suck some lemons and sweeten up. And, I agree with Dr. Psycho’s observation: I’ve never read a more vicious website…yeesh!

  29. sbritchky says:

    The next time someone cries for war, I’ll point him to this discussion. How can we endure the sacrifices of war to protect such fools as these? May God help us.

  30. Bronco Billy says:

    #12 Well, dumb ass, the Chinese had rockets before Christ.


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