CNN Politics

(CNN) – Levi Johnston wants to run for Sarah Palin’s former job – with cameras watching him at every step.

Stone & Company Entertainment confirmed to CNN that it is actively shopping a show that will feature Johnston seeking his former almost-mother-in-law’s old post as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

The show, to be called “Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor’s Office,” will feature the trials and tribulations of America’s most famous teen dad as he enters the world of politics while continuing to dabble in Hollywood, Stone also confirmed.

First reported by Variety, the company confirms it is already shooting the pilot and is shopping it to several networks.

We’re living in a cartoon world!

Found by Cinàedh.

  1. W.T.Effyall says:

    He should watch where he’s pointing that thing.

  2. spsffan says:

    Well he’s already f’d half the women in Wasilla. He might as well go into politics and f everyone.

  3. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    It won’t be a cartoon until/unless he is accepted by the public as a viable candidate. You can film a nutcase doing whatever and that does not characterize “us.”

    Similar cartoon: Palin talking to that Alaskan teacher with the “Worst Governor Ever” poster. The clip they are showing now shows Palins “handlers/security” trying to block out/intimidate filming the event and Palin sounding like an idiot. THAT shows we are living in a cartoon world.

    I hear Palin me be “forced” to run because everyone around her tells her “you are great/we need you to save America.” Experiences like this one at least gives her some honest input in that decision.

    I actually hope she will run because otherwise a “reasonable” Repuke might become President. This country cannot stand more Republican rule. The fact that Republicans are seen as anything but the crackpots that currently have grabbed the headlines, shows we are living in a cartoon society.

    Interesting: is it “politics” that comes off looking so dysfunctional, or is it our two party system, or the nominating process perverting things to the voting base, the religious strain in America? Human Nature?

    or simply that power corrupts everything it touches?

  4. McCullough says:

    “It won’t be a cartoon until/unless he is accepted by the public as a viable candidate.”

    I’m betting on the idiots. Look at the popularity of these “shows”.

  5. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    The show could be very popular ((as defined)) and Levi never be a viable candidate for the office. Two different things.

    Levi is on one strange trip. I don’t think he has quite enough brain power to keep everything in perspective, but maybe I’m being too harsh.

    I’m always hopeful.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Speaking of the innocent teacher who Palin allegedly rolled her eyes at. The story has turned 180 degrees and bit the teacher in the butt.

    The innocent school marm works is the president of the Board of Directors, Kachemak Bay. Family Planning Clinic (KBFPC) in Homer, AK, aka, abortion rights organization.

    Yup. A pro-abortionist who was upset about Palin. Stop the presses!

  7. RTaylor says:

    Why can’t the media let these people go away?

  8. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    JB==again with the humor. Running the politics of a criticism thru your political spin machine? Good thing that pro-abortion rights citizen didn’t say Palin was a Good Governor?

    Or would the spin machine rotate one turn and show how popular Palin was?

    Bottom Line: was Palin a good State Governor or not?

    What a tool.

  9. jbenson2 says:

    Bobbo – it’s always tough to give you facts because they conflict so much with your unusual view of reality.

    But I’ll try once again. “Good” is a subjective term. Yes, she was a “good” governor, in my opinion. In your opinion, she is lower that whale crap in the ocean.

    Here are some facts. (I can hear you whining already that my response is just not fair or idiotic or sheeple).

    She took office on December 4, 2006, and for most of her term was very popular with Alaska voters. Polls taken in 2007 showed her with 93% and 89% popularity among all voters, which led some media outlets to call her “the most popular governor in America.” A poll taken in late September 2008 after Palin was named to the national Republican ticket showed her popularity in Alaska at 68%.

  10. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    JB==PLEASE don’t substitute “good” with “popular.” Just ain’t the same thing. So, I agree, she was popular when first elected. Isn’t everybody????

    But I’m going out on a limb here, did her popularity go down after she quit? ((I could say her actual performance went up at that point in time, but will immediately concede that would be argumentative.))

    I agree, we have to evaluate how to measure what “good” means in being a governor before we start applying it to half governors.

    Was she a good governor arguing against pork projects in public while negotiating in private for more pork than most other states? Bridges to nowhere??? I guess she did stop Russia from invading the USA. That is a good thing.

  11. seetheblacksun says:

    There are so many aspects of our lives that will never go away simply because there is too much money involved with them. This show was formulated way back. The baby, the Playboy thing, the engagement, the break-off and now this show. Formulaic, obvious and dime-a-dozen equals irrelevant in the end.

  12. Alphanumeric says:

    Forget everything else,

    I just want to know why he has a scope on a shotgun…

  13. Overfifty says:

    #12 I am with you. Is that a fancy black powder (rod under the barrel) gun?

  14. jbenson2 says:

    bobbo – next time, try reading a person’s post before starting your usual blather.

    I’ll give you some help.

    Paragraph 2: “But I’ll try once again. “Good” is a subjective term. Yes, she was a “good” governor, in my opinion.”

  15. Praying2TheGood Governator says:


    For some sub-humans, “good” and “evil” are considered absolute terms and never relative.

    Christians, fer instance…

  16. jbenson2 says:

    #15 I agree they are not absolute.

    I do not consider Obama to be absolutely evil.

  17. whamalamadingdong says:

    Yall got an abundance of dumbass rednecks up there in Alaska.

    YOUR 15 SECONDS is UP fools. Your tubes have shut down.

  18. McCullough says:

    It looks like that rifle is WiFi enabled.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    If Levi Johnston becomes may of Wasilla and runs it into a fiscal ditch, he’s be qualified to run on the GOP presidential ticket.

    (or so the conservatives told us in the last election — being mayor of Wasilla is better credentials than being a senator!)

  20. rpseeley says:

    Might be a good idea if he were to grow up first. I’m thinking that most people take a dim view of idiot high school dropouts running for public office, though I don’t know anyone in his town so …

  21. Dallas says:

    This guy us hot. I’d def vote for him.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, benson,

    Here is something from Shannon Moore, a reporter from Homer Alaska where the incident took place.


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