This is ridiculous and amazing.

Despite President Obama’s pledge to retain more hi-tech jobs in the U.S., a federal agency run by a hand-picked Obama appointee has launched a $36 million program to train workers, including 3,000 specialists in IT and related functions, in South Asia.

Following their training, the tech workers will be placed with outsourcing vendors in the region that provide offshore IT and business services to American companies looking to take advantage of the Asian subcontinent’s low labor costs.

Under director Rajiv Shah, the United States Agency for International Development will partner with private outsourcers in Sri Lanka to teach workers there advanced IT skills like Enterprise Java (Java EE) programming, as well as skills in business process outsourcing and call center support. USAID will also help the trainees brush up on their English language proficiency.

Sends our money to India

  1. SparkyOne says:

    We need to deter these aggressors, these governmentpukes, with lethal weapons.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    *gasp* Say it ain’t so! Obama would NEVER do such a thing. He’s a champion of middle class America and our savior!

  3. jbenson2 says:

    I’ll try to beat Dallas with the lib’s perspective on this story.

    This was a George W. Bush secret plan to get the hand-picked Obama appointee in place. (aka The Manchurian Candidate movie). The repubs will try to get voters to be upset with Obama, but when the Bush connection leaks out, it will sink all the Republican candidates in 2010.

    Did I nail it?

  4. bobbo, the rape of the poor, midcontindle, and rich class ues says:

    “The rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues = all to the benefit of the SUPER RICH.”

    REPEAT, until this finally sinks in.

    Reformulating this as a Dem/Obama issue is partly how this is accomplished.

    Silly Hoomans.

  5. ECA says:

    I want ALL corps that IMPORT goods, rather then have them MADE in the USA, BE SENT to those nations that have workers.
    THEIR tax laws are VERY straight forward. tHE more YOU MAKE, THE more THEY TAKE.

  6. bobbo, the rape of the poor, midcontindle, and rich class ues says:

    “Did I nail it?” ////////


    Stop it!!!!! My sides are hurting.

  7. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    Hmmm. My nome de flame got all screwed up. My cursor/drag and click hasn’t been working since Win7/64bit. Speed control is very sensitive now.

  8. jbenson2 says:

    bobbo said:
    Hmmm. My nome de flame got all screwed up. My cursor/drag and click hasn’t been working since Win7/64bit. Speed control is very sensitive now.

    Silly Hooman.

  9. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    JB==you nailed me!!!

  10. LDA says:

    American human resources are too uppity.

  11. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    The original InformationWeek article states that this program is for 5,000 unemployed and underemployed Sri Lanken students. The article also mentions that a similar program is now being implemented in Armenia with a business group that includes Oracle’s Sun Microsystems division. This program is to train workers for these businesses.

    The United States Agency for International Development, USAID, in the late 1980s, was spending ad money in foreign countries for Burger King, then owned by Grand Metropolitan, a British company.

  12. MikeN says:

    USAID is a foreign aid agency. Are you against foreign aid?

  13. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    Well Mickey–I assume this is another lame attempt by you into the area of ironic commentary?????

    The roots of this years ago was the notion that if we (USA) built up foreign economies then they could buy our goods. We would be teaching people how to fish rather than giving them fish.

    Another excellent example of something “sounding good” but not turning out so great. Even if these are “internet jobs” that we would have lost anyway, still no reason to make the hole in the bottom of our boat even bigger? OTOH==given they are internet jobs, maybe we are helping Sri Lanka in order to combat the Tigers Rebel Force??? Seems to me, we are just pissing off India. Hard to play a good game of “fall over domino’s” when all the domino’s are connected.

  14. Father says:

    Rajiv Shah = douchbag

  15. Guyver says:

    Kill the gravy train. It’s not our job as tax payers to teach others how to fish. If people want to learn then they need to pay their way instead of us paying their way for them. ESPECIALLY in this economy.

    People are already taxed enough and frivolous things like this only angers tax paying Americans who are looking for tax relief.

  16. cgp says:

    This is the disease of the western world.

    It is terminal. The corporations have no long term intelligence.

    Do the bankers?

