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I wonder if he would do a snarky version for The World of Atheism?
I’d like to see that one too.
Lets see, what would be the snarky version of atheism? Could be “cute” to focus on everything that is not “known” from the snarky viewpoint that it of course “is” all known.
The fact that ignorance is not answered by making shit up is irrelevant. If you are on-board with the premise, the snark will just flow.
It’s a video of nothing more than insanely wide generalities and using extremist views as religious standards. Don’t get me wrong, it’s real funny, but so misinformed it ridiculous.
#3: So it’s pretty much a bang-on impression of religious propaganda…?
4 pretty much yep.
Ha, ha. Poor Derek. It can’t be “funny” if it isn’t close to the truth. It was “overstated” to a degree that I found off putting, but I find most things off putting, like your post. So devoid of introspection.
Beautiful. Now THAT is truth.
Pretty much says it all
Actually the Amish are Christians. The person that created that blurb wouldn’t know a Christian from a camel and has no clue what Christ did or did not teach.
Good luck on actually finding anything in the New testament that commends attacking anyone though their is an implied right to self defense and the tables of dishonest money changers were overturned.
Good luck on learning anything about hell from the Bible. In the book of Revelation hell (an undefined term) is thrown into the lake of fire but neither get much of anything elsewhere and Christ as recorded said nothing about them.
He’s way short on the Koran as well. According the Koran hhopper should die for opposing the will of Allah as well as who ever created the video. I can understand why he wanted to largely limit his attacks to those who are least likely to kill him.
Since this the maker of the video is a religious zealot attacking the faith of others along with hhopper why are they complaining about religious nuts doing what they do?
Never mind. I understand. It is only wrong when others do it. Right.
As a documentary on world religions it was very well done but it failed to discuss the religion of Zionism, atheism and evolution.
Giant piece of mental masturbation on the part of a film maker that knows less than 1% of all that is knowable and then ironically acts as though he knows it all and demeans only about 90% of the worlds population.
Apparently, this means that Atheist = Arrogant dictatorial SOB. So basically, he is religious :D:D:D
Shubee, athiesm is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.
Skeptic==”atheism is a religion” is the dogma of people who prefer dogma over thinking.
On the occurrence of strange phenomena…
Religious person= God did it.
Name called person who went out to Find/see/locate/understand WHAT happened= Atheist..
Bobbo, …and thinking is subverted by religious dogma when many believers are otherwise intelligent individuals.
And then there are the lunatics of religion…
Hitler was Catholic.
Pol pot was Catholic.
Stalin was Catholic.
Skeptic–I disagree. I have never seen/heard/witnessed an intelligent person, religious or otherwise, post that atheism is a religion. This observation is supported by this very thread.
Bobbo, careful… you don’t want to be responsible for ticking off another potential Pol Pot.
#11 – Shubee,
As a documentary on world religions it was very well done but it failed to discuss the religion of Zionism, atheism and evolution.
Well, Zionism comes from the bible, of course. Though the most religious of Jews oppose it because the messiah has not yet come.
But, how do you tie in a belief in evidence or a belief in fact with religion? Evolution is as near to fact as gravity. Natural selection, the theory that explains it is only about as good as relativity or quantum mechanics.
But, evolution? Have you considered that the entire foundation for modern medicine is built on evolution? Consider why we do animal testing. Forget for a moment whether it is moral. Consider why it works.
Why does testing on mice, rats, monkeys, and apes tell us anything about the validity of a medical procedure or medication? Because we’re all related. Were we all individually created, the tests would be meaningless and ineffective.
Next time you get sick, might I suggest the power of crystals? Certainly you should avoid any procedure or medication based on interrelatedness of other animals and humans. Good luck with that.
Not necessarily when it comes to Hinduism, there is a sect in Hinduism called Cārvāka which gives emphasis to “philosophical skepticism and religious indifference”. More here and here.
The NT builds on the OT and thus everything in the OT is to be upheld unless specifically refuted (otherwise, why bother with the 10 Commandments?). Thus, you cannot just look at the NT and ignore the OT with respect the heinous nature of your deity.
Good luck on actually finding anything in the New testament that commends attacking anyone though their is an implied right to self defense and the tables of dishonest money changers were overturned.
