I found this one on an old cell phone. This is ground training. Before this I had tried to keep him off the ground so that the cats weren’t tempted, but I thought he needed to start to learn how to be on the ground and run.

  1. ECA says:

    REA?? leased?
    REAL- eased?

    Im confused(nothing new there)

  2. ECA says:

    Im waiting.. ..
    For the day he returns..

    Flashes across the yard…
    ZIPS up your leg…
    and sits on your head…..or dives into your pants..

  3. Larry Budd says:

    Marc Perkel died today of rabies, leaving several computers and a rabid squirrel.

  4. soundwash says:

    Very cool Marc.

    -you must have some pretty good energy about you to have gained this level of trust, let alone care enough to see that Ganesha continued his journey of Life.


  5. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and world traveler says:

    I, for one, support the use of upholstered furniture on outside porches before throwing it totally away. Hard Pan and straw cuttings in the back yard.

    Could you ever include a shot of your front yard? I take comfort in knowing I’m not the only one.

  6. Marc Perkel says:

    It’s not energy. I fed him milk. That makes me mommy.

  7. soundwash says:

    #6 Marc:

    It’s not energy. I fed him milk. That makes me mommy.

    I know that’s silly..

    There is much more going on at the energetic level that gives jr. there the “comfort level” to crawl up your leg and chill with you. -if you think he only does it because you fed him milk..(thusly imprinting on you as mommy etc) your missing the bigger (spiritual) picture.

    No matter, it’s all good stuff. Hat’s off to you mate.


  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Marc, I’m sure that your nurturing and friendly “energy” will get high praise when Ganesha writes his autobiography. Falling out of your neighbor’s tree into your yard was a critical turning point in his young life.

  9. lynn says:

    Ganesha looks delicious.

  10. d3dude says:

    You’ll have to teach your squirrel to do this when he get older.

  11. deowll says:

    Father son bonding always makes a good video.

  12. peter_m says:

    #10 d3dude: that is why mammals are so prolific… smart little critters!


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