See Ya!

A flight attendant ran out of patience on a plane that just landed at JFK on Monday afternoon, so he allegedly cursed a blue streak over the p.a. system, grabbed some beers, pulled the emergency chute, slid down and ran from the plane, sources said.

Jet Blue employee Steven Slater, 38, was working on Flight 1052 from Pittsburgh to Kennedy Airport, which landed at around 12 p.m., when he got into a verbal altercation with a passenger, law-enforcement sources said. Following a heated exchange, the flight attendant told off the entire plane on the public address system, activated an emergency chute near the back of the plane and jumped down the evacuation slide and ran for it.

The argument began when one of the 100 passengers on the flight, got up early to get her luggage from an overhead compartment, according to sources. Slater told the passenger to sit back down — but, as he approached, the woman continued to pull her belongings down and struck him in the head with her bag, authorities said.

Slater asked for an apology but the woman cursed him out, saying in effect go f–k yourself” and calling him a “mo-fo,” according to law enforcement sources who are still sorting out the specifics. Then Slater got on the flight’s announcement system and allegedly cursed out everyone on the plane — especially the person who mouthed off to him, according to law enforcement sources.

When his tirade was through, he then took a some beers from the galley and pulled the emergency chute and slid off the Embraer 190 plane. According to police sources, he threw his luggage down first and said something to the effect of “there goes 28 years,” before he took the plunge. Slater was later arrested at his home in Belle Harbor, Queens by Port Authority officials. Police sources said that when authorities found Slater he seemed to be in the midst having sexual relations.

Hah! You have to admire a guy who goes out with a bang, literally.

  1. Steve says:

    He proly knew he was going to go away for a bit. Feed the dog all it can eat, cause there aint no meat where that guys going.

  2. yankinwaoz says:

    Ohhhh… passengers like that woman so piss me off. Really? You can’t wait for the damn plane to stop? You are going to dump luggage on people’s heads for what reason?

  3. Sigma says:

    This is why the flight attendants need tasers -___-

  4. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    bobbo, is that you?

  5. Animby says:

    “Police sources said that when authorities found Slater he seemed to be in the midst having sexual relations.”

    I just wonder why anyone thought this was a reasonable thing to report. And why “seemed to be”? If they weren’t sure what they saw was or was not a sexual activity then THAT might be more interesting then original story.

  6. bobbo, the rape of the poor, middle, and rich class continues says:

    #5–cranky==not this time. I wouldn’t get upset at someone not following the rules. FREEDOM==other people doing things you are told to warn them against.

  7. envirotex says:

    I thought of this blog as soon as I read that story. The guy should get an award.

  8. Hmeyers says:

    Why did this guy get arrested? It is silly.

    He didn’t hurt anyone. He just lost it and did some crazy stuff.

    So a few million dollars will be spent by the government prosecuting this guy because of whatever post-911 FAA laws we have?

    No wonder we have a $15 trillion dollar debt and so little to show for it.

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    If you take that little blue pill, you might want to hurry home. Just guessing.

  10. Awake says:

    Riding on a plane makes obvious just how stupid people really are. Like the idiots that stand up in the back of the plane the moment the ‘ding’ sounds, and then stand there for 10 minutes in the aisle waiting to get off. Or the people in coach that buy $6 lukewarm Budweisers on a one hour flight, because they just have to have a drink while flying in order to “have a good time”. Or the idiot that drops his or her seatback as hard and fast as possible, without even considering the person behind them. Or the lady with the crying baby with the attitude of “Isn’t she precious!”. Or the jerks that bring huge suitcases onboard as carry-on, and then act annoyed and self-important when their bag doesn’t fit anywhere. Or the idiots that wait until the last minute to board, and are pissed off because all the space is taken up by the other jerks that put both their bags in the overhead.

    Maybe the woman in the story was correct to be in a hurry. They probably put her on a connecting flight with only 30 minutes to connect, the plane is already 10 minutes late and she needs to walk 3 miles to get to her next departure gate, around families sprawled in the middle of the walking areas that can’t be bothered to pull in their legs so other people can actually walk.

    Flying sucks… it really sucks.

  11. Dustin says:


  12. Pretty funny
    and they thought that female “stews” could be off the wall and a bit flingy
    Good enough for a movie scene

  13. ellen says:

    Awake, you’re hilarious and absolutely right, though I gotta mention that I’m always about the last one on with nowhere to put my luggage and people looking at me like an irresponsible jerk. But truth is, I’m always the first one at the gate, because I fly stand-by on an employee pass and usually can’t get a seat until the doors are about to close.

  14. interglacial says:

    Sounds like another Chantix case to me.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    Flakes on a plane (passengers or attendants). Another good reason not to fly on those crowded metal sausage tubes called airliners.

  16. ggore says:

    Well, he had to yell at the idiotic passenger, because if she had fallen when the plane actually did come to a stop while getting her bag out of the overhead compartment and hit her head, she would be suing the airlines for $400 million dollars for not telling her to sit down or stay in her seat or not having enough padding on seatbacks, armrests, or floors to prevent injury, thereby causing her horrible physical and mental harm, post-traumatic stress, and total inability to ever work a job again.

  17. B, Dog says:

    So they get to arrest slaves who quit without giving 2 weeks notice? Thanks for the heads up.

  18. Hmeyers2 says:

    @ Pedro …

    This guy should flee to Canada.

    First of all, every US citizen is indebted to the government for $300,000 because they spend a mountain of money on our behalf so he’d make out like a bandit.

    Second, fuck prosecution … just leave this shithole country. It’s not like he did anything wrong.

    He has no luck of seeing actual true justice in this country. He should bolt!

  19. Treated Like Animals says:

    Surly TSA idiots performing random acts of Security Theater

    Passengers stripped of shoes,
    carry-ons, and
    on-board meals

    Deliberately cramped planes,
    Deliberately cramped seats,
    Deliberately cramped luggage racks

    Surly gay stewards and bitchy, ugly stewardesses hoarding sodas and zoo snacks

    Passengers with crying, foul-smelling babies
    (“Obnoxious” would be redundant)

    Passengers who don’t bathe (many “green” advocates, here)
    (“Obnoxious” would be redundant)

    Passengers with cell phones
    (“Obnoxious” would be redundant)

    Surcharges, now, on everything.


    Enjoy your flight, sucker.


    [Spot on! – ed.]

  20. spsffan says:

    They guy should be charged for the beer, and after that, presented with a medal. The passenger should be put on the no fly list.

    The general public should start to realize that 75% of all air travel is unnecessary and harmful to themselves and the planet, and act

    Oh..sorry….general public….realize???? Oxymoron.

  21. the young ones says:

    He started working for the airline at age 10?


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