Matthew 15:1-4
Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,
“Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”
Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?
For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.’
Would you like to try again for double the prizes?
Good luck on learning anything about hell from the Bible
There’s your problem; you are relying on luck. A five second Google search turned up:
What the Bible Says About Hell
There are actually quite few passages in the NT that talk about hell including Revelations.
Like most Christians, you clearly have not read the entire Bible with a critical eye.
I can see a continuum forming here, there is in growing resistance to established facts:
1. Stupid
2. Political Cover Up
and then:
3. Bible Stupid
What an apostasy to roll your own religion in the wrapper of another. “You’re gonna smoke a turd in Hell for that one!” Heh, heh.
The Thinking Atheist
“Offenses will come, but woe to he who does the offending”. Therefore I’ll keep my mouth shut, but boy oh howdy could I ever offend some of the idiots on this blog!
I dont care HOW a person justifies themselfs..
I MIND, when you justify yourself with GOD.
There are 2 worlds to worry about..
THIS ONE, and the next.
What you make of this world NOW,
Will justify where you go LATER.
Nowhere in the bible does it say, that anyone has the right to even TRY to take my road to hell away from me. you may ASK if I want to be saved(1of 20 ways)..and I will say no. You say I will goto hell, and I WILL meet you at judgment.
Your ACTIONS, and those that USE the NAME of your religion WITH your consent, will drag you down WITH ME.
LOOK AROUND and look for those that SAY out loud, I AM CHRISTIAN..and then STAB you in the back/ Those that RUN TO BATTLE IN THE NAME OF THE CORP/ THOSE Christians/Catholics ON TOP of the CORPS, that have NO care for you.
GET off your HORSE and TALk to those that are SHINNING representations of your groups.. ME, I may go to hell. YOU ARE BEING DRAGGED/SCREAMING/UNWILLING/BY THOSE AROUND YOU.
Even I find Bobbo’s remarks to be cunty. There’s stupid then there’s Bobbo stupid. Such a cunty dumbass…
That’s some seriously limited either/or thinking. Much like a child. Sad.
What many often fail to realize (including the author of this cute video) is that religion is not the problem necessarily.
After all, it ultimately takes a human to come up with or follow a religious doctrine and then carry it out to it’s benevolent or malevolent conclusion. This is where the responsibility resides. If religion did not exist, we would still be killing or doing awful things to each other over other ‘made up’ things like philosophy, money, power, politics, nationalism, tribalism, and culturalism after all. People are odd like that unfortunately and carry this destructive flaw that does not seem to benefit our species in any way.
The religious without mercy, kindness, humility, and love in their life – they live a pointless lie. Those lacking anger over injustice and hypocrisy are also suspect.
And… The atheists who have declared their victory over God – they are in denial of their own ignorance concerning this intricate and wondrous universe that we have only begun to understand as a species. Much of quantum theory sounds much like the rantings of a religious madman on mushrooms, yet has proven to be correct.
Then there’s the question of why life exists in the first place – or why it even became complex enough to ask questions of religion or science. It seems that the basic blueprint of everything has already been written into the universe through emergence and where did that come from?
“Although strong emergence is logically possible, it is uncomfortably like magic.”
Dexton7-Very well put. I’LL add one thing. It doesn’t matter what you believe in, as long as you have the freedom to believe it, and the freedom to live outside the control of those that believe and think differently than you do. With government, that is impossible. The majority will always impose their beliefs and thoughts on the minority. If atheists are in power, they persecute the religious, and vice versa, with the laws they pass which try to shape a social paradigm. Why not allow each individual to live how they want and with whom they want without having to control others. That is man’s major foible, the desire to control one another. Not whether he believes in one god or another or not.
I am a Mac
@Misanthropic Scott #19,
Well, Zionism comes from the bible, of course. Though the most religious of Jews oppose it because the messiah has not yet come.
Your personal commentary about the most religious of Jews is interesting. Regardless of what Lenny Bruce said about New Yorkers, that in no way makes you particularly knowledgable about Jews and Judaism. There is a very small sect of Jews (I wouldn’t call them the most religious of all Jews) who disagree with the modern incarnation of Israel, the Neturei Karta.