No matter how hard you try, you just can’t make up crap like this. No wonder we are often considered the intellectual laughing stock of the world.
Conservapedia founder and Eagle Forum University instructor Andy Schlafly — Phyllis Schlafly’s son — has found one more liberal plot: the theory of relativity.
Why does Andy Schlafly hate the theory of relativity? We’re pretty sure it’s because he’s decided it doesn’t square with the Bible. In the entry, “Counterexamples to Relativity,” the authors (including Schlafly) write:The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no exceptions. It is heavily promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to mislead people in how they view the world.
To what does that reference lead? Why, a note by Schlafly:
See, e.g., historian Paul Johnson’s book about the 20th century, and the article written by liberal law professor Laurence Tribe as allegedly assisted by Barack Obama. Virtually no one who is taught and believes relativity continues to read the Bible, a book that outsells New York Times bestsellers by a hundred-fold
In other words, reading a theory about physics is correlated to a decrease in people’s interest in reading the Bible, which means that it causes people to stop reading the Bible.
Using your brain impairs your understanding of the Bible. I can believe that.
I appreciate both Einstein and the Bible, so I’m getting a kick out of this.
This fear of science is astounding.
Well, obviously, you can make up crap like that, because _someone_ did! I believe John Galt has set up an account there, just so he can fill it with extreme views and hasten the demise of this idiocratic country.
You have to admit that both Einstein’s theory and the Bible fairy tail are both outrageous to rationalize!!
Talking snakes and parting seas are in way easier to explain than space time.
But Relativity is testable. The Bible? Not so much.
#6 Good point. However, with the right drugs from Rush Limbaugh’s meds cabinet, I can prove to myself of not only a talking snake, but a belt that turns into a snake and then talks!!
I know there are some crazy Conservative types who post here. I wonder how long it will be before someone defends this crap.
There was a link in a recent post in the Vanguard Network website (a thinly disguised FBI/ADL operation pretending to be run by jew-hating White supramacists) about this. Einstein was supposed to have hijacked the relativity idea from Henri Poincare.
As I hold a degree in Physics, and am Conservative, I can assure all the liberals there is nothing to see here. You can’t paint us all with the same bush in this case. I also have extensively studied genetics and have read just about all of Charles Darwin’s books. Nonetheless, I do not take the Bible as anything more than a collection of fables. Political Conservativism has nothing to do with religion in my case.
I think you are on the right track. It is not the theory of relativity that is contrary to the Bible, but if you extend to concept outside of the scope it was meant to be applied, it does change the way we view reality.
The same can be said for the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Even though it only applies at the quantum level (and some people think quantum computers will invalidate it), people apply the concept to everything.
I believe that as these scientific concepts have been popularized, society has absorbed them and applied them incorrectly.
Relativism has been around for a long time, but ask the average person on the street, and you many of them believe that science shows everything is relative and you can’t know anything for certain. These are philosophical concepts, not scientific concepts. Whether or not you believe them will certainly change your view of religion, since philosophy and religion have always been intertwined. In reality, they can change your view of science and in many respects are anti-science. They are not, however, concepts which can be proved or disproved by science.
Every Christian who believes that the Bible is completely true already invariably subscribes to some theory of multiple simultaneous universes, necessary to reconcile certain glaring contradictions of fact in their “holy scriptures.”
But relativity is a liberal plot. Right!
Conservapedia is a liberal plot, tbh. XD
Relativity != Relativism
I can both read and believe in the entire Bible and study and believe in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
I can study and believe in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and not subscribe to Relativism.
I have real problem’s with relativism. I have no problems with relativity (except that it is really hard) and I also believe the Bible. None of those three statements were inconsistent.
The Germans were ahead of the World in understanding the nuclear reaction in the early 1930’s. Hitler had little faith however in “Jewish Physics” and never gave support to their Jewish Ideas.
The fact that he was a Catholic had nothing to do with anything else. Hitler could be a good Nazi and a good Catholic at the same time.
Its called compartmentalization. Good for what ails ya.
Old testament-
the rules and History of the Jewish people.
(love those anti-Semitics)
New testament-
Life and times of Christ.
So, where is the Judgment of God in here?
The bible does NOT tell us NOT TO LEARN. There are NO restrictions EXCEPT THOSE, for the interactions of MORE then 1 person. And all they mean..BE NICE TO EACH OTHER.
The problem I see, is that we USE GOD as the person to..
Bitch at
Complain to
ASK impossible favors
cry to
When ANYTHING HAPPENS.. And most of the problems of MANKIND, are MAN MADE. And GOD never fixed a problem that WE CAUSED ourselves.
and what a good job Hitler was against Jewish Physics. If he’d got the bomb before starting the war I doubt we would be dicussing this.
Hitler supported some Jewish ideas, such as European “quotas” for Jew emigration and finally Palestine. Zionist movement was opposed to the first and supportive of the second. They collaborated with him. Jews have a tendency to run with the hare and hunt with the wolves. They cannot see that they are being used.
There are no liberal plots or right-wing plots. The people who own them create these plots and the sheeple play their parts.
Correction: “Jew emigration” – “Jewish emigration”.
And, the Holocaust was a plot against Jews for running away to other European countries and not to Palestine, the future military base masquerading as a homeland/colony.
Divide and rule. Set Jews against whites, whites against Jews, blacks against whites and blacks and Jews… These are the real plots against people. If you focus on some plots, you are stupid.
iT HAS ALWAYS ASTONISHED ME THAT In the early 1900’s up into the 60’s..MOST of the poor groups worked together..
