Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week the market stalls. Is a collapse coming?

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  1. Dallas says:

    Horror-witz should stop predicting “the collapse” and leave those epic predictions to the religious nutts. On the contrary, we are poised for a reasonably strong recovery in 2011.

    In 2009, Pres Obama stopped the freefall of the republican induced disaster of :
    1. trillion dollar tax cuts to 2pct of the population with no spending cuts. Yes sheeple, that equates to a trillion dollar deficits.

    2. Two wars. One of them to avenge Daddy Bush being called a pussy by Saddam Hussein.

    3. And finally, the grandest of all : As CEO of America, allowed the financial industry to run the economy aground – inducing trillions more in deficits due to economic inactivity.

    So where are we? In 2010, the economy is strengthening with business reporting excellent profits – the recognized early signs of recovery since jobs are the last to come back.

    2011? A clear recovery on the horizon despite the Republipuke speed bumps in Congress. This the story as it will play out.

    Horror-witz should not compete with Bill O’Really and the rest of the planted GOP sheeple clowns for the chicken little title.

  2. buildakicker says:

    @Dallas, the only way to bring us out of this recession is to lower taxes on everyone. No one is going to spend unless they have the cash to do it.

  3. SparkyOne says:

    Yea Obama has really improved things since he was elected.

    I no longer have:
    health care
    unemployment insurance
    my family home
    a job
    and my kids live with relatives out of state cause I could not keep them.

    The Obama government will not tell the truth about unemployment, GDP or debit.

  4. Dallas says:

    #2 Agree, but the devil is in the details. How do you propose paying for tax cuts and whom are those tax cuts intended for? The upper 2% or the bottom 98%? Cutting taxes for the upper 2% did not result in too much trickle down. Also, how do you intend to pay for the tax cuts? Borrowing more from China? Cut the military?

    #3 Intel, Apple, Microsoft are not doing to bad. Was Cisco your surefire way of measuring corporate earnings?

    #4 Really? Obama did that to you? The Obama givernment is measuring unemployment? GDP and debit? What’s a debit?

  5. The_Tick says:

    @ #4

    Well sparky, if your foolish enough to dig that hole in only 2 years then it’s prolly best that evolution weeds you out before you damage the rest of us. Good luck with your hopelessness and if I run into obabma I’ll let him know you say hi.

  6. LtSiver says:

    Is anyone else hearing the high pitched noises when Dvorak or Horowitz is not talking? Dvorak, check your audio recording setup, something is introducing feedback (very high pitch) when you and Andrew don’t talk.

  7. mriegger says:

    Yeah, those extraneous squeaks are annoying. Good show though.

  8. Father says:

    I don’t see a recovery happening; I do see the Government spending at an alarming rate.

    I can’t see how we can recover anything when we, as a nation, are not as productive as China (in terms of: (retail price – wholesale price) / cost of production, per unit).

  9. nicktherat says:

    uuuug, my frikken ears… that is the most annoying sound! think i got a headache listening. good content though.

  10. deowll says:

    You don’t get it. The Unions get $25,000,000,000 and they turn around and fill up the Dems war chest war chest by sending several millions their way. Even .01% would be $25,000,000. It does pay to pay of the people that will already vote for you if they will give you a kick back.

    You guys don’t get ag business. If you invested in the futures market for grain this year you stand to make a fortune. The crop state side is about ready to harvest. The farmers have already spent what they are going to spend and there is no way to know what the situation is going to be like next year when the harvest comes in.

    Grain farmers are apt to pay down debt and buy new equipment.

    The government/Dems are scaring the crap out of business. Everybody is afraid to spend. That the Dems don’t get this is an ironic fact. Their idea of growing the economy is to grow government payrolls and keeping people on the dole. Beyond that they don’t seem to have a clue.

    As for Goldman, maybe somebody else is trying to scam the system and knocking out their play.

    California, the most corrupt state in the Union? An outstanding example of progressive government in action. The most bleeped up state in the Union? If you want to retire or start a business this is the worst place to be. Okay New York may be as bleeped up.

    They both have unlimited regulations and charges and more charges on top of taxes.

    I really hope Dallas lives in CA. They deserve each other.


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