No, not this pop tart

The iconic toasted confection opened a flagship store and cafe in Times Square Tuesday.

According to the New York Times, Kellogg’s, the company that has made Pop-Tarts since the late 1960s, is renting a 3,200-square-foot space until January, at which point they will consider whether New York needs a permanent tart-aria.

What’s on the menu at the new outpost?

According to the New York Times, the menu includes:

1. Fluffer Butter, marshmallow spread sandwiched between two Pop-Tarts frosted fudge pastries
2. Sticky Cinna Munchies, cinnamon rolls topped with cream-cheese icing and chunks of Pop-Tarts cinnamon-roll variety
3. Ants on a Log: celery, peanut butter and chunks of the Wild Grape version
4. Pop-Tarts Sushi, three kinds of Pop-Tarts minced and then wrapped in a fruit roll-up.

Kellogg’s is still getting back to us on the calorie counts for the new items, but you can get a sense of things from a standard blueberry pop-tart which contains 210 calories and 5 grams of fat.

The perfect compliment to a meal of Hot Pockets.

  1. ECA says:

    And it shows the profit margins on Cereal have hit a NEW HIGH..

  2. diane says:

    they’re trying to KILL US

  3. The_Tick says:

    Can’t be taken seriously without the quebec Pizza, She’s goood.

  4. chuck says:

    Can I get it deep-fried, wrapped in bacon and dipped in chocolate?

  5. The_Tick says:

    Chuck, yes you can. Would you like that supersized for only 50 cents more?

  6. chuck says:

    #5 – actually I was referring to Britney, not a pop-tart.

  7. jpfitz says:

    Mike the permanent mayor of NYC will not allow this high calorie tarty store.

  8. Father says:

    You haven’t seen the Peeps store yet?

  9. jpfitz says:

    What Peep store?

  10. UncDon says:

    I haven’t had a Pop-Tart since I was a kid.

    What natural ingredients are they made of, or are they completely made of edible plastic here in the 21st century?

  11. TinyHeadedSnake says:

    Pop Tarts.

    You can live on them but they taste like shit.

  12. sargasso_c says:

    Pop tarts. Brown on the outside, sloppy on the inside.

  13. jpfitz says:

    @ #12 Father

    Thanks for the enlightenment. Not surprised, but Lenox…. WTH.


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