I miss George.

  1. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    Cats and dogs are nice. Friends of mine walked out during one of his routines on gawd.

    Did he say dogs lick their balls for the same reason we don’t: they can. Makes me wonder what the response really was in a polite Victorian Parlor Room and if any young wags actually trained their pooches to do it?

    Ha, ha. Humor is good for the soul, it cracks open the door for a little truth.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    Hitler only had one testicle? really?

  3. ECA says:

    Realization of OWNING A PET…

    Pets LOVE to look around and Wander. esp DOGS.
    I see Many people get a BIG DOG(to them any way) to protect themselves, in Homes/apt that are TOO SMALL… they don’t/won’t take the dog for walks or runs…

    And dogs are COOL…easy to train them to STICK a nose in ANY FEMALE crotch..

  4. Urotsukidoji says:

    Thanks for posting this video. It’s a good reminder of how funny George Carlin was.

  5. SomeDudeInPA says:

    I miss him too. RIP George

  6. Gildersleeve says:

    I miss the old George, anyway. His last couple of public outings were dark and, I thought, decidedly unfunny. Not in, like, politically correct unfunny, just maudlin.

    His old self shown above, was when he was brilliant. “fuckin’ meow”. HAH!

  7. Stanley says:

    George Carlin..Brilliant comedic mind. Miss ya George..RIP

  8. Rick says:

    Me too.

  9. Bmorebadboy says:

    I saw a cat kill something before and darn it it was cute. They way it pounced on it and ripped its guts out was adorable. This was a stray mind you outside. It then commenced to drag the dead body to a private location. That wasn’t that cute. I guess it wanted to eat in private.


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