This Episode’s Executive Producers: Victor Österdahl, Steven Lowe, Glen Mercer, Paul Couture, Charles Jordan, Steven Pelsmaekers
Associate Excutive Producers: Michael Birch, Debora Hutchinson
Knighthoods: Sir Victor Österdahl, Sir Stephen Lowe, Sir Glen Mercer, Sir Harry Sellwood
Art by: Sir Randy Asher

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  1. Mad As Hell says:

    I don’t know about you. But I’ve about had it

  2. interglacial says:

    I can’t believe Codex Alimentarius would have anything to do with reducing salt in bread. Most people eat too much salt and the levels in bread is usually excessive. If the Codex folks had a hand in this policy change the salt levels would be going up and the wheat replaced by some GMO or wheat analogue.

    #1 Mad As Hell,
    The normal thing to do in your situation is – JUST DON’T LISTEN.

  3. soundwash says:

    re: pot kills cancer..

    as i’ve posted in the past, the “other” main reason this was “mum” was because in Argentina studies around the same time (70’s) which concluded the same, also discovered no matter how hard they tried, only the “real McCoy” would work.

    -all synthetic attempts of THC had no effect.

    -they may have solved this problem since then, however it is quite obvious we’ll never find this out if the establishment has anything to do with it.


    (Turn Off Your TV)

  4. soundwash says:

    ps: RE weather modification. A rich source of documentation for your review.


  5. ECA says:


    Its illegal for the Gov to REQUIRE you to use a Specific to a company.. To force you to USA ANY company service.
    Why do we have car insurance? LET THEM DIE IN THE STREETS..make driving a CAR DANGEROUS AGAIN.

  6. ECA says:

    Have fun..
    POINT out all our personal RIGHTS..
    If you can find them.
    If nothing else, as we adapted the UN individual rights, USE THEM.

  7. deowll says:

    I can see Stephens having an “accident”. Using Harp to do it might be asking for problems. Easier to do other ways.

    I doubt Harp has the ability to control the climate. You need more power. Many thousands of times more power.

    Is it man made global warming? Well I checked and it may rain in Chad next week but for all I know it could be the rainy season and it does rain in Chad. If lake Chad is growing then at least something the people pushing manmade global warming predicted is actually happening. Well no it still seems to be shrinking according to what is posted. Nothing clear but it almost dried up in 1908 and retreats and spreads to the extreme fairly often. It isn’t very deep even if it is big and it is in a desert.

    If you want to get rich work for the government. If you want the shaft be working class making over 45,000 a year and get bleeped by the Feds. Of course the less than 45,000 a year working class are getting bleeped by sales tax, property tax,etc. CA and NY really ream these people out but they need the money to pay the government employees especially the bleeps at the top.

    A lot of antibiotics are made in India. One river has dosage levels of the stuff where containers and such used in manufacture are cleaned and the waste water dumped untreated. Safe to drink? I think not but many people do.

    Look the Dems give out 25,000,000,000 in tax money and get back maybe .01% from the unions.They think they can get it back in ten years so it’s budget neutral paid for by taxes imposed on the rest of us. What could possibly be wrong with that?

    You expect the lame media to know what the bleep they are talking about? Of course we don’t have high speed trains and of course that train in Florida that no one is going to be able to afford to use is going to be worth the billions spent on it. It will get you from one end of the line to the other about as fast as a bus but not as fast as car and nowhere near as fast a plane. Considering the kinds of return on money spent this administration normally gets, that’s a bargain.

    Isn’t it great how well Papa Doc and Mama Doc are living? Obama is a true long legged Mac Daddy. My hats off to him. He may well be the best con man of the last ten years excluding Berny Maddoff.

    So Obama loves the military? BS. He knows jack about the military and his service people don’t love him. They didn’t vote for him either. He is closing a major US base. He has tried hard to close getmo only nobody state side wants the contents. His people have tried to shaft injured vets more than once even going so far as to try and make their personal insurance cover treating their combat injuries. Looks like all but 50,000 troops will be out right on the Bush schedule so the guy on the recording is pretty much full of BS. He is not friends with the CIA either.

  8. ECA says:


    Weather change?
    Think alittle..
    HOW could you create a STRONG CURRENT OF AIR..A FORCE of AIR, using SOUND. WAVES FORM?? Your bass speakers do a good job, Why not something BIGGER.
    IF its not believable Then someone find the wind patterns over moscow… IF its true, there should be a SOLID POINT NW, pushing the Clouds around.

  9. Camacho says:

    I read a book on credit card debt. It says that at some point in the past the US went bankrupt and overseas debtors put the whole of US on maritime jurisdiction.

    This made contracts that surrender your legal rights valid.

    US judiciary and government are supposed to be beholden to these foreigners.

    The author suggests that to avoid maritime jurisdiction, a person should put “without prejudice” to retain rights under common law (natural justice).

  10. Camacho says:

    I meant – put “without prejudice” below the signature. The author suggests people do this even on traffic tickets to ensure proper justice.

    Adam, have you read William Blum’s book Rogue State. In that book, Blum provides numerous references from mainstream newspapers about US government chemical and biological experiments on civilians in and outside the US. Apparently, the dropped bird feathers dusted with microbes from airplanes and inside subways.

    There were several reports over many decades. I am not sure why people did not make a connection between that and anthrax attack.


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