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  1. Faxon says:

    My kid eats that crap too. Oh well.

  2. Animby says:

    Before med school I was a programmer. I practically lived on Hot Pockets, Pop Tarts and Tab. Oh, and cigarettes. Didn’t have a microwave in those days. Had a toaster that was designed for bagels and the Hot Pockets fit nicely. No wonder she divorced me.

    A side note: Here in Thailand, I recently found Hot Pockets at the market that sells lots of imported items. These Hot Pockets were imported from Australia and a package of 2 were priced at almost US$10! Didn’t seem worth it to me especially since there’s a bakery in my neighborhood that makes several varieties of savory pies (my favorite is ham and cheese) that are larger, fresher, have less salt, are already crisp and cost about 75 cents each.

  3. James says:

    The second in a series of very lame videos.

    [sez you! — ed]

  4. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and incipient inebriate says:

    I like my “Meal in my Hand” so much I’ve been making my own for years. Got to like them in England years ago: pasties. Then when I took up baking as a hobby, it was convenient to throw left over pizza makings into a quick dough, fold it over, and freeze it. Actually took a few years to recognize a squared off Calzone as the first meat Hot Pocket.

    Very little is new in life. Repackaged?==yes. New?==No.

    My newest project? Making my own liquor starting with everclear. Gin, which I don’t even particularly like, is proving a challenge. Given I only like beer and wine, I may not take the time/headaches to get it down right. Only want it to make Long Island Ice Teas. Already have a recipe thats pretty good without it.

    Does it taste exactly the same? No. But totally worth $3.50 a fifth. Dry red wine will be a real challenge as there are so many good wines for $2.00 or less==Starting with Carlo Rossi Cabernet. Fun to refill bottles and take my swill to the local tasting parties.

    Taste: its all in your mouth.

  5. Father says:

    Eddie looks like Jim J. Bullock who played Monroe in “Too Close For Comfort”.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    Who is this eddie?? are we supposed to know him?
    is he someone at random that you picked outta a hat john?


  7. Animby says:

    Bobbo #4 – Ahh, pasties. When I lived in Scotland with my bonnie beauty, I asked her one day what the heck a Cornish pastie was after all? She described it succinctly as a flaky pastry stuffed with meat trimmings and whatever the butcher swept off the floor. This from a woman who wanted me to learn to love haggis…

    Despite this advice, I tried a pastie and pretty much loved them. And Scotch eggs. Mmmmm. You know, Bobbo, I have traveled and lived in some very uncivilized places in this little world and I’ve eaten some nasty stuff, fried chicken tendons to giant grubs and I have to say, haggis is about the most disgusting stuff there is.

  8. Hot pocket mania. Eddie is our leader!

  9. lynn says:

    I’ve never actually tried a Hot Pocket, but my love for ramen noodles knows no bounds.

  10. bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I am on a budget says:

    #7–Animby==I was walking in a field outside of Edinburgh one day, almost stepped in some haggis. Glad I missed it because I still love the boots I had on.

  11. Type 2 says:

    #2. “Before med school I was a programmer. I practically lived on Hot Pockets, Pop Tarts and Tab. Oh, and cigarettes.”

    Ahem….glad you’re not my doctor.

  12. ECA says:

    90% of Pre-packed food in stores…
    Cheese, Noodles, Flavoring..
    In 100’s of styles and fashions..
    Some even allow you to ADD extra to it.
    So, what is a BOX of MEAT helper worth?
    COST? $0.50..SALE $2.

  13. DLBeard says:

    I ate a breakfast hot pocket this weekend. It was pretty nasty until I put a bunch of “Texas Pete” on it.

  14. Eddie says:

    I’m telling you guys try the Culinary Creations! The artichoke ones are the best!

  15. Tom A. Toews says:

    Calzones bought freshly made from a bakery are awesome. Hot Pockets, on the other hand, are trash.

    Is it possible that haggis is the first hot pocket, and invented by the Scottish? I think that would be an insult to haggis & the Scots!


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