Now here’s something you wouldn’t expect. Coca-Cola is being sued by a non-profit public interest group, on the grounds that the company’s vitaminwater products make unwarranted health claims. No surprise there. But how do you think the company is defending itself?
In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that “no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.”
Does this mean that you’d have to be an unreasonable person to think that a product named “vitaminwater,” a product that has been heavily and aggressively marketed as a healthy beverage, actually had health benefits?
Or does it mean that it’s okay for a corporation to lie about its products, as long as they can then turn around and claim that no one actually believes their lies?
Those damn corporations. They think the public is really stupid.
Found by Cinàedh.
I’d assume it was an over hyped bottle of water with negligible traces of vitamin C in it===aka==about the same as every other “health” anything sold.
All kinds of expensive diet aids can be more effectively and cheaply substituted by a multivitamin pill and a glass of milk===and you can even avoid the HighFructoseCornSyrup when doing so.
I would only drink that with vodka.
There are allot of concerns here. FOR ALL HEALTH/SPORTS DRINKS.
Its like the OLD chemistry sets and 24/48 Chemicals inside. and NOW days its 3/4?? MAYBE??
the only way to MAKE SURE someone doesnt get SICK, is to NOT use Fat soluble Vitamins/minerals.
Also the human body is WEIRD.
IF YOU SUPPLY something to your BODY, your BODY STOPS creating the Chemicals YOU SUPPLY.
Then you QUIT/MISS 1-2 days, and your body goes to HELL.
Ever see a COFFEE Person that HASNT had that 1-2 cups of coffee??
Also your body CAN/WILL get rid of MOST Over supply of Water based vit/minerals. but you are over working your body.
Iv mentioned to KIDS about sports drinks(not about HFCS) That drinking these drinks, is WORSE then 3-4 cups of coffee. For al the B vits, and Niacin and CAFFEINE, your BODY gets used to it. THEN you drink it like soda pop, and SIT/DO NOTHING and your body has all this energy…what TO DO..STORE does the BODY store energy?? FAT..
Also, another point..
VITAMIN probably ONLY water soluble Vits. AND I WOULD HOPE they are <25% of your daily allowance.
The NAME says its your Vits, and you will consider this is ALL YOU NEED…WRONG, to the nTH degree.
#2 try Cranberry/raspberry Juice. WONDERFUL.
And the CRan/ BLUEBERRY is great also.
Well if they had only drank Smart Water they would have known that!
#3 Interesting.
I just think they repackaged Kool-Aid with less sugar and jacked up the price.
#1 bobbo said, “I’d assume it was an over hyped bottle of water with negligible traces of vitamin C in it===aka==about the same as every other “health” anything sold.”
My plan is to sell water mixed with a miracle health product called dihydrogen monoxide. It is not just good, it it good for you. I could charge a premium and make millions. I wonder if I could patent it.
“All kinds of expensive diet aids can be more effectively and cheaply substituted by a multivitamin pill and a glass of milk===and you can even avoid the HighFructoseCornSyrup when doing so.”
Not really. I found I need to supplement my multivitamin with a couple 99mg potassium supplements. About three dollars more for a bottle of 50. However, what you said is about accurate. No matter what, you are paying for expensive urine.
something to Ponder.
BASICS of life, requirements to SURVIVE..
Water is #2.
They have learned to sell us WATER.
#1 is AIR/OXY..and they are STARTING THAT NOW.
If you figure that..
the water cost ??
The Vits cost ??
Packaging ??
Shipping ??
Adverts? ??
They pay MORE for the last 3, then for the First 2 added Together.
THE BOTTLE costs more then the Water and Vits.
Even BULK 20oz is $1.25
Im going to say something here..
TRY to find the company. ITS ALL FACEBOOK.
I cant find any info on ingredients..on SUGAR content..I dont like artificial Sugars.
And for those that dont understand this..
YOU SHOULD be able to get MOST/ALL your Vits/minerals/supplements/amino acids/… from the FOOD YOU EAT.
In Cokes defense, FOX claims to be “Fair and Balanced”
No consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking Fair and Balanced meant unbiased and accurate.
