Found by Cinàedh.

  1. LotsaLuck says:

    I think Newt Gingrich once said we should either make drugs legal or make using them a capital offense.

  2. birddog says:

    Tax his land, tax his wage,
    Tax his bed in which he lays.
    Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
    Teach him taxes is the rule.
    Tax his cow, tax his goat,
    Tax his pants, tax his coat.
    Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
    Tax his work, tax his dirt.
    Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
    Teach him taxes are no joke.
    Tax his car, tax his ass
    Tax the roads he must pass.
    Tax his tobacco, tax his drink,
    Tax him if he tries to think.
    Tax his booze, tax his beers,
    If he cries, tax his tears.
    Tax his bills, tax his gas,
    Tax his notes, tax his cash.
    Tax him good and let him know
    That after taxes, he has no dough.
    If he hollers, tax him more,
    Tax him until he’s good and sore.
    Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
    Tax the sod in which he lays.
    Put these words upon his tomb,
    “Taxes drove me to my doom!”
    And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
    We’ll still be after the inheritance TAX!

  3. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    Nice little review but in fairness Glen Beck is an entertainer and Ron Paul is a LIEberTARD.

    Otherwise, video shows the good side of “conservative” thought, just too bad they can’t be more consistent about it.

    Saw this factoid last night: California worlds 8th largest economy, is 19 Billion in Debt. With $50/ounce tax on MJ-State would get 1.4 Billion a year in tax revenue.

    Solution: make ALL DRUGS legal, well labeled, and regulated for safety. Pass Ca Const to require balanced budgets at current tax rates with the additional drug money to be applied against the debt. This would provide assurances to rest of the world that Ca will dig itself out of its hole. After 2-3 years of the sky not falling in, USA could do the same thing.

    Won’t happen. Drug legalization maybe, but the irresponsibility won’t stop until the Iron Hand of Economics grabs USA by the gonads. Its coming.

  4. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    #2–birdbrain==it would be nice if stupidity could be taxed, but such is not the case.

    But instead of mindlessly bitching, why don’t you suggest an alternative? Now, just what might that alternative to taxation be?

    We will all wait for your alternative.

  5. bill says:

    The alternative to taxes is:


    Oh wait, it is already the same thing!

  6. birddog says:

    get off your high horse bobbo the asshole troll its just a poem.

  7. birddog says:

    bobbo is stupidity could be taxed we would solve the debt off of you

  8. Taxes are for losers says:

    Look here. The war is wrong, the bailouts are wrong. I do not support any form of taxation. Legalize Marijuana grow it sell it. take the money spend it in the community.

    Taxes feed the enemy of common man.

  9. birddog says:

    In my area of the country the tax base increased and the businesses left. Went to greener pastures. We need taxes but within reason.

  10. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    Birdbrain===whats your alternative to taxation?

    Answer: its just poetry.

    Ha, ha. Like I said, if only stupidity could be taxed. I’d be happy to contribute my share, but then we would expect that taxing stupidity is SLAVERY! So worn out, it gets posted in jest.

    Poetry without meaning?===Mindless.
    Anti tax without an alternative====untaxed stupidity.

    Silly Hooman.

  11. birddog says:

    Hey bobbo the dumbass try reading I already posted my answer. What a dolt.

  12. Godfish says:

    Hmm what is their angle? These people are never for anything unless it’s going to make them a buck? So they see the money and smell it burning. Oh well if we are all high we won’t riot? Right?

  13. birddog says:

    I guess some people think a country cannot be without taxes but I can name about 12 that do not have taxes and have a better standard of living than you do in the United States.

  14. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:


    All that lost tax revenue. But as usual when talking advanced taxation theory, I left a loophole. In addition to stupidity, we need to put an additional excise tax on lying!!!!!!

    Birdbrain–care to list any of those tax havens you reference??

    Ha, ha. What a dolt. Double tax to the head!!!

  15. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    Say Birdbrain:

    1. You post a stupid poem that is anti-tax and then seek the cover of your own post being irrelevant to what you actually think.

    2. You pounch on the lag time between posting and it showing up to others as some kind of point on your side.

    3. At #9 you say: “We need taxes but within reason.”

    4. At #13 you contradict #9 by saying: “I guess some people think a country cannot be without taxes.”

    5===and unless I miss my guess you are reviewing the tax havens in the world that amount to fraud by the super rich that move there to screw the rest of us.

    With regard to the “ideas” you advance, I only hope those on the borderline looking in might catch a glimpse of themselves and pull back before its too late.

  16. ECA says:

    I love you folks ALLOT.
    Name calling and Slander, and NOT 1 decent Comment.

    I dont care which SIDE you are on..
    MAKE a statement, then DEFEND it with a FEW FACTS.

    YOU HAVE A PERSONAL RIGHT, to do anything you wish to/with YOURSELF AND/OR another consenting ADULT.

    Supporting FACT:
    Laws in this country SHOULD BE created for the interaction of MORE then 1 person. Thats HOW they were Started, and SHOULD be NOW. The gov. Rules should be to/for the PROTECTION of the individual and group from ANY source, internal or EXTERNAL.. NO consideration to CORPS for any favoritism in Rules and regulations.
    Laws ARE NOT there to protect you from TEMPTATION.. If they were, APPLES would be BANNED. THAT is your Moral-ethic to NOT fall for the devils divide. its NOT a NATIONAL CAUSE.

