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#30–clancy==I think there are 20 or so countries that do not have an income tax, but as far as I know, EVERYONE has a sales tax of some kind.
Monaco, Litchenstien, Some carribean and pacific island states, that beautiful enclave in Italy all have no Income Tax. Most have a very high net worth test before you can become a citizen there with most requiring a deposit of same within the country.
Its all on par with the Puke’s complaining half the people in the USA don’t pay INCOME tax. The statement is true, the meaning is a lie.
They made tobacco legal, then the trial lawyers sued them. and now the government passes high taxes and creates a market for smuggled product.
I suspect that the conservatives saw this as something that was going to pass regardless, so they decided to make it THEIR issue. Why not play the personal freedom issue so that in November Fox News and the Conservatives can take all the credit for it. Another November win in their column.
God forbid anyone making around $100k/yr and paying close to half that in taxes complains about the situation.
Someone always pipes up with a variation on the “how would we pay for necessary services” argument.
I guess if by necessary functions you include fighting two losing wars, bailing out wealthy bankers, and pervasive corruption and inefficiency, then yeah, the current tax structure is a good one, and we should all just shut up.
brm==more mindless bitching with no alternative.
Fact is, we aren’t paying for the necessary services, much less the unnecessary one’s you list.
Have you got anything at all? Anything?????
Is any level of taxation wrong regardless of the return in services? If not, then you are actually talking about a mismatch rather than an absolute level.
Tell us at least: Absolutist or Value Received???
Taxation is Slavery: waaa, waaaa, waaaaaa. The whining in childish.
Prove me wrong.
I wonder if Dvorak pays Bobbo piecework money to troll this website, or maybe Bobbo just has some sort of psychosis (abnormal condition of the mind) that drives him to respond with inane comments.
#36 bobbo:
“Have you got anything at all? Anything?????”
A reasonable corporate tax rate (20% ish) plus the elimination of the income tax and most of the taxes paid on purchases.
We’d have to cut spending and the size of government.
The best place to start is ending the wars and going after the parts of gov’t that funnel taxpayer money to corporations in the form of kickbacks and unnecessary purchasing.
When I say “eliminate taxes,” I mean eliminate them for people, not corporations.
JB–Its encouragement like yours that keeps me going.
Thank you.
#38–brm==excellent. Not in substance, but you at least made a responsive post.
So–20% tax on corporate profits eh. What range of services would that actually provide? Would it even cover the military and nothing else?
Ohh, oh. No sales tax either???? STARVE THE BEAST!!! So—really, Really, REEEAALLLLY light on the substance. Ha. Ha.
Strange when people “advocate” for a result that is impossible? I guess that is called “fair and balanced” if by that you actually mean “Unfair and unbalance.” Parallel construction does not equal reasonable.
I take it you would eliminate MediCare, Soc Sec, Public Health, Education, NASA, and most other major functions of Government?
Can you list just a few of what you would consent to be taxed for? or those you would eliminate???? Whatever is easiest.
Meanwhile, for fun, I’ll go google the Military Budget. Should be somewhat close to the “reasonable costs” given our wars are fought off budget?
Heh, heh. Yea, verily. If I am a Free Man on my own island, who are all you other guys?
If you guys will do a little research you will find the list wiki has a nice article about it but I am not going to teach you how to use google.
How much money is spent on substance abuse in this country? Aren’t we just adding to the social costs by legalization? We’ll either spend it on criminals or spend it on rehab. And, if we over tax MJ, won’t the criminals still be around?
United Arab Emirates
2009 Figures:
Corp Profit: 1308 Billion. 20% tax = $261 Billion.
Military: $515 Billion
Jeeze DUDE==what are you a COMMUNIST????? Trying to cut our Military in HALF?????
I’m shocked, Shocked, SSSHHHOCCCKKED!!!
How Unamerican!!!! We now spend more than the rest of the World combined on our Military. Surely we should double that, not cut it in half!!!
Silly Hoomans.
LOL the video is 4:20
31 Bo,
““its no better than from a dealer.”: One key benefit to legalization is that the substances become regulated and what they purport to be, not adulterated. ”
Its the pricing..
IF the State cant undercut the Prices of dealers, the dealers will still be around.
This is the same as with, CD/DVD and pirating. Only reason the pirates survive, is PRICE and availability.
ALSO if they Undercut the prices TO MUCH, growers wont even consider it.
Another point is that it will be REGULATED cant grow your own.
HOW did they make tobacco LEGAL? it was NEVER illegal. They have regulated/restricted growth/taxed it to DEATH..but NEVER illegal. COST of 1 pack cigs..BEFORE TAX..about $0.40.
#35 BRM..
Find me a person making $100k gross per year(not in sports, acting) paying 1/2 his income in TAXES and I will show you an idiot.
Also it would be NICE to be able to restrict our Payments to TAXES to those THINGS we wish to pay for. AND it used to be that way. Tax for CERTAIN things, WENT to certain areas. NOW days its LUMPED together, and there is NO responsibility..
There USED to be a LAW against DOUBLE taxation.
Being taxed MORE then 1 time for a service/goods. that Showing you ARE being double/triple/quadruple taxed, isnt always easy.
#38 Brm..
Umm, NO.
Tax corps 50% (20%gov/20%state/10%Social sec)and drop ALL other taxes. NO DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS. let them make all the profit they want.
AS the money the CORP HAS, was mine FIRST.(or it should have been) this leads to money being taxed ONLY 1 time.
Very close.
rehab for MJ, is DOING SOMETHING for 3-4 days..
You need to understand something..It AINT THE POOR that do the most hard drugs. Its to expensive.
MJ is NOT considered a habit forming drug. Its like taking a Heavy duty Muscle relaxant..(WHICH IS habit forming). MOST people that use MJ, use it as a relaxant..JUST to let time go by.