@Benjamin- Dihydrogen monoxide!?! That stuff should be banned. It’s turning up in everything. Scientists are finding large amounts of it in rain and run off. Children are literally bathing in it. For the children…ban it now!
Old story: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” If you want to be healthy, eat healthy food.
Disclaimer: when I go hiking on a very warm day, I drink Gatorade diluted by an equal amount of water. I like it, but I don’t pretend it’s healthy.
Anyone who would drink the yellow colored Vitamin Water has a serious fetish problem. Other than that, I don’t see any particular use for this product.
“They’re infiltrating our precious bodily fluids.”
“You’ll have to answer to the Coca-Cola Company!”
However did humanity survive until now drinking just water?
But….It’s got electrolytes?!?
“We have met the enemy and he is us.” Pogo
This is a classic issue, the public wants and indeed is demanding “healthy” food and kind of knows what that is (Oprah told them), but the FDA will not permit labeling because there’s really little proof that “healthy” is indeed healthy.
So the lawyers’ solution is to sue everyone. Sue them if they have beverages without nutrients (empty calories) or sue them if they add nutrients. And Coke’s lawyers respond with weasel talk of their own.
I used to laugh at the idea of paying money for something called “Vitaminwater”. It seemed so stupid to expect it to be any good. Then my 19 year old son told me it tasted pretty good. I tried it when the Walgreens near my gym switched from Calistoga Water to Arrowhead and I couldn’t get my usual cold Calistoga Water. That was about a year ago. I’m hooked on this shit and I think it tastes just like Kool-Aid. Maybe a little better.
I’m drinking one now. I’m getting dumber by the minute.
They have learned to sell us WATER.
You’ve been paying for water for years.
It it isn’t in cash it is in labour for drawing it.
And we have paid for air as well. It is slowly killing us. But then most everything is slowing killing us, including time.
Nothing in life is for free. There is always a price in one way or the other.
Even the label design screams healthy. Come on Coke your just out for the money! Like every other company out there. I guess if your stupid enough to believe their hype. Then you deserve to waste some money on Vitamin Water.
#7 Benjamin:
# 2 Personality said, “I would only drink that with vodka.” AHA! Then it WOULD be a health drink!
This reminds me of Obama claiming the tax penalty for people without health insurance was not a tax, but a fine, then in court claiming that it was constitutional because of the government’s power to tax.
/clue 101
For those who wondering how the “science of food” seems to have gone completely bonkers..(let alone our science [and country] in general), Here is some insight into mentality of all the “Czar” frontmen being created and hired into our government -and the people hiring them.
“The Mapmakers of Society”
This article/summary of a book paints a perfect picture of the “script” they (and their predecessors) have been following since the 1900’s.
Happy wake-up call!
“no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.”
I agree. Read the ingredients. You’d have to be a complete inbred, fucktarded moron to think otherwise. Especially if it’s sold by Coca Cola.
Dihydrogen monoxide is both an acid and a base, would you drink either!. Dihydrogen monoxide is both a coolant and a lubricant would you bath in it! Dihydrogen monoxide is toxic if you drink you were to ingest to much. Local Govt. charges us to receive and remove Dihydrogen monoxide to and from our homes. Dihydrogen monoxide is a conspiracy, right up there with fluoridated water,and the JFK assassination. We as a nation should rise up against this infernal material. Call your councilman, call your mayor, call your Governor, call your congressman, call the president, call your mom and warn her. Dihydrogen monoxide is the devil.
Umm I checked the web and it turns out Dihydrogen monoxide is H20 (water) please disregard previous rant, except for fluoride and JFK. Have a nice day. 😎
#28–clancy==you got no faith at all.
I still LOVE the idea, that you Take STRAIGHT water..
Filter it, Distill it, Process EVERYTHING OUT OF IT..
Then INSTALL the Basic things that SHOULD HAVE been in the water, ALREADY..
i found out about coconut water and have not looked back. 50% coconut water with 50% V8 lite splash of orange.
Combo I like..
Fruit juice, bring to Slow boil..
Add 1 package Knox jello. ONLY 1..
Keep it shaken and it get great..