Then after TONS of propaganda…Things went WEIRD.
MOST of the poor Helped and worked together against injustice and politics, and Workers rights..
So let me get this straight.
If I study Physics, and don’t read the bible then I’m a Liberal. That doesn’t necessarily hold.
L = P – b
b = L – P or b = P – L
P = b – L
No, hang on… I’ve confused myself. Where’s my bible/physics/liberal propaganda book.
So does that mean there are no Liberal bible readers?
-This is all kinda funny since Einstein was big on god and religion.. (though his (idea of) “religion” was not the putrefied version(s) that the majority of the planet has bought into.)
Nonetheless: In this article’s case, I believe one of my Father’s favorite sayings / observations is warranted: “One finger pointing forward, has three fingers pointing back”
So the right wingers now dislike relativity because it goes against Jewish folk stories – I suppose thats an improvement !
On a tangential note, the reason why Keynes called his Magnum Opus the “General theory of …” was because he fancied himself to be the social sciences version of Einstein. Ha! At best, his theory is a special case of extreme market failure, and not the general case. Unfortunately, every government in the western world has since used it as an excuse to spend themselves into near bankruptcy. LOL, I guess it is a liberal plot.
Einstein = Puppet of the church
(for controlling the minds of scientists as All of our worldviews are upside down)
If you teach people that the speed of light is limited you prevent any further study on the matter.
relativity = chained mind of science
just because we haven’t found more information doesn’t mean its not there.
Hmmm… I don’t know.
Jesus was probably born knowing that the father would some day come to him so he could have told an angel to cure the boy at any time prior to the event, not mentioning it until the boy’s father brought it up. The story only relates that Jesus apparently knew the boy would live. It doesn’t say how he knew. Furthermore, the distances involved along with the lack of precise recordings of the timing of the events involved leaves the assertion of an instantaneous cure woefully unsupported.
And since this is supposed to be a case that disproves relativity, it kind of begs the question of whether or not the idea of an “instantaneous” cure is really meaningful given that there may be frames of reference in which the request and the cure were simultaneous and others in which they were not.
Uh, okay, next you can disbelieve the theory of gravity. I just don’t want to be around when you try it for yourself…
In other words. run hell bent for leather, screaming, away from all rational thinking. And back to the era of witch trials and inquisitionals, in which innocent people were often tortured to death, for trumped up reasons. All designed to scare the crap out of everyone else. Into obeying whatever despot pretended to be chosen by God to rule. Rational thinking made us give up on all that royalty worship. And create Constitutions and Magna Cartas, declaring common human rights. Regardless of station and wealth.
It wouldn’t surprise me if some of these whack job conservatives would like to see a return to those days of feudal servitude. With them as Dukes and Duchesses, no doubt. That’s all we need now. A 2nd Dark Age.
A long,long, time ago…in 4004 BC, on an October the 23rd afternoon, before even the ‘beginning of time’ god, Jesus’ father had a fierce stomach ache on that fine day. And, for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out the reason. And,then,him being god of course,it finally hit him! Perhaps,he thought, maybe I ate too much of the Forbidden fruit, from my own forbidden tree yesterday, and maybe all that forbidden fruit has upset my tummy! Maybe what I need to go do is squat down behind one of my fabulous godly bushes and take a huge Dump, god thought? So god, the father of jesus and everything else, went and dropped his silken gown on a cloud, squatted behind one of his magnificent heavenly bushes and took the biggest dump in history! In fact he crapped out the entire Universe, Glory be He. And Time began…And all was well again. And god made a note to himself. ”Do not over-eat from thyne own ‘forbidden tree’… or else next time thyne might give thyneself the dreaded ungodly Diarhhea! And to tell you the truth, I really don’t think there’s enough space out in space for too many of these huge Universes.” And so, in a few days, when god created Adam & Eve, created, them right there, right there in the ‘Garden of Eden’ on the ‘Third Rock From the Sun’… god’s glorious light. which he mistakingly, in not a very godlike way, created he, three days after he created the Earth… to devide the night from the day so that Adam & Eve could finally see to find their way around Eden, he gave them a warning! ”Do not eat the fruit from the forbidden tree! If it almost gave me the shits, just think what it might do to you two!” And all was well… for a few days anyway, until Eve ran into the talking snake god had created. The talking snake told Eve not to worry about the fruit from the ‘forbidden tree’. What harm could an Apple do? And you all know the results of that escapade. Death, Pestilence, and that dreaded bloody curse for Eve and all her female children. And after that…. pretty much, the Earth ran itself, until 5879 years later, this little Jewish upstart, Albert Einstein, Dared to question god about his supposed explanation of his Universe. God, you crapped out this Magnificent Universe? Albert asked. Well, Einstein put forth a theory of his own… that god could not have pooped out the Universe… and that His, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was the true explanation for everything we know and see, and how the Universe works.And god came clean. He explained, first to Einstein, and then to everyone else, escept to Evangelistic Christians, that Einstein was correct! That his story of the great big Dump was mere fluff to fool foolish humans… especially uneducated Christians…. And that Reverend Usher’s explanation could no long be taken as truth, or with any seriousness. Man, god said, had advanced far enough, through EVOLUTION, to finally be told the truth of the Universe. And that ain’t no fairy tale, folks!!!
lets see…
4000 bc..
Einstein about 1879 Birth
“until 5879 years later,”
I dont think he did it that YOUNG, aim for about 1915..35 years later.