It’s an alien block party!!! Well, at least they held the camera steady for a change.

  1. sargasso_c says:

    A thermal magnifies a spinning polar synchronous NOAA weather satellite lit by sunlight at dusk over the USA, and a tired technician in New Zealand fires the first flame bait on a blog.

  2. the haunted sheep says:

    wow that looks fake

  3. ECA says:

    I can see some shadows…
    Can anyone view with higher contrast and gamma..I think you will see a few things.

  4. Raff says:

    Weather balloon?

  5. Father says:

    I agree with #1.

    It is several satellites, one spinning, and the others moving due to thermal distortion of the light. I would have guessed Geo satellites parked in various slots, or maybe the Grace satellite pair.

  6. UncDon says:

    Stare at the secret shadow gov’t force planes long enough and you’ll vote Palin in 2012.

  7. deowll says:

    Walked out of the local city admin. building late one night and saw a clear rectangular plastic bag with a flashing light inside floating along just above the top of the power lines. The light source could not have weighed much because the bag wasn’t all that big. Four feet?

    I didn’t report it and it never made the local news.

  8. Breetai says:

    I second #2, It’s too consistent to be swamp gas. After that awesome Chinese edit job of their rocket launch ya can’t trust any videos anymore.

  9. mentor972 says:

    7:00 -“I’ll have to set my VCR…” LOL

  10. Grandpa says:

    I think it’s Jesus come to punish the sinners and non-believers.

  11. Zaphod Beeblebrox says:

    Chill out froods! Anyone with half a brain in their heads would know that it’s just two Greys drag racing out on the hyperspace bypass with a Nordic Patrol Car in hot pursuit.

  12. admfubar says:

    just a ballon with some several lights dangling from it, you can clearly seem them swaying i, the center lstrobe ight seems more firmly attached…

    what a crappy video…:P

  13. Stiffie says:

    Gowannn… a bunch of satellites glowing and flashing out in synchronous orbit? 24K miles away?

    (maybe the flashing one is the crippled “zombie-sat” and some of its neighbors are glowing white hot in sympathy).

    Why are they doing that? What does it mean? Don’t ask…the Great Minds from The Galaxy Morbulus work in strange ways.

    (and in their Wisdom they always know to appear _only_ before amateurs with low-grade recording equipment.)

  14. BuzzMega says:

    WE are the secret, stealthy ALIEN INVADERS…

    WE blink our lights to cast the twin attributes of FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and DOUBT… …the three attributes of FEAR, UNcertainty, DOUBT and PANIC…

    I’m sorry. That’s four attributes. All of which are spread by our wanton blinking of our lights to bring Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt, Panic and Speculation to your puny minds.

    Let me count that again…

  15. hhopper says:

    Cripes! I’ve had enough flashing lights in the sky to last a lifetime!

  16. hyperkinetic says:

    It’s just astounding to me how many of you are so *LAME* to not see it for what it is. #12 nailed it. LED lights on a string hanging from a balloon or kite. I’ve seen this dozens of times before.


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