Either amazing or Piltdown Man 2010. You choose.
Found by Aric Mackey.
By John C Dvorak Monday August 9, 2010
Either amazing or Piltdown Man 2010. You choose.
Found by Aric Mackey.
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Quick, someone drag Art Bell into this mystery!
I’ve been following this story for 10 years or so and was pretty skeptical but the more interviews I hear with Loyd Pie the more he convinces me that there may be something to this. By the way this clip is just the tip of the story. He pretty much has shot down through “SCIENCE” every “mainstream” theory and his insistence on getting every kind of test done on it is impressive.
More on the story:
sorry countsmackula art bell was all over it from the get go,ya no surprise.
Can he RE submit the comment..
PART of the Skulls DNA..
The DNA from the skull is Not Equal to Human DNA.
But they dont describe that its LARGER/SMALLER then human, which would make it DIFFERENT.
DNA does NOT trump nature..IT IS NATURE.
Pseudoscience bullshit. It’s enough to read the Wikipedia page for this guy.
Pedro ancestry.
Been following this for years.
To the guy who says look to the Wikipedia page for authoritative information: Har!
Taken on its own, it is persuasive. It’s not really enough to just call it pseudoscience bullshit.
The real controversy whether this is an illegal alien or not, and whether the skull is in Arizona.
DOn’t you believe it.
So aliens have DNA? My DNA didn’t provide me with a throat big enough to swallow that whopper.
Get a bit pissed at how he uses the term “science” in this. Funny how Geneticist are spared.
DNA trumps nature?! WTF. Sorry, but the guy really makes himself sound very stupid with his “science says” comments, only to funny support “genetics” and then to say that “DNA” trumps “nature”.
What a DB.
What the fuck! A little too many comments with links to stupid french horoscope pages for my liking.
Dvorak might get no spam, but his blog sure does.
[Fixed -ed.]
Oh, and the ‘starchild’ thing? What a load of bollocks. The simple fact that these douches labeled it Starchild BEFORE this suspect genetic test was supposedly performed. Seems like someone’s mind was made up years ago and the ‘evidence’ has been massaged to fit.
A ‘team of geneticists in America’ is just a bit vague to have ANY credibility. Why not let a respected lab do the tests? Surely not because they’d expose him for a liar and an idiot, right. Right??
It’s the skull of a child who had a severe birth defect. I am not sure why this pops up every few years.
This guy has been dragging this thing around for years. It’s just a malformed person. Nothing different then all the pickled punks in carnivals .
It drives me crazy that anyone can “know” for a fact that any given artifact must fit in their world view. Science does turn a blind eye, alien believers think aliens are responsible for everything. I don’t personally believe in aliens but i do believe that we absolutely have no idea what has happened in the past. And all our world views are dead wrong.
# 26 Lou Minatti said, “I am not sure why this pops up every few years.”
Lou. The answer to your question is at around 8:30 in the video: “We’re now in the process of trying to get the money…” In fact, it looks like this lecture may have been delivered to some potential investors.
More evidence of Alien’s populating Earth? Or a elaborate hoax?
Are we ignoring evidence because we do not want to face the truth?
Could our God be alien? Sounds very outrageous I know. Things that make you question things for sure.
My general oontention about this “alien” stuff is this DNA stuff:
I mean, there’s this alien supposedly from a planet far away (light years away) and chances are that he’s humanoid looking and also has genetic material compatible with ours???
So organisms that have parallel evolved in radically different environments reach the same evolutionary solutions up to the point that they’re not only carbon based but also have DNA structures AND compatible genes??
This is statistically way way far fetched.
Of course some will argue that life on Earth is alien originated.
Well, ok. But then what happens to all the evidence of evolution. Millions of years of fossil data AND DNA traceability. We can trace DNA we currently have on our body to DNA found in less complex and more ancient organisms.
So aliens preprogrammed all this complexity and predicted the outcome and then waited several millions of years… well this is even more far fetched!
Ok, you can then say: So aliens came here before. Tens of thousands of years ago, which is relatively a short period of time ago. And took some specimen from the earth, understood the lifeform structure and then played a bit with it. So the Aliens we’re seeing now are genetically altered humans designed to explore our world and are thus “compatible”.
Man… well this is so far fetched that it could be made into a movie…
I can believe in aliens. Sure, statistically it might even be a sound probability. But these convenient humanoid, DNA compatible aliens… not sure.
The reason why it isn’t a case of simple deformity is that the weirdness is too pervasive and the features too symmetrical. Deformity is usually restricted to a single trait and always asymmetrical.
Plus, there is the genetic evidence that something non-human is present (kind of the point to the video).
# 16 jescott418 said,”Could our God be alien?”
Wouldn’t a god, by definition, be alien?
# 18 Heinrich Moltke said, “Deformity is usually restricted to a single trait and always asymmetrical.”
Wrong on both counts. Let’s see: Down’s Syndrome has odd facial features and odd hand features. Not to mention lots of other traits. As to symmetry: Can you imagine the Hunchback of Notre Dame with a hump on BOTH shoulders?
Wow they found a genetic anomaly in a person that obviously had a genetic anomaly. Fucking idiots.
Just my 2 cents. “IF” aliens are at all “Humanoid” Then they’re not really alien. They’re proof that humans will eventually master time travel.
Novella points out that if a child suffered from untreated hydrocephalus until age four or five, their skull would display distortions in almost every feature. All of the proper bones, prominences, holes, and sutures would be present, as they are in the Starchild skull (except for its missing inion on the occipital), but they would be deformed and displaced, as they are in the Starchild skull. Some cases of hydrocephalus can build up over time, so a child with this disorder could survive several years, and if untreated (today hydrocephalus is treatable with surgery to drain the fluid) would probably die at several years of age.
I can’t believe people buy into this nutjob’s BS… just stick to Christianity you sheep. At least it’s not pretending to be science.
Interesting. I need more data from other sources.
I’ve not watched the video yet! This Lloyd Pye joker has been milking the Starchild skull thing FOREVER. In my CTC AM-Art Bell-loving book he’s deadly close to outright fraudsters like Uri Gellar and “Major” Ed Dames.
I watched the video, and it is one minute of content stretched to 10 minutes. Mr. Pye, even assuming the “starchild” skull is shown to have unusual DNA, what does that prove? Absolutely nothing. Your “alien father” theory, is, well, just silly.
#19 — Could be because Down Syndrome isn’t a deformity. It’s a syndrome. But seeing that would be asking too much.
Let’s say though it’s a syndrome: a syndrome only ever had by one person?