Click pic to watch a cool video of a fast approaching storm in Finland

Apparently, they’ve had some bad weather there.

  1. MrQuiggles says:

    Nahh, it’s just the Nothing.

  2. Rob Leather says:

    That’s very cool… except for the prospect of getting zapped by lightening or totally soaked… or both.

  3. Rob Leather says:

    The video stops just before Adam’s “mothership” comes blasting through the clouds.

  4. M0les says:

    The quality of the video makes it look a little fake. Nevertheless, I have seen something much like this before.

    At the 2005 Prime-Minister’s XI cricket match. Early December and a typically very hot, relatively clear Canberra Summer’s day. Towards the end of the second innings this great-big black cloud came-over and bucketed down like a tropical storm. It made the traditional post-game beers a damper and more populous occasion.

  5. jescott418 says:

    Well I guess their are stupid people all over the world. Might as well hold up a long metal rod while your at it.

  6. Mesaid says:

    “Holie Shiete” LOL

  7. TonyB says:

    I see HAARP is at it again.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    I’ve seen the same thing in Odessa, TX. Except the black / green wall of water was backed up by a yellow duststorm 35,000 ft. high. What a contrast. So, first your car gets soaked then it’s covered with mud. Yech! So much for the fifth inning.

  9. sargasso_c says:

    That took less than two minutes.

  10. larry10001 says:

    I saw a storm just like that one about 1 hour before a 4th of July fireworks display my family was getting ready to watch at an amusement park called Kings Island near Cincinnati OH a few years back.

    I’m not usually scared of storms but I can honestly say it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. The storm only lasted about 10 minutes but when it first hit I thought our car was going to get turned over by the wind. Plus whats even stranger is my family were just taking about it last night.

    Now that I think about it we see allot of storms like the one in the video in southwest Ohio in the summer months, and one of the largest Air Force Bases in the America is near us in Dayton Ohio. Anyone ever hear of hanger 18, it’s there. Summer must be big travel months for UFO’s around here.

  11. mentor972 says:

    Lol, #5…. “Well I guess their are stupid people all over the world.”

    Contradiction of the day. If you’re going to call people stupid, at least spell it right.

  12. MAOM7 says:

    Holy Hell. I’ve seen a storm roll in like that before in the Midwest. Scary stuff.


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