  17. Faxon says:

    It’s the Saturday Bobbo dumbshit show!

  18. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    Faxon/Faxoff==you know its encouragement like yours that keeps me going.

    Thank you.

  19. ctlaurin says:

    For those who didn’t notice, the video is 4:20 long.

  20. bobbo, the stupid dumb guy says:

    Blah blah blah blah bobbo is an idiot blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

    Amazing how a dumbass can take over a discussion thread like this. I wonder if he has a website..that could be some fun reading (if you can get around the grammar and spelling errors)

    [Not the real bobbo, if you haven’t guessed — ed.]

  21. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    bobbo, the stupid dumb guy===you know its encouragement like yours that keeps me going.

    Thank you.

    I don’t have the ego to try a website. Quite a few posting here link to their own websites, all of them quite excellent and mostly unvisited. Probably, “all” of us should have our own websites, if only for ourselves. Really, just an online diary?

    Define: take over and distinguish it from the highest purpose of a blog?

  22. yankinwaoz says:

    I agree that some drugs, such as pot, should be legal and taxed, just like tobacco and alcohol. BUT….

    I think it is a huge mistake the argue, or assume, that we do so in order to fund the state budget. Funding government functions on vice revenue is a foolish idea.

    Case in point: State lotteries and education budgets. Remember when the pro-lottery people were promising mana-from-heaven for the schools if we got a state lottery? “It will be great! We can pay for all our education demands from lottery revenue!” How did that work out? It didn’t.

    We should legalize pot ONLY because it is a waste of tax dollars to criminalize it and because it only serves to fund organized crime.

    Any tax revenue should be considered gravy and should go 100% towards drug enforcement against hard drugs like heroin and meth.

  23. bobbo, the stupid dumb guy says:

    So, I have to ask…are you this annoying in person? If so I feel sorry for the people that have to deal with you on a daily basis.

    Or are you simply another troll that hides behind the anonymity of the Internet? Somehow I’m guessing you’re both.

    fun times here.

  24. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    Yank–why the dividing line between MJ and “hard drugs?” Sure, there are differences, but the similarities are overwhelming. Have the courage of your initial insight.

    Calling something a “vice” is to evidence the mind control the state/moral police want you to have. Shake it off.

    Taxes support the state and its hierarchy of programs. Silly to devote a general revenue tax to a special interest.

  25. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    #24–bobbo, the stupid dumb guy==you ask:

    1===So, I have to ask /// No, you don’t have to, you want to, or you choose to. And as I choose to answer, your retarded cousin will charge me with taking over this thread/blog.

    2==…are you this annoying in person? /// No. I pull my horns in. That is the freedom of posting anonymously.

    3==If so I feel sorry for the people that have to deal with you on a daily basis. /// Actually, I am sought out for my opinion, but you knew that. People with opinions are always sought out. For or against.

    4==Or are you simply another troll that hides behind the anonymity of the Internet? /// Hide? Ideas stand on their own. So does their absence. Given we register with our IP address know by this blog, its simplistic to say posting here is anonymous. Posting real names was addressed here a few weeks ago. I think the balance of comments was that the opinions expressed would be reduced. That sounds right to me.

    5==Somehow I’m guessing you’re both. /// I’ll opine you’re saying that just to be nasty. Your challenge for the rest of today, just today, be nasty but add something redeeming.

    6===fun times here. /// Yes, the water is fine.

  26. Grandpa says:

    Like tatoos, alcohol, weed, homosexuality, religion, ….. I will choose what I want to do.

    I choose not to look like an ex prison felon, I choose to see life through clear non alcoholic eyes, without perversion, and without bias. And, with enough short term memory to remember where my car keys are.

    But, I am an American. As such I feel it is your right to do as you wish as long as it doesn’t impact me in a negative way. It’s your right to be weird. It’s my right to be square. Let’s get on with our rights.

  27. bobbo, the stupid dumb guy says:

    Ok, I’m done with this. I just witnessed a Quizno’s commercial that was FAR more annoying than anything that could be posted here. Gonna go read a John Maeda book.

  28. ECA says:

    My statement could be used in Many areas..But its true even here.
    They are trying to make a LAW over the individual. You cant do that.

    The video is about MJ, and legalizing it to be TAXED to death. Which is no better then getting your MJ from a dealer.
    To make this work, they would have to UNDERCUT the prices. DROP the prices in 1/2 and 2/3’s of the dealers will Dump and run. there is no profit in it.
    Drop the prices to 1/3 to 1/4 and the GROWERS wont even grow. not even the State farmers would grow it.

  29. clancys_daddy says:

    Actually I am still waiting on that list of bird dogs.

  30. bobbo, the lonely ethical eugenicist says:

    ECA==”taxed to death”/// I don’t know what $50 per ounce means but will assume it is “in line” with tobacco or booze? Point being within the subculture, I hope for at least MJ and Heroin, you can grow your own for your own use?

    You lose me though when you say “its no better than from a dealer.”: One key benefit to legalization is that the substances become regulated and what they purport to be, not adulterated. I would pay more for a food item that is inspected and regulated than one from the free market. Its the third biggest reason I don’t do illegal drugs today.

    I assume Black Markets will develop for drugs as they do for every other commodity. Thats fine. Much better problem than the problems of prohibition.


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