Click pic for more TV’s talking heads when they were young

  1. Dallas says:

    The more liberal reporters look nice and honest.

    Bill O’Really looks like Jim Jones the day of the massacre.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Rachel Maddow (#11) went downhill fast – went from a babe to a Harry Potter look-alike.

  3. Faxon says:

    I worked a few times briefly and very distantly with Peter Jennings as a studio camera operator and lighting designer. I can assure you, he was quite impressed with Peter Jennings. He died soon after, bringing me to my point. Reporters and movie stars are bio organisms like worms or panthers. They grow from one cell, and end as a lifeless mass eventually. So what exactly is the point of showing these news readers in pictures from their youth? Is is as if they were instantly created as gods of journalism? Really. What is the point of this post?
    But then again, every time we buy groceries, we are shown the shallowness of Americans by a glance at the magazines at the checkout counter.
    Do we have to encounter it here as well?

    [You’re a very cynical guy Faxon. – ed.]

  4. jbenson2 says:

    #4 Following you logic, since you are just a bio organism and going to end up as a lifeless mass, why you are concerned?

  5. interglacial says:

    Well, this post disproves my belief that news anchors are evil reptilians. Looks like they must be human, or at least have started out as such. I will now run with the theory that just their brains have been switched. Thanks Uncle Dave.

  6. Faxon says:



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