  17. Li says:

    #18 Hah, sounds like Canadians still know how to throw the Sabot.

  18. Alf - a question says:

    We buy from Walmart, K-Mart, Sears, Pennys etc. They get most of their merchandise from overseas. Billions of dollars of trade deficit every year is the status quo. With that we have the erosion of the tax base which has been going on for decades. Then there is the foreign debt.

    May be this is the wrong question but how do we stop the paid off politicians and get the country on track?

  19. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    Alf==of course, you ask the only relevant question. And the answer is: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE! They are all corrupt. The candidates and recent office takers will continue to think they are “special” and have duped the American Public: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE for another round or two until candidates come to understand a new demand is being made of them: represent the PEOPLE and not special interests.

    It will be hard because your brain is totally twisted by a lifetime of lies. You think many special interests are your own, but you are a fool to think so/vote so. ((See JB of someone so corrupted. He nailed himself fairly well.))

    Remove voting in favor of social/moral issues and focus on achieving a balanced budget. Cutting the waste out of the budget will do alot to get these non revenue building projects off the books. In 10-15 years, post the same question again, and we’ll polish that lump of coal just a little bit harder.

  20. Publius says:

    Not amazing at all, because I understand that the US government increasingly has been usurped by corporations. Not amazing at all.

    Corporations can bundle and funnel much more money than human individuals, toward our so-called Representatives.

    “I hope we shall… crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.” –Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

  21. ECA says:

    Just NUKE washington and build a NEW one in the middle of a corn field, 20 miles from ANY HUMANS..

  22. Hmeyers says:

    The United States government and our political parties are terminally infected with a disease.

    This disease results in the rotting death of the host.

    Corporations, politicians and the super-rich are gutting this country on a massive scale like vultures.

    It doesn’t matter what party is power; it is a government culture problem.

  23. m.c. in l.v. says:

    “…American companies looking to take advantage of the Asian subcontinent’s low labor costs.” That’s all you need to know and where to squarely place the blame.

  24. MikeN says:

    What makes you think India would be annoyed if Sri Lanka fought off the Tamil Tigers? Tamil is a single-state language, in the less wealthy part of the country. I doubt they would carry much weight in the federal government. Plus I thought I read last year that Sri Lanka had eradicated them in a move that if done by Israel would have gotten them condemned around the world, but because it is Sri Lanka, no comments from the Left. You would think India would have been at the UN leading condemnations.

  25. jescott418 says:

    More stimulus money being used well?? Obama may have had change on his mind and had some very good intensions. But I am afraid Government is too corrupt for even Jesus to save us now. Let’s hope those Alien’s know how to run a government better. We sure need something!

  26. Camacho For President says:

    Why not stop USAID altogether?

    The objective of USAID is to promote US corporate and crony capitalist interests. It does not represent the charitable interests of the American people.

    Israel, Egypt and Jordan are the top recipients of USAID. Wall Street and Big Business including defence contractors are all robbing the US taxpayer, while there are big cuts in social and civic spending all over America.

    Some pittance spent on a far corner of the earth does not matter. Don’t miss the woods for the trees.

  27. meetsy says:

    I don’t buy anything at Walmart, or Target, or Sear’s, or Penny’s, or Safeway for that matter. Just stopped shopping. I buy used, or hand crafted, or I do without (or make it myself).
    I buy local. I shop local. I don’t eat foods that have been made in a factory (including beef, chicken, eggs and bread).
    Screw the corporations. They can go belly up — the world would be a much better place.

  28. clancys_daddy says:

    Give a cat a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a cat to fish and he will pout waiting for you to give him a fish. Color me unsurprised.

  29. Sea Lawyer says:

    Another pastime of USAID is dumping U.S. Agricultural surplusses on the markets of developing countries as food aid, forcing local farmer out of the market as they watch prices plummet. I’d say for us it all works out in balance.

  30. dewtheone says:

    When will these companies get it through their heads?!?!? When you take jobs from the poor and the middle class, there won’t be anyone left to buy the crap you’re making overseas…or the crap you’re making here with parts made overseas.

    Say it with me… Aaaaaaaatlas Shrugged. (by Ayn Rand)


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