BUT, we used to have a system of BIDDING for jobs in the USA..for gov/state/county/city jobs..NOW we dont.
I would still like a 50% tax of corps..BACK BEFORE the 70’s..your MONEY is YOUR MONEY.
#40 bobbo:
“Can you list just a few of what you would consent to be taxed for? or those you would eliminate???? Whatever is easiest.”
This is all moot.
No one here can answer these questions because we don’t know how much this stuff costs, and more importantly, how much it *should* cost.
Would I cut Medicare or NASA? Jeez, I dunno.
But I’m pretty sure that we’re overpaying for what we’re getting – whether that money is funding an inefficient bureaucracy, inflated salaries, inflated purchase orders to companies lobbying for contracts, or outright theft.
Until we conduct a sweeping multi-year (decade?) investigation by a coalition of truly concerned citizens – not government employees, not corporations, not special interests – we’ll never know enough to get this discussion off the ground.
I want an investigation, a real one, so that we know what the fuck we’re talking about.
Until then, playing imaginary federal budget director and getting all worked up when someone disagrees with your argument that we can’t cut spending or taxes AT ALL (or vice-versa, when someone thinks the corporate tax rate should be zero because Cato claims it equals puppies and rainbows) is a big fat waste of time.
The only axiom is that someone is ripping off the public.
Hey bobbo its not lag time its the fact you don’t know how to use the refresh button but I bet you can attend an internet class at your local library or local vocational school they usually have night classes.
#46 ECA:
“Umm, NO. Tax corps 50%”
Hey, that sounds fine too. I just threw a number out there – I’m not an expert, or anything.
“Find me a person making $100k gross per year(not in sports, acting) paying 1/2 his income in TAXES and I will show you an idiot.”
Find me someone who isn’t paying half in taxes, including all the taxes hidden in the purchase price of goods.
I don’t know where this idea comes from that everyone making a hundred grand a year is some tax evading genius who manages to get $80k worth of value from that salary.
….and Bobbo get your own user name. Don’t need a fake Bobbo.
brm==I share you umbrage, but not your solution. The numbers are plain enough already for those with the willingness to actually form a conclusion: we are in deficit. DEMAND A BALANCED BUDGET: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE UNTIL BALANCED BUDGET IS ACHIEVED.
THEN, appoint your committees and waste your time. Until then, totally foolish to rant against taxes when the first thing you do is admit you don’t have any fact or figures, plan.
My plan won’t work either. All it has going for it is it is something each of us can DO RIGHT NOW.
We’re all just waiting for a hero, and the Retards to die a hastened, by natural causes if must be, death.
Once you get rid of the corruption, what you got is: DEMs==lets tax and spend for social programs. Pukes==lets lower taxes and spend for the benefit of the Super Rich.
And yet the majority of you anti-tax types are Pukes. or a fool in anyone else’s evaluation.
I’ve got mine, screw you.
Free the weed and leave us be.
Everybody calm down and pass the blunt woo hoo.
ALL taxes..that is true..If you want the truth, its over 60% of our money ends up as TAXES..
30% off the top.
Food/transfer/handling/interstate taxes
out of all the taxes, the total is outrageous.
Tax for social services and Keeping things going..Thats Fair.
IF you figure that the GOV taxes to use the MONEY for what the CORP should have done in the FIRST PLACE..
DONT let corps take DEDUCTIONS, take 50% off the top. NO personal taxes..
#52 bobbo:
“we are in deficit”
I agree with you on this. Amend the Constitution to require balanced budgets.
Pretty sure the length of the clip holds a clue to..something..
lets see…
The GOV. uses ANY MONEY they can dream up..
CORPS KNOW the gov will HELP them out of the holes, EVEN pay their BONUS payments to employees..
CC corps are VERY protected..
AND WHAT about YOU AND ME? Why cant we be treated as well as the corps?
OK, everyone reading this..
RUN OUT, TOP OUT your cards, and DONT MAKE PAYMENTS.. After 7 years, they CANT DO ANYTHING.
I wonder how many of you would change your tune if we were talking about prostitution instead of non-violent drug use. For the most part, prostitution is also a victimless crime. So why not tax – and regulate – that too?
Oh wait! I think they already do in certain parts of Nevada. And if I got my facts right, smoking pot in Alaska is also perfectly legal – unless you’re a “Fed.”
Funny they ask people like Palin – I’m sure she’d rather have the police peeping into peoples’ bedroom window to make sure there are no acts of sodomy being committed.
#57–dadeo==you say: “Pretty sure the length of the clip holds a clue to..something” /// and several others have pointed out the fact that the clip is 4.20 (sic=4.21) as if that were significant.
I don’t have a clue what you mean by that.
Can anyone help this troll out? I sure don’t want to post ad naseum on a subject and miss the whole point!
#56==brm==thanks, your good humor has been tested and you’ve held up well. Can you tell it irritates me people think socity comes “for free?” People with a position but no facts come at the subject purely from emotions. Not that the emotions can’t be touching a valid issue or two but after the emotion, there really is no contribution.
#58–BitemeBobbo==well yea! I would think Prostitution should be legalized for most of the same reasons drugs should be too. Its not that keeping things illegal, the public controlled, does not have some good aspects to it but unfortunately, having a moral TALIBAN running around putting people in jail for their voluntary behavior does make the law WORSE THAN THE CRIME. This is squarely recognized in our law. There are felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, non qualifying conditions, etc. Laws based on religious principles that do not have overwhelming support of the people make little sense. Add pornography, Blue Laws, to the list. Even WITH MAJORITY CONSENT these laws violate individual free choice to screw up your own life. I guess State Fascists want to keep that power to themselves.
Thomas Jefferson said it thisaway: “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.”
Yea, Verily