Business Insider

In the conference call following the shocking ousting of HP CEO Mark Hurd, it was revealed that the real reason he was forced out (can we just say “fired,” please?) was because he filed false expense reports to hide the affair he was having.

Here’s the description in the NYT:

Michael Holston, executive vice president and general counsel, said during a conference call that the violation [that Hurd was fired for] involved expense reports, though he would not discuss the amount of money involved. Mr. Holston described Mr. Hurd’s relationship with the contractor as “close” and “personal.” The woman, he said, had been hired by the office of the chief executive. He also said the inaccurate expense reports were intended to conceal the personal relationship, adding that it showed “a profound lack of judgment.”

We have also, of course, learned that Mark Hurd will be getting a $50 million severance payout ($12 million in cash, plus stock). This is on top of the $10 billion of market value that HP shareholders have lost so far as a result of his sudden departure.

Another corporate scumbag getting away with millions. When is this going to stop?

Found by Cinàedh.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Because kids… cheaters DO prosper.

    You’ve been had.


  2. Carly F. says:

    Accountability and morality in business is so yesterday.

  3. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    Another good example of the “control” the Board of Directors DOESN’T EXERCISE and the stockholders have no say in.

    I suppose the “excuse” will be that failure to pay the severance would result in a lawsuit and then they would have to prove what are only allegations so far?

    Thats BS, but the Board is mostly made up of other CEO’s of other corporations who want the same result should they wish to transgress.

    Its all class warfare======fully engaged by the SUPER RICH against all the rest of us who help them as much as possible.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    Question: Another corporate scumbag getting away with millions. When is this going to stop?

    Answer: Never. Corporate greed and official corruption has been going on for centuries – back to the fall of Rome.

  5. boolez says:

    Of course he does because he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. The question is what would happen if that happened to have been a low level worker or middle manager. Who here is really surprised that Crime does in fact pay?

  6. GigG says:

    I think scumbag is a little heavy in this case. He put the wrong names on $20k (a pretty small amount for a guy that gets paid MILIONS per year.

    This was a case of HP board over reacting. And stockholders haven’t lost a dime. Stupid sellers that dump stock on any bad news have.

  7. Named says:

    #3 bobbo,

    “Thats BS, but the Board is mostly made up of other CEO’s of other corporations who want the same result should they wish to transgress.”

    It’s a thieves den. And you’re spot on.

  8. Scott M. says:

    While this conduct is unbecoming and yes, padding and mis-stating expenses *is* wrong, the crux of the matter is the excessive executive pay and golden parachutes.

    He needs to reimburse HP for every dime taken, appologize, then leave. End of story.

  9. brm says:

    corruption. any other questions?

  10. Tom Woolf says:

    I just checked with my boss. He said that figure was absolutely ridiculous, and that if I were to cheat on my T&L report and sexually harass somebody in the office the most I could hope to walk away with is a paltry $20 million.


  11. Animal Mother says:

    It’s the Republican way!

  12. DaddyBear says:

    Because he’s got one heck of a good employment contract with HP, and one heck of a great legal team to take HP to court if they don’t show cause why they shouldn’t follow the severance portion of the contract.

    If you’re an HP shareholder and don’t like this, then give the BOD a piece of your mind. And next time you negotiate a contract with a company, try to get that kind of severance package put in.

  13. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    DaddyBear==”I find your concept of “good” and “great” to be troubling.”

    But yes, many fantasies play out in “screwing the system.” Too bad “we” are the system more often than not.

  14. sargasso_c says:

    He made old rich people, richer. Big pat on head.

  15. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    Here’s a little bit more:;inTheNewsNow

    Doesn’t have the ring of truth, but who knows? and who cares?

    What a dumb shit. Hard to believe he was that effective a CEO with values/judgement as he showed.

    But thats how hoomans stub their toes.

  16. Li says:

    #6 So, if you or I were to steal $20k, we would get thrown in jail, but it’s ok if the rich steal $20k because, compared to their wealth, that is a pittance?

    By the same logic, a serial killer should be allowed to kill at will, because compared to their body count, what is another corpse on the pile.


  17. Mextli says:

    #12 Animal Mother “It’s the Republican way!”

    Now who told you that, Charles Rangel or Maxine Waters?

  18. clancys_daddy says:

    “Another corporate scumbag getting away with millions. When is this going to stop?” When golden parachutes stop being put into employment contracts, so pretty much never.

  19. BuzzMega says:

    Answering the headline:

    …because, in relative terms, this is like your lying on your expense report by about twenty bucks?

    Did I get it right?

  20. Li says:

    But, in absolute terms he stole $20k.

    But, it seems that moral relativism is only to be applied to the rich. As long as kids keep getting tossed in jail for stealing a candy bar, or smoking a joint, such reasoning betrays an amoral, depraved mind.

  21. Li says:

    Accidentally flubbing expense reports in such a way that they incidentally cover up for all of the honeys you are fucking would be one hell of a mistake. Color me skeptical.

    Oh, and if you stole/mistakenly misplaced 20k from your work, would you get a bonus or a pair of handcuffs?

  22. Faxon says:

    Because it was in the contract he and HP negotiated. Duh.
    Why should idiot athletes get millions and millions of dollars? Because some company will pay it. Duh.
    Why does anybody get large paychecks? Because someone is willing to pay it. Duh.

    Stop whining.

  23. Somebody_Else says:

    How much money are we talking about here? Expense reports are almost never accurate. Being off by a grand or two wouldn’t be unexpected for someone like a CEO with loads of travel expenses.

    Sounds to me like somebody wanted to throw him under the bus. If this was just an issue over expense reports HP would have just asked him to pay back the money.

  24. Zybch says:

    Not only was his payout written into his contract, but he also turned HP around from the mess that Fiorina made of it. Its stock has gained massive value since he took over and the board not blocking his golden parachute was a ‘thank you’ for that.

  25. Special Ed says:

    Check out this chick:

    This is no MILF, MIMF maybe. Don’t get your meat where you get your bread!

  26. Steve says:

    #26 >> Sounds to me like somebody wanted to throw him under the bus.

    Yep. Maybe he asked to be thrown under the bus. I’d do it for $50M.

  27. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    To everyone saying how great a job he did as CEO, you may be interested to know Jim Kramer praised him to high heaven.

    Care to reconsider your praise?

  28. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Why are people like this paid so much? They are essentially just figureheads or “deciders” and really don’t “work” or contribute in any way. This must be the so-called free market, capitalist system that the Rushpublicans & teabaggers are trying so hard to defend & enshrine.

  29. Awake says:

    He sexually harassed a high-class “booth babe”. Her job was to look pretty and chat up clients. If she was NOT sexually harassed, she would not be doing her job correctly. It was basically in her job description.

    12 million for quitting is ridiculous. But what can we do about it, when it is a private company paying it out, and the taxpayer is not directly affected? Using TARP money to pay huge bonuses is different, but this is an internal matter to HP.

  30. ECA says:

    WHO here would take the job for 1/2 the pay??

    1/4 the pay???

    1/10 the pay???


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