You’ve got to hand it to the Milwaukee Teacher’s Union; they really have their priorities in order. 482 teachers in the district have been laid off and they’re fighting to have taxpayer funded Viagra. Milwaukee Teacher’s Union has asked a judge to once again force the school board to include erectile dysfunction drugs. They say that it’s discrimination against male employees.

School board lawyers say that the drugs in question were removed from coverage back in 2005 to save the district money. By the way, it would cost $786,000 per year to include Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs. That is some major dysfunction.

Leave it to the unions, they’re also protesting the layoff and potential layoff of hundreds of teachers at the exact same time they’re bellyaching about having a nearly $1 million dollar unnecessary expense reinstated. This is exactly the kind of thing liberals have failed to understand since the beginning of time. You can’t have it all. Pick one. Do you want the teachers to have jobs or do you want your pee-pee drugs?

  1. RTaylor says:

    Do you want a teacher with a normal sex life, or a depressed anxious man loaded up on meds, who can’t perform his job. Erectile dysfunction can have devastating effects on some guys. Antidepressants and diabetes turned off the tap for me. There are other ways to enjoy the company of a woman.

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    Then have him pay for it. I’m fed up paying their bloated pensions as it is. Now they want us to pay for their dick pills. Not to pick on teachers, this applies to all state and municipal workers.

  3. Steve says:

    >>$1 million dollar unnecessary expense reinstate
    I would agree if my wii was busted.

  4. Dallas says:

    ..This is exactly the kind of thing liberals have failed to understand since the beginning of time…

    I’m a liberal and I don’t support this. I’ve never supported this since the beginning of time.

    This is exactly the kind of thing slandering conservasheep have failed to understand since the beginning of time.

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    “Do you want a teacher with a normal sex life, or a depressed anxious man loaded up on meds, who can’t perform his job.”

    you mean there is a choice?

  6. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    “This is exactly the kind of thing liberals have failed to understand since the beginning of time. You can’t have it all. Pick one. Do you want the teachers to have jobs or do you want your pee-pee drugs?” //// False choice of course. Why do so many see a race to the bottom as the only valid approach to more nuanced situations? Stupid presentation of the issue WHEN you consider that UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE “should be” a human right when society is rich enough to provide it===like all other advanced Western Nations do and the USA doesn’t.

    What “ought to” happen is society figure out how much money it is willing to spend on UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE, then prioritize the medical procedures, and start providing and rationing care according to the ability to provide. I suspect sexual disfunction might not make the list===along with wholly premature births and wasteful end of life care, but I’m a lonely ethical eugenicist.

    I got my hard on, screw you.

  7. D Kaiser says:

    I’ll give you my dick when you take it from my cold, dead hands

  8. RSweeney says:

    I don’t understand, can’t these teachers get free or at least reduced price drugs from their students????

  9. LotsaLuck says:

    # 11 RSweeney said, on August 7th, 2010 at 10:06 am

    “I don’t understand, can’t these teachers get free or at least reduced price drugs from their students????”


  10. Kicza says:

    For those of you who think teaching is easy and the pay and benefits are “bloated”, get a teaching license now while you still know everything!

  11. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    Kicza to the Head===that a completely irrelevant straw man of a post. Must be a teacher?

  12. ECA says:

    I remember When teachers TAUGHT, because they wanted to..
    NOW they TEACH, so they can get the Supervisor position ON TOP, that pays 4 times as MUCH as teaching for 1/2 the work.

  13. clancys_daddy says:

    @13, Actually as what is my third career in 40+ years of working I am a teacher. Get over it.

  14. Father says:

    Computer based instruction.

    They are outsourcing/automating everything else.

    Or, send the monsters to India for an English-style education by Indians. They can be fed, taught, and housed there for less than it costs to only educate them here! They’ll come back knowing how to write properly, AND will speak Hindi and a few other Indian languages (something useful rather than fking Spanish).

    How’s that for Globalization.

    No free ED drugs for people who work for the taxpayer (including me).

  15. seetheblacksun says:

    Just having a job in this economy is enough to get me rock hard!

  16. Klaatu says:

    Give the teacher a break! Do you know how tough it must be when he keeps a cheerleader after school and “Junior” won’t function.

  17. raster says:

    #10 ftw!

    too funny!

  18. jaxSF says:

    Pee-Pee Drugs? How insipidly childish. Might that include treatment for prostate cancer or side-effects from injuries? I look forward to the establishment of Republican Erection Panels. They’ll be the ones determining the men from the indentured servants.


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